Graduation Project: A deep neural network for point cloud semantic segmentation, part of the SSVIO project
title : 3D Semantic Parsing of Large-Scale Indoor Spaces,
author : Iro Armeni and Ozan Sener and Amir R. Zamir and Helen Jiang and Ioannis Brilakis and Martin Fischer and Silvio Savarese,
booktitle :Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
year : 2016
Newest result
- color pointcloud
- ground truth
- net test result (batchsize:8, epoches:300, points:32768, testarea:Area_5)
Do not try use point num more than 4096 or batch size more than 32 to train sceneseg
if your GPU memory is less than 12 GB
Loading data of 5 Areas may take memory around 18 GB,
if you lack memory, you can subsample before training by using --subscale
- Pytorch:
- argparse:
pip install argparse
- tqdm:
pip install tqdm
- matplotlib
- TensorboardX
pip install tensorboardX
pip install tensorboard
- PCL:
- Stanford3dDataset:;tab=objects?pli=1&prefix&forceOnObjectsSortingFiltering=false
- Download Stanford3dDataset to {YOUR_DIRECTORY}/StarNet/data
- Name the directory as Stanford3dDataset_v1.2_Aligned_Version
- Download SUNRGBD data For Semantic Segmentation to {YOUR_DIRECTORY}/StarNet/data
- Name the directory as SUNRGBD
- Go to {YOUR_DIRECTORY}/StarNet/data
- Run following code
mkdir build
cd ./build
cmake ..
- After generating bin file, go to {YOUR_DIRECTORY}/SSVIO/bin
- Run following code to show the room
./run_data_visualizer {Area_num} {Room_name}
- Run following code to show rgbd image and semantic segmentation
./run_label_viewer {test/train} {image_num}
- Run this to remove saved pcd data:
bash ./
- Run the following code at /app/ to train your model
python [optins]
python [optins]
option include:
--batchsize for input batch size
--pointnum for points per room/sample
--subscale for Dataset subsample before training
--nepoch for number of epochs to train for
--dataset for dataset path
--outn for output model name
--model for history model path
--workers for number of workers to load data
--testarea for Area you want to test with (skip while training)
- Run the following code at /app/ to test the model you trained
python [optins]
python [optins]
option include:
--dataset for dataset path
--model for history model path
--pointnum for points per room/sample
--subscale for Dataset subsample before training
--outn for output file name
--workers for number of workers to load data
--testarea for Area you want to test with (skip while training)
- While Training, it will generate loss chart at the same time
- Using, just type in the room/sample num will save the result in pcd format at /data/savings
- Using tensorboard (logdir = /log) to watch the loss curve
Student from HITSZ Automatic Control NRS-lab