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Release CI License GO


Tiny CLI tool to remove unwanted connections from your Chia Node based on the Geo IP Location (Country). The Tool is written in golang and acts more like a command line wrapper around chia show... and the cli tool geoiplookup

Getting started


  • Linux, MacOS (never tried it on Windows)
  • git installed
  • go 1.16 installed
  • chia is installed
  • geoiplookup is installed (see below for installation instructions)


You can either install a pre-built binary or build the cli tool from source. If you go with the pre-built binary don't forget that you still need to install geoiplookup.

Pre-Built Binaries

Pre-built binaries can be found on the release page. Keep in mind you will still need the geoiplookup tool installed. They are available for the following platforms:

  • darwin-amd64 (64 Bit MacOS)
  • linux-amd64 (64 Bit Linux)
  • linux-arm64 (64Bit Linux for ARM)

Build from Source

Clone the repository

git clone
cd chia-bouncer

Build the binary

go build

Install geoiplookup and update database

The tool geoiplookup is required to perform the Geo IP Location lookup. Ubuntu 18 and Ubuntu 20 users can simply install it via:

sudo apt-get install geoip-bin

The installed package contains a database which is pretty old. To update it, download the newest from here and unpack to /usr/share/GeoIP

gunzip dbip4.dat.gz
sudo mv dbip4.dat /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat

You can check the age of the Geo IP Location database by running

geoiplookup localhost -v
   GeoIP Country Edition: DBIPLite-Country-CSV_20210401 converted to legacy DB with sherpya/geolite2legacy by

Now you are ready to go.


If your chia executable is located in $HOME/chia-blockchain/venv/bin/chia, you can simply run:

# assumes chia executable is located in $HOME/chia-blockchain/venv/bin/chia
# removes all connections from mars
> chia-bouncer mars

To specify a custom path to your chia executable use --chiaexec or -e

# custom defined chia executable
# removes all connections from "elon on mars"
> chia-bouncer -e /home/steffen/chia-blockchain/venv/bin/chia elon on mars

You can also add another filter to remove all nodes which have a lower or equal down speed (in MiB) than specified. This will be independent of the location filter. It can be done via --down-threshold or -d.

# custom defined chia executable
# remove all connections with down speed lower or equal than 1.52 MiB
# removes all connections from "elon on mars"
> chia-bouncer -e /home/steffen/chia-blockchain/venv/bin/chia -d 1.52 elon on mars

Call with --help or -h to see the help page

> chia-bouncer -h

   chia-bouncer - remove unwanted connections from your Chia Node based on Geo IP Location.

   chia-bouncer -e /chia-blockchain/venv/bin/chia -d 0.2 mars

   Tool will lookup connections via 'chia show -c', get ip locations via geoiplookup and remove nodes from specified LOCATION via 'chia show -r'

   --chia-exec CHIA-EXECUTABLE, -e CHIA-EXECUTABLE     CHIA-EXECUTABLE. normally located inside the bin folder of your venv directory (default: $HOME/chia-blockchain/venv/bin/chia)
   --down-threshold DOWN-THRESHOLD, -d DOWN-THRESHOLD  DOWN-THRESHOLD defines the additional filter for minimal down speed in MiB for filtering. (default: not active)
   --help, -h                                          show help (default: false)

   GNU GPLv3


If you are on Linux or MacOS and you want the see the locations for the current connections you can use the following:

# go chia directory
cd chia-blockchain
# enable venv
. ./activate
# calls chia to show all connections, filter for FULL_NODE, print the ip, 
# print the IP and call geoiplookup command with ip, replace string "GeoIP Country Edition" with ""
chia show -c | grep FULL_NODE | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -I {} sh -c 'echo {} $(geoiplookup {})' | sed 's! GeoIP Country Edition!!'


The script can easily be integrated with cron. Simply open the users crontab via crontab -e and add the following line.

# run chia-bouncer every 2 hours and remove all connections from mars
0 */2 * * * /PATH/TO/chia-bouncer mars

Kind gestures

If you like the tool, and you are open for a kind gesture. Thanks in advance.

  • XCH Address: xch18s8r9v4kpwdx2y8jks5ma4g2rmff0h9dtr5nkc6zmnk5kj6v0faqer6k9v