Releases: StateVoicesNational/Spoke
October 2024: Version 14.1.2
14.1.2 is a patch release.
Bug Fixes
- #2488 - Fix Redis and readonly DB certificate issues - @jeffm2001
- #2490 - Fix Bandwidth sending - @jeffm2001
- #2491 - Avoid error on opt-out - @jeffm2001
- #2493 - Fix broken docker image build - @engelhartrueben
- #2442 - Add instructions for local postgres - @sjwmoveon
- #2478 - Allow pausing of initial messages - @jeffm2001
- #2494 - Heroku Plan Update - @engelhartrueben
- #2498 - Remove unused variables causing /phone-numbers blank screen error for Admins - @mau11
- #2492 - Fix UserInputError GraphQL errors - @jeffm2001
October 2024: Version 14.1.1
14.1.1 is a patch release.
Bug Fixes
- #2471 - Fix Landline Scrubber - @engelhartrueben
- #2472 - Fix Redis Async Errors - @mau11
- #2473 - Fix Archive UI Bug - @engelhartrueben
September 2024: Version 14.1
14.1 is minor release. This release worked on several aspects of the application, including UI, SQLite Reliability, and a new Dynamic Replies Feature (Thanks MoveOn!)
Note on Twilio Toll Free and Short Code Support
Toll Free and Short Code Support will come in the next version upgrade. We were unable to completely verify this new feature worked due to how difficult it is to come across Short Code numbers. Thank you for your ongoing patience and support.
Maureen Zitouni, Ruby Engelhart, Schuyler Duveen, Megan Brown, Stefan Hayden, Jeff Mann, Mitchell Verter, Sophie Waldman, MoveOn
- New UI for Google Docs Script Imports w/ Fix
- New UI for Campaign Stats
- A new Dynamic Replies Feature - Thanks MoveOn!
- Improved Logging Clarity
- Improved SQLite Reliability
- Additional Documentation
- Improved GitHub Integration
- General Package Upgrades
Included PR's
- #2408 - Group survey stats - @schuyler1d
- #2375 - typo - @mau11
- #2376 - improving logs - @engelhartrueben
- #2377 - package upgrades - @engelhartrueben
- #2378 - WSL documentation - @engelhartrueben
- #2370 - upgrade dotenv - @stefanhayden
- #2380 - fix deprecated github command - @engelhartrueben
- #2415 - fix past contacts query - @schuyler1d
- #2387 - fix typos found in documentation - @engelhartrueben
- #2422 - update phone number button names - @mabrownnyu
- #2389 - fix sqlite - @engelhartrueben & @schuyler1d
- #2423 - Update MoveOn’s PR to work with Spoke v14 - @mau11 + MoveOn (@sjwmoveon, @crayolakat, @codygordon, @ibrand, @technicalex)
- #2431 - Allow Org specific message handlers - @jeffm2001
- #2432 - Google Docs UI - @engelhartrueben
- #2371 - Upgrade cypress from 5.6.0 to 13.11.0 - @stefanhayden
- #2417 - use relative paths for markdown links - @mcverter
- #2416 - alphabetize organizations - @mcverter
- #2451 - Update texter view styling to be more responsive - @mau11
- #2452 - Fix type error when saving or deleting canned responses with tags - @mau11
- #2455 - Google API, Base64 implementation - @engelhartrueben
- #2459 - Remove attempted reassignment of read-only object, nextProps - @mau11
Package Upgrades
Package | Previous Version | New Version |
@apollo/client | ^3.9.8 | ^3.10.8 |
@apollo/server | ^4.10.1 | ^4.10.4 |
@aws-sdk/client-cloudwatch | ^3.535.0 | ^3.609.0 |
@aws-sdk/client-cloudwatch-events | ^3.535.0 | ^3.609.0 |
@aws-sdk/client-lambda | ^3.535.0 | ^3.609.0 |
@aws-sdk/client-s3 | ^3.535.0 | ^3.609.0 |
@aws-sdk/client-sqs | ^3.535.0 | ^3.609.0 |
@aws-sdk/s3-request-presigner | ^3.535.0 | ^3.609.0 |
@babel/cli | ^7.24.1 | ^7.24.7 |
@babel/core | ^7.24.1 | ^7.24.7 |
@bable/eslint-parser | ^7.24.1 | ^7.24.7 |
@babel/plugin-proposal-export-default-from | ^7.18.10 | ^7.24.7 |
@babel/plugin-syntax-flow | ^7.14.5 | ^7.24.7 |
@babel/plugin-transform-class-properties | ^7.23.3 | ^7.24.7 |
@babel/plugin-transform-nullish-coalescing-operator | ^7.23.4 | ^7.24.7 |
@babel/plugin-transform-optional-chaining | ^7.23.4 | ^7.24.7 |
@babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx | ^7.14.9 | ^7.24.7 |
@babel/plugin-transform-runtime | ^7.24.3 | ^7.24.7 |
@babel/preset-env | ^7.23.9 | ^7.24.7 |
@babel/preset-react | ^7.18.6 | ^7.24.7 |
@babel/preset-typescript | ^7.18.6 | ^7.24.7 |
@babel/register | ^7.23.7 | ^7.24.6 |
@bandwidth/numbers | ^1.7.0 | ^1.10.0 |
@graphql-tools/schema | ^10.0.3 | ^10.0.4 |
auto0-js | ^9.24.1 | ^9.26.1 |
aws-sdk | ^2.6.3 | ^2.1655.0 |
bandwidth-sdk | ^1.0.1 | ^1.0.2 |
eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y | ^6.6.1 | ^6.9.0 |
eslint-plugin-react | ^7.31.10 | ^7.34.3 |
eslint-plugin-react-hooks | ^4.3.0 | ^4.6.2 |
express | ^4.14.0 | ^4.19.2 |
google-libphonenumber | ^3.2.34 | ^3.2.35 |
googleapis | ^39.2.0 | ^144.0.0 |
graphql | ^16.8.1 | ^16.9.0 |
humps | ^1.1.0 | ** 2.0.1 |
nodemailer | ^6.9.9 | ^6.9.14 |
pg | ^8.11.3 | ^8.12.0 |
pg-connection-string | ^2.4.0 | ^2.6.4 |
pg-query-stream | ^4.5.3 | ^4.6.0 |
redis | ^4.6.13 | ^4.6.15 |
timezonecomplete | ^5.5.0 | ^5.13.1 |
webpack | ^5.90.2 | ^5.92.1 |
** humps
is no longer maintained as of Oct 2023 - 2.0.1 is final verison. Source
August 2024: Version 14.0.2
14.0.2 is a patch release.
Bug Fixes
July 2024: Version 14.0
14.0 is a major release. This release upgrades Node 16 to Node 20. By upgrading to Node 20, Spoke is now stable and secure until Q1 of 2026.
As this is StateVoices's first major release, we would like to express our gratitude to all contributors, MoveOn and its previous Community Managers, and the Progressive Coders Network for their continued support and belief in open-source software and Movement Technology.
Maureen Zitouni, Ruby Engelhart, Arique Aguilar, Larry Person, Schuyler Duveen, Megan Brown, Daniel Bond, Ilona Brand, Kathy Nguyen
New Features
There are no new features to this update. This update is purely for stability and security.
- Upgraded Node 16 to Node 20
- Updated apollo to use Apollo Client v3 and Apollo Server v4
- Upgraded 48 and removed 15 packages
- Created GSIntegerField for integer form validation
- Fixed Google Docs integration for script imports
Package | Prev. Version | New Version | Notes |
@apollo/client | ** | ^3.9.8 | Apollo Client v3; replaced older Apollo packages |
@apolo/server | ** | ^4.10.1 | Apollo Server V4; replaced older Apollo packages |
@aws-* | ** | ^3.535.0 | All packages were upgraded/implemented via AWS codemod. These changes were in response to upgrading aws-sdk to V4. |
@babel/cli | ^7.19.3 | ^7.24.1 | *** |
@babel/core | ^7.19.6 | ^7.24.1 | *** |
@babel/plugin-syntax-flow | ** | ^7.14.5 | for unmet peer dependency :: react-scripts > eslint-config-react-app > eslint-plugin-flowtype@8.0.3 |
@babel/plugin-transform-class-properties | ** | ^7.23.3 | *** |
@babel/plugin-transform-nullish-coalescing-operator | ** | ^7.23.4 | *** |
@babel/plugin-transform-optional-chaining | ** | ^7.23.4 | *** |
@babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx | ** | ^7.14.9 | for unmet peer dependency :: react-scripts > eslint-config-react-app > eslint-plugin-flowtype@8.0.3 |
@babel/plugin-transform-runtime | ^7.19.6 | ^7.24.3 | *** |
@babel/preset-env | ^7.20.2 | ^7.23.9 | *** |
@babel/register | ^7.18.9 | ^7.23.7 | *** |
@babel/traverse | ** | 7.23.2 | *** |
@graphql-tools/graphql-file-loader | ** | ^8.0.1 | *** |
@graphql-tools/load | ** | ^8.0.2 | *** |
@graphql-tools/schema | ** | ^10.0.3 | *** |
auth0-js | ^9.14.3 | ^9.24.1 | *** |
babel-loader | ^9.1.0 | ^9.1.3 | *** |
bandwidth-sdk | ** | ^1.0.1 | Replaces @bandwidth/messaging |
cookie-session | ^2.0.0-alpha.1 | ^2.1.0 | *** |
dataloader | ^1.2.0 | ^2.2.2 | *** |
eslint-plugin-react-hooks | ** | ^4.3.0 | *** |
google-libphonenumber | ^3.0.0 | ^3.2.34 | *** |
graphql | ^0.13.2 | ^16.8.1 | *** |
graphql-type-json | ^0.1.4 | ^0.3.2 | *** |
isomorphic-fetch | ^2.2.1 | ^3.0.0 | *** |
knex | ^2.3.0 | ^3.1.0 | *** |
moment-timezone | ^0.5.14 | ^0.5.45 | *** |
nodemailer | ^6.4.16 | ^6.9.9 | *** |
pg | ^8.0.3 | ^8.11.3 | *** |
pg-query-stream | ^1.1.1 | ^4.5.3 | *** |
redis | 3 | ^4.6.13 | *** |
react-dnd | ** | 7.7.0 | *** |
rollbar | ^2.4.4 | ^2.26.4 | *** |
terser-webpack-plugin | 4 | ^5.3.10 | *** |
twilio | ^3.40.0 | ^4.23.0 | *** |
typescript | ** | ^3.2.1 | *** |
webpack | ^5.74.0 | ^5.90.2 | *** |
Developer Packages
Package | Prev. Version | New Version | Notes |
@babel/eslint-parser | ^7.19.1 | ^7.24.1 | *** |
enzyme-adapter-react-16 | ^1.15.6 | ^1.15.8 | *** |
eslint | ^8.26.0 | ^8.56.0 | *** |
eslint-plugin-import | ^2.26.0 | ^2.29.1 | *** |
jest-when | ^3.4.1 | ^3.6.0 | *** |
jest-environment-jsdom | ** | ^29.7.0 | *** |
nock | 11.9.1 | 13.5.4 | *** |
supertest | ^6.2.3 | ^6.3.4 | *** |
webpack-cli | ^4.7.2 | ^4.10.0 | *** |
** New package
*** Packages that were either upgraded due to a peer dependency conflict or because there was minimal to no changes to the code.
Removed Packages
Package | Reason |
@bandwidth/messaging | Deprecated. Replaced by bandwidth-sdk |
apollo-cache-inmemory | Removed to use Apollo Client v3 and Apollo Server v4 packages, @apollo/client and apollo/server in their place |
apollo-client | Removed to use Apollo Client v3 and Apollo Server v4 packages, @apollo/client and apollo/server in their place |
apollo-link | Removed to use Apollo Client v3 and Apollo Server v4 packages, @apollo/client and apollo/server in their place |
apollo-link-error | Removed to use Apollo Client v3 and Apollo Server v4 packages, @apollo/client and apollo/server in their place |
apollo-link-http | Removed to use Apollo Client v3 and Apollo Server v4 packages, @apollo/client and apollo/server in their place |
apollo-server-express | Removed to use Apollo Client v3 and Apollo Server v4 packages, @apollo/client and apollo/server in their place |
apollo-utilities | Removed to use Apollo Client v3 and Apollo Server v4 packages, @apollo/client and apollo/server in their place |
camelcase-keys | Deprecated. Replaced with already used package humps |
graphql-tools | Replaced by @graphql-tools/schema |
node-abort-controller | Removed due to native support |
url-join | Removed due to native support |
react-apollo | Deprecated. Replaced with Apollo Client and flowRight from lodash |
recompose | Deprecated. Required major refactor of many exports. |
selenium-webdriver | Not used in the code base. |
Full Changelog: 13.1.0...v14.0