Have Google Cloud SDK installed and run:
gcloud init
This will set up your default project and grant credentials to the Google Cloud SDK. Also, provide credentials so that dsub can call Google APIs:
gcloud auth application-default login
Create the Hummingbird Cloudformation Stack in the target AWS Account and Region. This will create the necessary networking components (i.e. VPC, Subnets, Security Groups) to run Hummingbird.
Install AWS CLI and configure:
aws configure
It will ask for
Access key ID
andSecret access key
. This credential will be used for all resources on AWS. See more instructions here.
Install Azure CLI and login:
az login
Set the Subscription ID:
# Show all accounts
az account list --output table
# Set the Subscription ID or Name gathered from the table above (replace Example Subscription)
az account set --subscription "Example Subscription"