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Chapter 17: Hard

Nr. Title Solution Time Space Notes
17.1 Add without plus Python O(log(n)) O(log(n)
17.2 Shuffle Python O(n) O(n)
17.3 Random Set Python O(n) O(m)
17.4 Missing Number Python O(n) O(n)
17.5 Letters and Numbers Python O(n) O(n)
17.6 Count of 2s Python O(log(n)) O(1)
17.7 Baby Names Python O(V+E) O(V+E)
17.8 Circus Tower Python O(n^2) O(2^n)
17.9 Kth Multiple Python O(k) O(k) Ok
17.10 Majority Element Python O(n) O(1)
17.11 Word Distance Python O(w*o + max(o)) O(w*o)
17.12 BiNode Python O(n) O(d)
17.13 Re-space Python O(n^2) O(n)
17.14 Smallest K Python O(n * log(k)) O(k)
17.15 Longest Word Python O(w*(lw^2)) O(w*(lw^2))
17.16 The Masseuse Python O(n) O(n)
17.17 Multi-search Python O(n) O(n)
17.18 Shortest Subsequence Python O(b^2 + w * b) O(b^2)
17.19 Missing Two Python O(n) O(1)
17.20 Continuous Median Python
17.21 Volume of Histogram Python
17.22 Word Transformer Python
17.23 Max Black Square Python
17.24 Max Submatrix Python
17.25 Word Rectangle Python
17.26 Sparse Similarity Python