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📖 [译] 《自然语言处理综论(Speech and Language Processing)》第三版


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📖 [译] 《自然语言处理综论(Speech and Language Processing)》第三版

书名 Speech and Language Processing
作者 Dan Jurafsky and James H. Martin
版本 3rd ed. draft
日期 2020-12-30



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翻译 进度 校对
1 Introduction - StarDrewer 100%
2 Regular Expressions, Text Normalization, Edit Distance - StarDrewer 40%
2.1 Regular Expressions
2.2 Words
2.3 Corpora
2.4 Text Normalization
2.5 Minimum Edit Distance
2.6 Summary
Bibliographical and Historical Notes
3 N-gram Language Models
3.1 N-Grams
3.2 Evaluating Language Models
3.3 Generalization and Zeros
3.4 Smoothing
3.5 Kneser-Ney Smoothing
3.6 Huge Language Models and Stupid Backoff
3.7 Advanced: Perplexity’s Relation to Entropy
3.8 Summary
Bibliographical and Historical Notes
4 Naive Bayes and Sentiment Classification
4.1 Naive Bayes Classifiers
4.2 Training the Naive Bayes Classifier
4.3 Worked example
4.4 Optimizing for Sentiment Analysis
4.5 Naive Bayes for other text classification tasks
4.6 Naive Bayes as
4.7 Evaluation: Precision, Recall, F-measure
4.8 Test sets and Cross-validation
4.9 Statistical Significance Testing
4.10 Avoiding Harms in Classification
4.11 Summary
Bibliographical and Historical Notes
5 Logistic Regression
5.1 Classification: the sigmoid
5.2 Learning in Logistic Regression
5.3 The cross-entropy loss function
5.4 Gradient Descent
5.5 Regularization
5.6 Multinomial logistic regression
5.7 Interpreting models
5.8 Advanced: Deriving the Gradient Equation
5.9 Summary
Bibliographical and Historical Notes
6 Vector Semantics and Embeddings
6.1 Lexical Semantics
6.2 Vector Semantics
6.3 Words and Vectors
6.4 Cosine for measuring similarity
6.5 TF-IDF: Weighing terms in the vector
6.6 Pointwise Mutual Information (PMI)
6.7 Applications of the tf-idf or PPMI vector models
6.8 Word2vec
6.9 Visualizing Embeddings
6.10 Semantic properties of embeddings
6.11 Bias and Embeddings
6.12 Evaluating Vector Models
6.13 Summary
Bibliographical and Historical Notes
7 Neural Networks and Neural Language Models
7.1 Units
7.2 The XOR problem
7.3 Feed-Forward Neural Networks
7.4 Training Neural Nets
7.5 Neural Language Models
7.6 Summary
Bibliographical and Historical Notes
8 Sequence Labeling for Parts of Speech and Named Entities
8.1 (Mostly) English Word Classes
8.2 Part-of-Speech Tagging
8.3 Named Entities and Named Entity Tagging
8.4 HMM Part-of-Speech Tagging
8.5 Conditional Random Fields (CRFs)
8.6 Evaluation of Named Entity Recognition
8.7 Further Details
8.8 Summary
Bibliographical and Historical Notes
9 Deep Learning Architectures for Sequence Processing
9.1 Language Models Revisited
9.2 Recurrent Neural Networks
9.3 Managing Context in RNNs: LSTMs and GRUs
9.4 Self-Attention Networks: Transformers
9.5 Potential Harms from Language Models
9.6 Summary
Bibliographical and Historical Notes
10 Contextual Embeddings
11 Machine Translation and Encoder-Decoder Models
11.1 Language Divergences and Typology
11.2 The Encoder-Decoder Model
11.3 Encoder-Decoder with RNNs
11.4 Attention
11.5 Beam Search
11.6 Encoder-Decoder with Transformers
11.7 Some practical details on building MT systems
11.8 MT Evaluation
11.9 Bias and Ethical Issues
11.10 Summary
Bibliographical and Historical Notes
12 Constituency Grammars
12.1 Constituency
12.2 Context-Free Grammars
12.3 Some Grammar Rules for English
12.4 Treebanks
12.5 Grammar Equivalence and Normal Form
12.6 Lexicalized Grammars
12.7 Summary
Bibliographical and Historical Notes
13 Constituency Parsing
13.1 Ambiguity
13.2 CKY Parsing:
13.3 Span-Based Neural Constituency Parsing
13.4 Evaluating Parsers
13.5 Partial Parsing
13.6 CCG Parsing
13.7 Summary
Bibliographical and Historical Notes
14 Dependency Parsing
14.1 Dependency Relations
14.2 Dependency Formalisms
14.3 Dependency Treebanks
14.4 Transition-Based Dependency Parsing
14.5 Graph-Based Dependency Parsing
14.6 Evaluation
14.7 Summary
Bibliographical and Historical Notes
15 Logical Representations of Sentence Meaning
15.1 Computational Desiderata for Representations
15.2 Model-Theoretic Semantics
15.3 First-Order Logic
15.4 Event and State Representations
15.5 Description Logics
15.6 Summary
Bibliographical and Historical Notes
16 Computational Semantics and Semantic Parsing
17 Information Extraction
17.1 Relation Extraction
17.2 Relation Extraction Algorithms
17.3 Extracting Times
17.4 Extracting Events and their Times
17.5 Template Filling
17.6 Summary
Bibliographical and Historical Notes
18 Word Senses and WordNet
18.1 Word Senses
18.2 Relations Between Senses
18.3 WordNet:
18.4 Word Sense Disambiguation
18.5 Alternate WSD algorithms and Tasks
18.6 Using Thesauruses to Improve Embeddings
18.7 Word Sense Induction
18.8 Summary
Bibliographical and Historical Notes
19 Semantic Role Labeling
19.1 Semantic Roles
19.2 Diathesis Alternations
19.3 Semantic Roles: Problems with Thematic Roles
19.4 The Proposition Bank
19.5 FrameNet
19.6 Semantic Role Labeling
19.7 Selectional Restrictions
19.8 Primitive Decomposition of Predicates
19.9 Summary
Bibliographical and Historical Notes
20 Lexicons for Sentiment, Affect, and Connotation
20.1 Defining Emotion
20.2 Available Sentiment and Affect Lexicons
20.3 Creating Affect Lexicons by Human Labeling
20.4 Semi-supervised Induction of Affect Lexicons
20.5 Supervised Learning of Word Sentiment
20.6 Using Lexicons for Sentiment Recognition
20.7 Other tasks: Personality
20.8 Affect Recognition
20.9 Lexicon-based methods for Entity-Centric Affect
20.10 Connotation Frames
20.11 Summary
Bibliographical and Historical Notes
21 Coreference Resolution
21.1 Coreference Phenomena: Linguistic Background
21.2 Coreference Tasks and Datasets
21.3 Mention Detection
21.4 Architectures for Coreference Algorithms
21.5 Classifiers using hand-built features
21.7 Evaluation of Coreference Resolution
21.8 Winograd Schema problems
21.9 Gender Bias in Coreference
21.10 Summary
Bibliographical and Historical Notes
22 Discourse Coherence
22.1 Coherence Relations
22.2 Discourse Structure Parsing
22.3 Centering and Entity-Based Coherence
22.4 Representation learning models for local coherence
22.5 Global Coherence
22.6 Summary
Bibliographical and Historical Notes
23 Question Answering
23.1 Information Retrieval
23.2 IR-based Factoid Question Answering
23.3 Entity Linking
23.4 Knowledge-based Question Answering
23.5 Using Language Models to do QA
23.6 Classic QA Models
23.7 Evaluation of Factoid Answers
Bibliographical and Historical Notes
24 Chatbots
24.1 Properties of Human Conversation
24.2 Chatbots
24.3 GUS: Simple Frame-based Dialogue Systems
24.4 The Dialogue-State Architecture
24.5 Evaluating Dialogue Systems
24.6 Dialogue System Design
24.7 Summary
Bibliographical and Historical Notes
25 Phonetics
25.1 Speech Sounds and Phonetic Transcription
25.2 Articulatory Phonetics
25.3 Prosody
25.4 Acoustic Phonetics and Signals
25.5 Phonetic Resources
25.6 Summary
Bibliographical and Historical Notes
26 Automatic Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech
26.1 The Automatic Speech Recognition Task
26.2 Feature Extraction for ASR: Log Mel Spectrum
26.3 Speech Recognition Architecture
26.4 CTC
26.5 ASR Evaluation: Word Error Rate
26.6 TTS
26.7 Other Speech Tasks
26.8 Summary
Bibliographical and Historical Notes
Subject Index


📖 [译] 《自然语言处理综论(Speech and Language Processing)》第三版








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