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Draw Steel Bestiary


Most of the information presented in a creature’s stat block is self-explanatory, and matches the statistics of hero player characters. However, a few differences are worth noting. (Playtest note: Right now, creatures are color coded, but this won’t be the only way we indicate different features.Icons are coming too. What are presented in this packet are temporary playtest stat blocks until we get real layout.)

FOR THE DIRECTOR The information in this Bestiary playtest packet is for the Director, and all references to> “you” in the packet refer to the director. If you’re a player who isn’t planning on also running games, you should> stop> reading now so your foes’ abilities remain a surprise .


If a creature knows at least one language, their stat block has a Languages entry that shows the languages they know.Creatures who don’t know any languages don’t have this entry.


Each creature has one or more keywords. These keywords don’t necessarily mean anything on their own, but special rules might apply to them. For instance, a creature with the Goblin keyword benefits from and can contribute to goblin VillainPower abilities (see below).


Each Director-controlled creature has an encounter value (abbreviated EV) that is used in building encounters. SeeEncounter Building for more information.


When a Director-controlled creature makes a free strike,they don’t roll. Instead, their stat block features a Free Strike stat representing the amount of damage they deal with a melee free strike with a distance of reach 1 or the creature’s signature action, whichever is higher. This is also the amount of damage they deal with a ranged free strike with a distance equal to 5 or the range of the creature’s signature action, whichever is higher. Unless otherwise noted, a free strike in a trait is a weapon attack. Creature free strikes are a static number for two reasons. First, it keeps gameplay fast.You don’t have to stop play to roll dice, and there’s no chance of a creature rolling a critical hit and bogging things down further when it isn’t their turn. Second, by keeping these static values relatively low, heroes are encouraged to take more risks when it really counts, even if that might result in them taking damage from a free strike.


Even though a Director-controlled creature doesn’t have to roll when they make a free strike, if they have a bane onattacks against a creature, they still can’t make an opportunity attack against them.


Every creature has a signature action, which is the first action that appears in their stat block.


Many creatures have traits, which are features that don’t require an action, maneuver, or triggered action to activate,such as the [[Goblin Monarch|goblin monarch]]’s Crafty trait.


Many creatures have abilities that require Villain Power (abbreviated VP) to activate. See Villain Power for moreinformation.


Certain creatures have the ability to take damage in order to end one EoE (end of encounter) effect currently affectingthem. The damage the creature takes to end the effect can’t be reduced in any way.


The solo and boss creatures presented in this book are designed to be fought in climactic battles at the end of an adventure or campaign. Because of this, they get special abilities called villain actions.

A creature with villain actions always has three. Each villain action can be used only once per encounter, and no more than one villain action can be used per round. A creature can use a villain action at the end of any other creature’s turn during combat. Villain actions are numbered and intended to be used in a specific order that creates a logical encounter flow and cinematic arc, but you can use them in any order you choose.

The first villain action is an opener, which shows the heroes they’re not battling a typical creature. Openers generally deal some damage, summon a lackey or three, buff the boss, debuff the heroes, or move the creature into an advantageous position. They’re a taste of what’s to come.

The second villain action provides crowd control. It typically activates after the heroes have had a chance to respond once or twice to the villain, move into position, and surround the villain. This second action helps the villain regain the upper hand. Like an opener, this action comes in many flavors, but it’s even more powerful than an opener.

The third and final villain action is an ultimate move or “ult”—a showstopper that the villain can use to deal a devastating blow to the heroes before the end of the battle. If you have more than two creatures with villain actions in an encounter (which should be a rare, if at all occurrence), only one villain action total may be used per round.


Some creature abilities say “[Characteristic Abbreviation] RR” instead of providing a dice equation. This means that instead of the creature rolling when the ability is used, the target of the ability must make a resistance roll with the indicated characteristic against the ability’s effects.


A creature’s role describes its function in combat in a general sense. Roles are descriptive, and most don’t follow special rules—they simply help you build encounters and use creatures effectively in combat. (Playtest note: A lot more guidance for using roles in building encounters is coming.)


Ambushers are melee warriors who can slip by beefier heroes to reach squishier targets in the back lines.


Artillery creatures fight best from afar, and can use their most powerful abilities at great distance.


Boss creatures are powerful commanders who often serve as villains at the climax of adventures and campaigns. They have better Stamina and damage output than other creatures, and often aid those creatures—or can sacrifice lesser allies for their own benefit.


Brutes are hardy creatures who have lots of Stamina and deal lots of damage. They have abilities and traits that make them difficult to ignore and hard to get away from, and that let them push enemies around.


Controllers are creatures who change the battlefield, often with magic or psionics. They reposition foes and alter terrain to make it more advantageous for their allies. Controllers are often on the squishier side, so they need some protection!


Defenders are tough creatures able to take a lot of damage, and who can force enemies to attack them instead of squishier targets. Defenders often act in squads with allies who have lower Stamina, such as controllers and hexers.


Harriers are mobile warriors who make definitive use of hit-and-run tactics. Their traits allow them to makethe most of their positioning on the battlefield.


Hexers specialize in debuffing enemies with conditions and other effects. They are generally squishy and rely on allies to help defend them.


Mounts are mobile creatures meant to be ridden in combat , and who make their riders even more dangerous. Mounts act atthe same time as their riders.


A solo creature is an action-oriented creature capable of tak ing on the player characters on their own, or with thebackup of just a handful of underlings. (Playtest note: There are no solo creatures in this packet.)


Support creatures specialize in aiding their allies, providing buffs, healing, movement, or action options.


If a creature has an ability or trait that allows them to grab another creature, they can have only one creature grabbed at a time unless their stat block specifies otherwise. If the creature has already grabbed the maximum number of creatures, the ability or trait used to grab can’t be used against another target unless the creature releases an already grabbed target.


Minions are weaker enemies who are made to die fast and to be threatening in large squads. Minion is a monster role that always has another role such as artillery or brute attached to it, so you know what the minion does well in addition to being a minion. The knowledge of how minions work isn’t a secret, and shouldn’t be kept from the players. Share the information in this section with them! They’ll have a lot more fun battling minions and shaping narrative around taking out multiple foes at once if they understand how the rules work.


Minions with the same name (for instance, “[[Goblin Sniper|goblin sniper]]”) can be organized into squads. All members of a minion squad act together on the same initiative, and can make squad attacks (see Squad Action).


Minions have low Stamina and fall quickly in battle. They allow heroes to feel extra heroic, since a hero might kill several minions at once, depending on those minions’ level and encounter value!

Each squad of minions shares a Stamina pool, with initial Stamina equal to each individual minion’s Stamina multiplied by the number of minions in the squad. For example, [[Goblin Sniper|goblin snipers]] each have Stamina 5, so a squad of four snipers has a Stamina pool of 20. Whenever a minion in a squad takes damage, the squad’s Stamina pool is reduced by a number equal to the damage taken.

Because minion Stamina is tracked as a pool, minions can’t be winded and can’t regain Stamina during a battle.


Whenever a minion squad’s Stamina pool is reduced by an amount equal to an individual minion’s Stamina, one minion dies or otherwise gets taken out of the fight. If a squad of [[Goblin Sniper|goblin snipers]] has its Stamina pool reduced to 15, then the minion who took the damage that reduced the pool dies. When the Stamina pool hits 10, 5, and finally 0, another minion in the squad dies. If multiple minions take the damage that results in the pool dropping low enough to kill one minion, the creature who dealt the damage to the minions decides which of those minions dies.


If a single attack reduces a minion squad’s Stamina pool by an amount of damage equal to the Stamina of multiple minions, multiple minions are taken out by the damage. Start with minions who took the damage first. If all those minions are eliminated and there is still more damage to account for , the minions nearest to the ones who were taken out suffer the same fate. For instance, if one [[Goblin Sniper|goblin sniper]] takes 12 damage from a fury’s Brutal Slam ability, that sniper dies and another nearby sniper also gets taken out. Allow the player to narrate how their hero takes out additional minions killed by a single attack. Maybe each minion is within striking distance of the hero, who makes multiple brutal weapon attacks with a single action. Maybe the body of the original target is hurled into an unfortunate ally. Maybe additional minions affected by a single attack pass out from fright! Taking out multiple minions is a chance to play up the cinematic part of the game.


Minion squads are particularly susceptible to damage dealing area abilities and attacks that target multiple creatures, because the minion squad’sStamina pool takes damage each time an individual minion takes damage. If three goblin minions are hit with a conduit’s Lightfall ability that deals 4 holy damage to each target in its area, the minion pool loses 12 Stamina!


When you’re preparing a battle with minions, it helps to take a moment and write out the different amounts of damage at which a minion squad suffers a loss of one of their minions. For instance, a squad of [[Goblin Sniper|goblin snipers]] loses a minion when they take a total of 5, 10, 15, and 20 damage. If you do the math before combat starts (or take a quick moment to jot it down during a pause in combat), it’ll help things run smoothly.


Some minions are stronger than others . This lets you create squads of differing numbers of minions to keep the heroes on their toes as you build encounters that fit your needs. Some minions attack and die in droves, such as the lowly pitling demon with Stamina 4. Others might be able to absorb the damage of one or two signature actions before they drop, such as the [[Radenwight Ratagast|radenwight ratagast]] with Stamina 12. Both are level 1 minions, but their EVs are different. Fewer ratagasts can and should be used in a battle as compared to pitlings, and the heroes will need to use their best abilities to kill several of those more powerful minions at once.


When minions act, each minion in the squad must use their action in concert. This is because minions have squad attacks that require participation from all minions, requiring all individual attacks to happen at the same time.

Like all creatures, an individual minion—or all the minions in a squad—can elect to take no action on a turn.


Minion turns are meant to be short. On their turn, each minion can take only a move action and an action, a move action and a maneuver, or two move actions.

Minions can make opportunity attacks, but they typically don’t have bespoke triggered actions, keeping them easy to run.


Each minion has a signature action that is an attack ability target ing one creature. When multiple minions in a squad use their signature action on a turn, make one roll for the whole squad. Each minion must target a different creature with their signature action. Many minion signature actions benefit from the squad being close together, so don’t spread them out too far!

If a squad has minions who don’t use their signature action, those minions can still contribute to the squad’s effectiveness. Each such minion can use an action to increase the damage to one target of the signature action by an amount equal to the minion’s free strike value, as long as that target is within distance of the minion as if the minion were using the action, and the minion has line of effect to the target.

If a minion squad gets a critical hit with their signature action, then all the minions who participated in using the action can use the action again.


If you use multiple squads made up of the same type of minions in an encounter—for instance, two squads of [[Goblin Spinecleaver|goblin spinecleavers]] - it’s important to make it easy for the players to tell the squads apart. You can use different miniatures for each squad, or give each squad’s miniatures an indicator (a colored magnet, ring, sticker, and so forth) to help you and your players keep track of which minions are part of the same squad as they start moving around on the battlefield. Many online virtual tabletops have tools for adding colors or textures to icons that make tracking different squads easy.


Any non-mount creature who speaks a language a squad of minions can understand can be attached to that squad as a captain. Captains aren’t necessarily strategic leaders with brilliant strategies. Sometimes they’re just powerful creatures who bully, inspire, or have some supernatural influence that drives other creatures to action. A squad of minions can only have one captain, and a creature can’t be captain to more than one squad of minions.


A captain takes their turn at the same time as the members of their squad but isn’t limited in their action options as minions are. A captain’s Stamina isn’t added to a minion squad’s Stamina pool and is tracked as for any other creature in combat.


While a minion squad has a captain, each minion in the squad gains a +1 bonus to speed. Additionally, the captain gains an edge on attacks against creatures who are adjacent to one or more of their minions.


If a squad of minions loses their captain, a new allied creature can become that squad’s captain at the start of the round.


We’re still working on these guidelines, and need to add information about how environment, party composition, and the like affect encounters. But for this playtest, the basics of encounter building are as follows.


First,determine how difficult an encounter you want to create based on the following guidelines.


Trivial encounters are easier than easy. They present no challenge at all for the heroes, who are guaranteed to survive the battle with their Stamina mostly, if not entirely, untouched. Think 10th-level heroes taking on a small band of typical kobolds. There’s no way it ends well for the kobolds. These encounters can be fun to occasionally throw into your game, but for many groups, the novelty disappears quickly, so that too many trivial encounters can feel like a waste of time.

Unless you determine otherwise, trivial encounters don’t earn the heroes any Victories.


Unless the heroes have already depleted most of their Stamina and Recoveries, easy encounters won’t threaten their lives. Easy encounters are great for adventures that want to give the heroes a lot of battles between respites, or for when you want the heroes to feel like superheroes while still overcoming a combat challenge that feels as though it’s within their pay grade.

An easy encounter is worth 1 Victory.


Standard encounters are the most common for many adventuring groups. These battles deplete some of the heroes’ Stamina and Recoveries, especially from melee-focused characters. Although character death is uncommon in a standard encounter, it isn’t impossible, especially if a player makes a poor tactical choice or just finds that the dice are against them.

A standard encounter is worth 1 Victory.


Hard encounters are typically climactic encounters with bosses and their loyal servants, or some other scenario that puts the heroes' lives in an equal amount of peril. Hard encounters are winnable, but the heroes need to play smart to survive.

A hard encounter is worth 2 Victories.


Extreme encounters feature threats of a level that the heroes aren’t likely to survive if they try to fight to the bitter end. Such encounters rarely appear in most campaigns, though if the heroes are 8th level or higher, they can typically survive such encounters - or have a good chance of coming back to life afterward.

If the heroes overcome an extreme encounter, they should be awarded at least 2 Victories.


To determine how many creatures and other types of challenges you should have in an encounter, you need to figure out the heroes’ encounter strength (abbreviated ES).

To calculate a group’s ES, first determine each hero’s encounter worth. This starts at a baseline of 12, then you add 3 for each level of the hero. For instance, a 3rd-level hero has an encounter worth of 21 (12 + 3 + 3 +3). Then add the encounter worth of all heroes together, and that’s your ES. For instance, a group of five 3rd-level heroes has an ES of


Victories make heroes more powerful on their way to the next level. For each 3 Victories the heroes earn, increase the overall ES as if there were another hero in the party. For instance, if a party of 3rd-level heroes has 3 Victories, increase the ES by 21. If they have 6 Victories, increase the ES by 42. Be careful that the larger ES doesn’t lead you to using more creatures than recommended in Number of Creatures. It’s usually better to use higher cost creatures in an encounter rather than add lots when increasing ES thanks to Victories.

Since you can rarely predict the exact order in which the heroes will face encounters during an adventure, it helps to keep a list of monsters with an EV cost worth roughly the encounter worth of one, two, and three heroes that make sense for the adventure you’re running. You can easily drop or swap these creatures into an encounter on the fly.


Once you know your ES and have chosen your encounter difficulty, you can determine your encounter budget as follows:

  • Trivial encounters have a budget that is anything less than 75 percent of your ES.
  • Easy encounters have a budget of between 75 and 90 percent of your ES.
  • Standard encounters have a budget that is between 90 and 110 percent of your ES.
  • Hard encounters have a budget of between 110 and 125 percent of your ES.
  • Extreme encounters have a budget that is greater than 125 percent of your ES.


You spend your encounter budget to “buy” hostile creatures to take part in your encounter.Each hostile creature costs a number of budget points equal to its encounter value (EV). When choosing creatures, try to choose a variety of roles for a more dynamic combat experience.


To ensure an encounter is challenging but not devastating for the players, you want to choose creatures whose level is within 2 of the heroes’ level. For instance, creatures of level 3 through 7 are appropriate challenges for a party of 5th -level heroes. If the heroes have 6 or more Victories, you can push the upper limit to within 3 levels of the heroes.

This is really the only indicator that level serves in encounter building. Everything else relies on EV.


Too many creatures or too many different stat blocks in an encounter can create a big cognitive load for you and turn exciting encounters into slogs.

In general, you don’t want more than five creatures per hero at a time in an encounter.If the encounter has more than two creatures per hero, at least half the creatures in that encounter should be minions.

When it comes to number of stat blocks, you generally don’t want to use more than six different kinds of stat blocks in an encounter, though you can probably manage more if you’re using a lot of simple minion stat blocks. If you’re just starting out as a Director, keep the variety small until you’re confident in your ability to run a complex combat encounter.


Sometimes a combat encounter features a creature that you want to stick around for more than a round of combat and leave a lasting impression on the heroes. These are typically the named villains who the heroes face in the climax of an adventure or campaign.

If you want a creature to stick around and leave a lasting impression in a combat encounter, make it a hard encounter and choose a boss or solo creature with an EV that is at least half the encounter budget to be the star of the show.


Once you have your creatures selected, you’ll put them together in initiative groups, with all creatures in the same initiative group acting on the same turn. Though it’s not a hard and fast rule, you can keep the following guideline in mind as you build initiative groups: The total EV of an initiative group should be between the encounter worth of one to two heroes (see Step 2 above).

This helps to ensure that each encounter group can hold its own against any character in the party without overwhelming that character.

It’s okay to have one group with a total EV less than that. It’s also okay for a group to be worth more than two heroes,as long as that group consists of a single creature or the heroes have racked up a lot of Victories.


In a battle without a solo creature, you generally want about as many initiative groups as there are heroes plus or minus two. This gives you a healthy range to play with and makes your turns effective without being overwhelming for the heroes.


Just as every hero has a Heroic Resource determined by their class, so too do the heroes’ foes need their own juice to fuel their strongest threats. Villain Power (abbreviated VP) is a resource gained by the Director. You use it to let enemies in the game activate their most powerful abilities and throw surprises at the heroes during combat.


At the start of each round of combat, you gain VP equal to the number of heroes in the battle. If a hero dies, they stop generating VP for you in this way. At the end of an encounter, all your villain power disappears.

It's up to you if you want to show your players how much VP you have. Some Directors feel the tension of watching VP creep up and can create great drama, while others like to keep the players guessing about what could come next. Do whatever is most fun for your group, and if you’re not sure, ask your players what they would prefer!


Non-minion monsters can spend VP the way heroes spend their heroic resources, activating and enhancing their abilities. Abilities that make use of Villain Power have that VP cost noted in a creature’s stat block.

Specific types of monsters sometimes have other ways they can spend VP, typically on features that affect an entire group of enemies or that affect the encounter environment. Such abilities can be found in the “[Creature] Villain Power” section in a creature type’s overall writeup.

You won’t be able to spend your VP on every single option a given encounter has to offer. It’s totally up to you how you deploy VP. You can spend it on smaller, but still impactful, features each round. You can save it up and use it on some very dramatic abilities. You can spend it on the same feature that uses all your VP each round and then forget about it until the next. Do whatever is most fun for you and your players in a given encounter.


Demons spawn in the Abyssal Wasteland, where evil and chaos meet. These creatures of incarnate evil crave violence and suffering in the way most other creatures need food. A demon cares only for themself, and they torture and tear apart lesser demons for fun.

The bestial appearance of each demon is unique, composed of a chaotic arrangement of teeth, claws, and limbs meant for killing. Even demons of the same kind have unique features. One might bear an extra set of eyes or teeth, while another could have a human arm growing from their forehead.


Demons form temporary alliances with evil mortals in exchange for souls to consume. Such alliances create carnage with alarming efficiency, though they inevitably collapse when the demons decide to devour their foolish partners. The only creature who can truly keep a demon in line is a more powerful demon.


Demons feast not on food or water, but on souls. Souls fuel their anarchic powers, and while starved for souls, a demon can scarcely think. Whenever a demon kills a creature with a soul, they consume that soul and keep its energy within their body. A demon can then burn that soul energy to enact their most devastating abilities.


Mortal scholars have classified demons into ten categories, and the higher a demon’s category, the more powerful the fiend. Though demons don’t use these classifications themselves, this system reflects their hierarchy, as stronger demons bully the weak into service.

Each time a demon consumes a soul, there’s a chance they might evolve into a more powerful demon. Though category 1 demons typically become category 2 demons after consuming a single soul, there’s no known pattern to how more powerful demons evolve. Some category 2 demons evolve to category 3 after consuming just one soul, while others must devour thousands before earning a promotion. The evolution from one category to the next can be instant, or it can take years. This inconsistency has led to much scholarly debate on whether all souls are equal, or whether demonic evolution is aided by the consumption of souls that are especially corrupt—or heroic.

Playtest note: More demon descriptions are coming.


The weakest of demon kind, the following category 1 demons are included in this book:

  • Pitlings resemble rodents or insects, but possess gleaming green eyes and terrible body odor, and disgorge a viscous, toxic phlegm.
  • Ensnarers are the result of pitlings getting ahold of an unfortunate soul. The pitling is in the process of digesting the soul of a creature, physically boring through its head, and flopping around like an appendage. The body is puppeteered and mid transformation into a demon, with mouths forming on the creature’s hands and arms that shoot out long, barbed tongues as attacks.
  • Frenzied are similar to ensnarers, but their transformation into a true demon is more advanced, resulting in a fast and viscous creature full of energy and hunger for more souls.


The following category 2 demons are included in this book:

  • Rumored to be the initial source of the teachings of all shadows through the College of Black Ash, remasches are demons whose physical form is blended with the nature of the wastes where they dwell. A remasch teleports around the battlefield, inflicting chaos on their enemies directly or through the minions they control.
  • Possessed of glowing eyes and tendril-ringed maws, ruinants breathe with a sickening wheeze and have bodies covered in inflamed scars. A ruinant can inflict fresh wounds and burns on their victims in a pattern mirroring those on the demon’s own body.
  • Torlases are piecemeal abominations whose physical forms don’t obey the normal laws of geometry. They control the battlefield by using living flesh and whipping allies and enemies alike into advantageous position.
  • Bendraks appear as an amalgamation of flesh and shards of a broken mirror, able to shape their bodies to distract and confuse their foes. A bendrak can divert an enemy’s attack to another enemy or hide themselves or allies behind dazzling reflections.
  • Mucerons are the result of an ensnarer going through repeated demon evolutions to become a brutish creature, covered in several mouths that shoot out barbed tongues, pulling an enemy’s attention along with pulling them physically.
  • Chorogaunts are terrifying demon leaders. Each is an amalgamation of several demon bodies formed into a mobile, living musical instrument. Several heads are arranged into a chorus embedded in the demon’s chest and its ribs are upturned into a fleshy pipe organ. Their attacks entrance and confuse enemies, making them more vulnerable to other demons.


Demons speak Proto-Ctholl.


At the start of any demon’s turn, you can spend VP to activate one of the following features.

  • Soulburn (3 VP): Every demon acting this turn deals additional damage equal to their level with their abilities and free strikes.

  • Abyssal Rift (5 VP): Two size 2 rifts to the Abyssal Wasteland appear at locations of your choosing. Each demon within 5 squares of a rift gains an edge on attacks. Any demon can use an abyssal rift as a portal to another abyssal rift in the encounter, moving into any space in one rift and appearing immediately in any unoccupied space in the other rift. Any non-demon creature who enters the rift for the first time in a round or starts their turn there takes corruption damage equal to the level of the highest-level demon within 20 squares of a rift. An abyssal rift is an immovable object that has Stamina 25, weapon immunity 5, and holy weakness 5. As a maneuver, a creature who has the Magic or Psionics skill can make a hard Reason or Intuition test while adjacent to a rift to destabilize it. On a success, the rift closes. On a failure with a consequence, the rift regains 5 Stamina. If no demons are within 20 squares of the rift, it closes.

  • Abyssal Evolution (7 VP): A demon minion of your choice turns into a non-minion demon of the same level.



Level 1 Brute Minion Demon, Planar EV 6 Stamina: 10 Weakness: Holy 3 Speed: 5 Size: 1M / Stability 0 Free Strike: 2

  • Might +1
  • Agility +0
  • Reason −1
  • Intuition −1
  • Presence −1

Barbed Tongues (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 3 Target: One creature or object per minion

  • ✦ ≤11: 2 damage; pull 1
  • ★ 12–16: 4 damage; pull 2
  • ✸ 17+: 5 damage; pull 3; slowed (EoT)

Soulsight Each creature within 2 squares of the ensnarer can’t be hidden from them.


Level 1 Harrier Minion Demon, Planar EV 4 Stamina: 8 Weakness: Holy 3 Speed: 6 Size: 1M / Stability 0 Free Strike: 1

  • Might +0
  • Agility +1
  • Reason −1
  • Intuition −1
  • Presence −1

Rip and Tear (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Charge, Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: One creature or object per minion

  • ✦ ≤11: 2 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 3 damage
  • ✸ 17+: 4 damage

Soulsight Each creature within 2 squares of the frenzied can’t be hidden from them.


Level 1 Artillery Minion Demon, Planar EV 2 Stamina: 4 Weakness: Holy 3 Speed: 5 (fly) Size: 1T / Stability 0 Free Strike: 2

  • Might −2
  • Agility +1
  • Reason −2
  • Intuition −2
  • Presence −2

Spit (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Ranged, Weapon Distance: Ranged 10 Target: One creature or object per minion

  • ✦ ≤11: 2 poison damage
  • ★ 12–16: 3 poison damage
  • ✸ 17+: 4 poison damage

Horrid Stench Any enemy who has three or more pitlings within 2 squares of them can’t regain Stamina.

Soulsight Each creature within 2 squares of the pitling can’t be hidden from them.


Level 1 Harrier Demon, Planar EV 10 Stamina: 20 Weakness: Holy 3 Speed: 6 Size: 1M / Stability 0 Free Strike: 2

  • Might +0
  • Agility +1
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +1

Bloodletting Claws (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: Two creatures or objects

  • ✦ ≤11: 2 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 5 damage; bleeding (EoT)
  • ✸ 17+: 6 damage; bleeding (EoT)

Salt Wounds (Maneuver) ◆ MGT RR ◆ 3 VP Keywords: Magic, Ranged, Resistance Distance: Ranged 10 Target: Three creatures without full Stamina

  • ✸ ≤11: 6 corruption damage
  • ★ 12–16: 5 corruption damage
  • ✦ 17+: 2 corruption damage

Lethe While winded, the ruinant has an edge on attacks, and attacks have an edge against them.

Soulsight Each creature within 2 squares of the ruinant can’t be hidden from them.


Level 1 Controller Demon, Planar EV 9 Stamina: 15 Weakness: Holy 3 Speed: 5 Size: 1S / Stability 0 Free Strike: 2

  • Might +0
  • Agility +1
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +1

Cronenstorm (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Area, Magic, Ranged Distance: 3 cube within 10 Target: Each creature

  • ✦ ≤11: Slide 1
  • ★ 12–16: Slide 2
  • ✸ 17+: Slide 3 Effect: The area turns into a morass of spongy flesh before the targets are force moved. Until the start of the torlas’s next turn, the area is difficult terrain, and each creature who moves within the area takes 1 damage for each square moved.

Grasping Tendons (Maneuver) Keywords: Magic, Ranged Distance: Ranged 10 Target: Three creatures Effect: The torlas pulls the target up to 2 squares.

Lethe While winded, the torlas has an edge on attacks, and attacks have an edge against them.

Soulsight Each creature within 2 squares of the torlas can’t be hidden from them.


Level 2 Hexer Demon, Planar EV 11 Stamina: 20 Weakness: Holy 3 Speed: 5 Size: 1S / Stability 0 Free Strike: 2

  • Might +0
  • Agility +1
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +1

Warp Perceptions (Action) ◆ PRS RR ◆ Signature Keywords: Magic, Ranged, Resistance Distance: Ranged 10 Target: One creature

  • ✸ ≤11: 7 psychic damage; weakened (PRS ends)
  • ★ 12–16: 5 psychic damage; weakened (EoT)
  • ✦ 17+: 3 psychic damage Effect: If the target makes an attack while weakened this way, the bendrak can choose a second target for the attack within the distance of the attack, then evenly divides any damage from the attack between the two targets.

Vanish (Maneuver) ◆ 1 VP Keywords: Magic, Ranged Distance: Ranged 10 Target: Self or one ally Effect: The target immediately becomes hidden, regardless of whether they have cover or concealment.

Lethe While winded, the bendrak has an edge on attacks, and attacks have an edge against them.

Soulsight Each creature within 2 squares of the bendrak can’t be hidden from them.


Level 2 Ambusher Demon, Planar EV 13 Stamina: 25 Weakness: Holy 3 Speed: 5 (teleport) Size: 1S / Stability 0 Free Strike: 3

  • Might +0
  • Agility +1
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +1

Abyssal Strike (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: One creature or object

  • ✦ ≤11: 4 damage; the remasch teleports 2 squares
  • ★ 12–16: 7 damage; the remasch teleports 3 squares
  • ✸ 17+: 10 damage; the remasch teleports 5 squares 5 VP: The remasch takes an adjacent creature with them when they teleport. The creature appears in an unoccupied space adjacent to the remasch’s destination.

Grasping Shadow (Maneuver) ◆ 5 VP Keywords: Magic, Ranged Distance: Ranged 10 Target: Self Effect: The remasch can teleport 2 squares then use Abyssal Strike.

Lethe While winded, the remasch has an edge on attacks, and attacks have an edge against them.

Soulsight Each creature within 2 squares of the remasch can’t be hidden from them.


Level 3 Brute Demon, Planar EV 18 Stamina: 45 Weakness: Holy 3 Speed: 5 Size: 1M / Stability 0 Free Strike: 2

  • Might +1
  • Agility +1
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +1

Barbed Tongues (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 2 Target: One creature

  • ✦ ≤11: 5 damage; taunted (EoT)
  • ★ 12–16: 8 damage; taunted (EoT)
  • ✸ 17+: 11 damage; taunted (EoT)

Tongue Pull (Maneuver) ◆ 2 VP Keywords: Attack, Ranged, Weapon Distance: Ranged 5 Target: Three creatures Effect: Each target is pulled 3 squares.

Lethe While winded, the muceron has an edge on attacks, and attacks have an edge against them.

Soulsight Each creature within 2 squares of the muceron can’t be hidden from them.


Level 3 Boss Demon, Planar EV 36 Stamina: 90 Weakness: Holy 3 Speed: 5 Size: 1M / Stability 2 Free Strike: 4

  • Might +2
  • Agility +2
  • Reason +2
  • Intuition +2
  • Presence +2

Agonizing Harmony (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 2 ◆ Signature Keywords: Area, Weapon Distance: 5 burst Target: Each enemy

  • ✦ ≤11: 3 psychic damage
  • ★ 12–16: 5 psychic damage; slowed (EoT)
  • ✸ 17+: 7 psychic damage; slowed (INU ends) Effect: An ally within 10 squares of the chorogaunt can shift up to their speed.

Chaotic Entrancing Harmony (Maneuver) Keywords: Area Distance: 10 burst Target: Each enemy Effect: Each target slides 3, ignoring their stability.

I Thrive on Pain (Triggered Action) ◆ 3 VP Keywords: Magic Distance: Self Target: Self Trigger: The chorogaunt is targeted by an attack. Effect: Any damage from the attack is halved, and the chorogaunt gains an edge on all ability rolls until the end of their next turn.

End Effect At the end of their turn, the chorogaunt can take 5 damage to end one EoE effect affecting them. This damage can’t be reduced in any way.

Lethe While winded, the chorogaunt has an edge on attacks, and attacks have an edge against them.

Soulsight Each creature within 2 squares of the chorogaunt can’t be hidden from them.

Frightening Tones (Villain Action 1) Keywords: Ranged Distance: Ranged 10 Target: Three enemies Effect: Each target either takes 5 psychic damage or is frightened of the chorogaunt (EoT). Each target gets to choose which to do.

Bully the Weak (Villain Action 2) Keywords: Magic, Ranged Distance: Ranged 10 Target: One ally Effect: The chorogaunt kills the target, and each other ally gains an edge on attacks until the end of the round. You gain VP equal to the number of heroes.

Running Cacophony (Villain Action 3) Keywords: Magic Distance: Self Target: Self Effect: The chorogaunt shifts up to their speed, makes an Agonizing Harmony attack, shifts up to their speed, and makes a second Agonizing Harmony attack.


As with all humanoid ancestries, different types of goblins and goblin cultures can be found across many lands, each with their own ideals. Known among themselves as rogabrin, meaning “more of us” in their language, goblins are one of the most numerous humanoids in the world. They can be found in every environment humans occupy and in places many other humanoids avoid, including deep cave systems.

Their long arms and prehensile toes make goblins particularly well adapted to environments requiring climbing, and they live equally comfortably in treetop cities as in subterranean realms filled with stalactites, ledges, and chasms. However, just as many prefer to dwell in tight-knit neighborhoods within diverse cities. Many of those goblins who cross swords with adventuring heroes are the worst of their society—thieves and murderers shunned by their own people.


Whether within a society or living in exile, goblins survive and thrive because they work together. A single goblin forced into the wild is terrified. A dozen outlaw goblins are supremely confident—perhaps overly so. Such groups often become bandits who ambush travelers crossing through their territory, be it desert, forest, or underground. Larger bands might become unscrupulous mercenaries serving powerful villains. No matter how they’re encountered, goblins prefer to fight as an overwhelming force and to flee when foes outnumber friends.


Short, lithe, and long-armed, goblins are built for mobility, stealth, and climbing. Goblins who dwell in untamed wilderness and twisting caves utilize their natural agility to hide from threats and flee when found. These crafty skirmishers might run wild through battle, hacking at their enemies’ knees, or unleash arrows as they dart from tree to tree.


Some exiled goblins forge pacts with evil entities for magical power, including archfey, deities, and fiends. [[Goblin Assassin|Goblin assassins]] conjure darkness made from the souls of their victims, while [[Goblin Cursespitter|goblin cursespitters]] hurl magic hexes that keep their enemies at bay.


A six-legged winged rodent the size of a housecat, a [[Skitterling|skitterling]] moves their clawed feet as they fly, making them appear to scurry through the air. Goblins train these pets to claw at the faces of enemies, as their feet secrete a toxin that causes temporary sluggishness.


Goblins ride enormous arachnids as mounts in battle. With blades attached to their legs, a [[War Spider|war spider]] cuts a swath through enemy forces while archers fire from atop a platform on the beast’s back. During a raid, a spider arches their body to launch warriors off their back and into the fray.


Some goblins form a special bond with [[Warg|wargs]]—canine creatures that many goblin communities raise as mounts, guardians, and companions.


Most goblins speak Caelian and Szetch.


At the start of any goblin’s turn, you can spend VP to activate one of the following features.

  • Goblin Mode (3 VP): Each goblin in the encounter gains a +2 bonus to speed until the end of the round.

  • Tiny Stabs (5 VP): Each enemy in the encounter takes 1 damage for each goblin who is adjacent to them.

  • Swamp Stink (7 VP): The encounter map becomes covered in a green mist that lasts until the end of the round, and which can’t be dispersed by wind. All areas of the map become difficult terrain for non-goblins, and each non-goblin on the map must make a Might resistance roll.

    • ✦ ≤11: 5 poison; weakened until mist disappears
    • ★ 12–16: Weakened until mist disappears
    • ✸ 17+: No effect



Level 1 Harrier Minion Goblin, Humanoid EV 4 Stamina: 8 Speed: 6 (climb) Size: 1S / Stability 0 Free Strike: 2

  • Might −2
  • Agility +1
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence −1

Club (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Charge, Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: One creature or object per minion

  • ✦ ≤11: 2 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 3 damage
  • ✸ 17+: 4 damage

Crafty The runner doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks by moving.


Level 1 Artillery Minion Goblin, Humanoid EV 4 Stamina: 5 Speed: 5 (climb) Size: 1S / Stability 0 Free Strike: 2

  • Might −2
  • Agility +1
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence −1

Bow (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Ranged, Weapon Distance: Ranged 10 Target: One creature or object per minion

  • ✦ ≤11: 2 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 4 damage
  • ✸ 17+: 5 damage Effect: If the sniper doesn’t use a maneuver or a move action this turn, the ability deals an extra 2 damage.

Crafty The sniper doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks by moving.


Level 1 Brute Minion Goblin, Humanoid EV 6 Stamina: 10 Speed: 5 (climb) Size: 1S / Stability 0 Free Strike: 2

  • Might +1
  • Agility +0
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence −1

Axe (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: One creature or object per minion

  • ✦ ≤11: 2 damage; push 1
  • ★ 12–16: 4 damage; push 3
  • ✸ 17+: 5 damage; push 4

Crafty The spinecleaver doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks by moving.


Level 1 Hexer Minion Animal, Goblin EV 3 Stamina: 5 Speed: 5 (fly) Size: 1T / Stability 0 Free Strike: 2

  • Might −5
  • Agility +1
  • Reason −4
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence −2

Claws (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: One creature or object per minion

  • ✦ ≤11: 2 poison damage
  • ★ 12–16: 3 poison damage; slowed (EoT)
  • ✸ 17+: 4 poison damage; slowed (EoT)


Level 1 Ambusher Goblin, Humanoid EV 11 Stamina: 20 Speed: 6 (climb) Size: 1S / Stability 0 Free Strike: 3

  • Might −2
  • Agility +1
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence −2

Sword (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: One creature or object

  • ✦ ≤11: 3 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 5 damage
  • ✸ 17+: 7 damage Effect: If the assassin has an edge or a double edge on the power roll for this ability, the ability deals an additional 2 damage.

Shadow Chains (Action) ◆ AGL RR ◆ 3 VP Keywords: Magic, Ranged, Resistance Distance: Ranged 10 Target: Three creatures

  • ✸ ≤11: 7 corruption damage; restrained (AGL ends)
  • ★ 12–16: 5 corruption damage; restrained (EoT)
  • ✦ 17+: 3 corruption damage

Crafty The assassin doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks by moving.

Hide While Observed The assassin can take the Hide maneuver even while observed, though they still must have cover or concealment.


Level 1 Hexer Goblin, Humanoid EV 9 Stamina: 15 Speed: 5 (climb) Size: 1S / Stability 0 Free Strike: 2

  • Might −2
  • Agility +1
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +1
  • Presence +0

Eye of Surlach (Action) ◆ INU RR ◆ Signature Keywords: Magic, Ranged, Resistance Distance: Ranged 10 Target: One creature

  • ✸ ≤11: 6 corruption damage; weakened (INU ends)
  • ★ 12–16: 5 corruption damage; weakened (EoT)
  • ✦ 17+: 2 corruption damage

Dizzying Hex (Maneuver) ◆ INU RR ◆ 1 VP Keywords: Magic, Ranged, Resistance Distance: Ranged 10 Target: One creature

  • ✸ ≤11: Prone and can’t stand (INU ends)
  • ★ 12–16: Prone and can’t stand (EoT)
  • ✦ 17+: No effect

Crafty The cursespitter doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks by moving.


Level 1 Controller Goblin, Humanoid EV 9 Stamina: 15 Speed: 5 (climb) Size: 1S / Stability 0 Free Strike: 2

  • Might −2
  • Agility +1
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +1

Toxic Winds (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Area, Magic, Ranged Distance: 3 cube within 10 Target: Each enemy

  • ✦ ≤11: 1 poison damage; slide 1
  • ★ 12–16: 2 poison damage; slide 2
  • ✸ 17+: 3 poison damage; slide 3
  • 1 VP: Increase the slide for one target by 2 squares.

Swamp Gas (Maneuver) Keywords: Area, Magic, Ranged Distance: 3 cube within 10 Target: Special Effect: The area is filled with a green haze until the start of the stinker’s next turn or until the stinker is reduced to Stamina 0. The area is difficult terrain for non-goblin creatures, and each such creature who moves within the area takes 2 poison damage for each square moved. The haze can’t be dispersed by wind.

Crafty The stinker doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks by moving.


Level 1 Support Goblin, Humanoid EV 10 Stamina: 20 Speed: 5 (climb) Size: 1S / Stability 0 Free Strike: 2

  • Might −1
  • Agility +1
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +1

Sword (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: One creature or object

  • ✦ ≤11: 2 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 5 damage
  • ✸ 17+: 6 damage Effect: One ally of the underboss adjacent to the target can make a free strike against them.

Get Reckless! (Maneuver) Keywords: Ranged Distance: Ranged 10 Target: Each ally Effect: Until the start of the underboss’s next turn, each target gains an edge on attacks, and attacks against them gain an edge.

  • 3 VP: Attacks against targets of this maneuver don’t gain an edge.

Crafty The underboss doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks by moving.


Level 1 Harrier Goblin, Humanoid EV 10 Stamina: 20 Speed: 6 (climb) Size: 1S / Stability 0 Free Strike: 2

  • Might −2
  • Agility +1
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence −1

Spear (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Charge, Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: One creature or object

  • ✦ ≤11: 2 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 5 damage
  • ✸ 17+: 6 damage

Bury the Point (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ 2 VP Keywords: Attack, Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: One creature

  • ✦ ≤11: 3 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 7 damage; bleeding (EoT)
  • ✸ 17+: 8 damage; bleeding (MGT ends)

Crafty The warrior doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks by moving.


Level 1 Boss Goblin, Humanoid EV 24 Stamina: 50 Speed: 6 (climb) Size: 1S / Stability 1 Free Strike: 3

  • Might +2
  • Agility +1
  • Reason −4
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence −3

Handaxe (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 2 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Melee, Ranged, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 or Ranged 5 Target: Two creatures or objects

  • ✦ ≤11: 3 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 5 damage
  • ✸ 17+: 7 damage Effect: An ally within 10 squares of the monarch can make a free strike.

Get in Here (Maneuver) ◆ 1 VP Keywords: Ranged Distance: Ranged 20 Target: Special Effect: Two [[Goblin Runner|goblin runners]] appear in unoccupied spaces.

Meat Shield (Triggered Action) Keywords: Melee Distance: Reach 1 Target: One ally Trigger: A creature targets the monarch with an attack. Effect: The ally becomes the target of the triggering attack instead.

End Effect At the end of their turn, the monarch can take 5 damage to end one EoE effect affecting them. This damage can’t be reduced in any way.

Crafty The monarch doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks by moving.

What Are You Waiting For? (Villain Action 1) Keywords: Area Distance: 10 burst Target: Each ally Effect: Each target can move up to their speed or make a free strike.

Focus Fire (Villain Action 2) Keywords: Ranged Distance: Ranged 10 Target: One enemy Effect: Each ally within 10 squares of the enemy can move up to their speed toward the enemy.

Kill! (Villain Action 3) Keywords: Area Distance: 10 burst Target: Each ally Effect: Each target can make a free strike that deals an extra 1 damage.


Level 1 Mount Animal, Goblin EV 28 Stamina: 60 Speed: 7 (climb) Size: 3 / Stability 2 Free Strike: 4

  • Might +2
  • Agility +1
  • Reason −4
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence −3

Bite (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 2 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: One creature or object

  • ✦ ≤11: 4 poison damage
  • ★ 12–16: 7 poison damage; weakened (EoT)
  • ✸ 17+: 10 poison damage; weakened (MGT ends)

Leg Blade (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 2 Keywords: Attack, Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: Two creatures or objects

  • ✦ ≤11: 4 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 7 damage
  • ✸ 17+: 10 damage

Trample (Action) ◆ 5 VP Keywords: — Distance: Self Target: Self Effect: The spider shifts up to their speed and makes a Leg Blade attack against each creature who comes within their reach during the move. The spider makes one power roll against all targets.

Web (Maneuver) ◆ AGL RR ◆ 2 VP Keywords: Area, Resistance Distance: 3 cube within 1 Target: Each creature

  • ✸ ≤11: Restrained (AGL ends)
  • ★ 12–16: Restrained (EoT)
  • ✦ 17+: No effect

Ride Launcher An ally who leaps off the back of the spider can jump up to 6 squares without a test, and takes no damage if they fall during the jump. After the jump, the first melee attack an ally makes on the same turn gains an edge.

Wide Back Two of the spider’s size 1 allies can occupy the same space while riding the spider.


Level 1 Mount Animal, Goblin EV 10 Stamina: 20 Speed: 7 Size: 1L / Stability 1 Free Strike: 2

  • Might +1
  • Agility +1
  • Reason −1
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence −1

Bite (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Charge, Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: One creature or object

  • ✦ ≤11: 2 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 5 damage
  • ✸ 17+: 6 damage

Sprint (Maneuver) ◆ 1 VP Keywords: — Distance: Self Target: Self Effect: The [[Warg|warg]] moves up to their speed.

Mounted Charger If a [[Warg|warg]] used as a mount charges, their rider gains an edge on melee attacks until the end of their turn.

Shared Crafty If the [[Warg|warg]]’s rider has the Crafty trait, the [[Warg|warg]] also has the Crafty trait.


Humans flourish in every habitable part of the world, from inviting coastal cities to unforgiving mountainous terrain. While most humans live quietly in peaceful communities, some are drawn to adventure by an unquenchable thirst for excitement or power.


Recognizing their limited lifespan, humans often set their eyes on immortality. They unfurl empires at the tip of a sword, sacrifice lives to erect grand monuments, and even aspire to godhood, all in hopes their names will be remembered forever. Violence and greed are close cousins in the human family. Those with power and wealth often strive for more by the sword. Others turn to theft, often driven to desperation by rapacious neighbors. Travelers in human lands are likely to encounter robbers and barons—both exact a toll. Other humans pursue power more subtly, turning their cunning toward selfish ends. When ambitions exceed circumstances, there is always some ancient evil power to call on. Cultists seek dark desires in exchange for service, sacrificing to forbidden gods and courting apocalypse. Fortunately, many humans devote themselves to righting wrongs and reshaping the world for the better. Heroes plunge themselves into danger time and time again, standing against natural and supernatural perils in pursuit of justice.


Humans devote as much attention to games and gambling as to more serious pursuits. Perhaps this competitive training explains their renowned knack for seizing the moment—knowing when to risk it all on a throw of the dice. Whether in sport or battle, humans quickly spot their opponent’s mistakes and seize the advantage. Humans see unrealized potential everywhere, whether envisioning an untamed forest transformed into a prosperous village or an ancient dungeon yielding a chest full of coins. Pursuing such ambitions might end in catastrophe, but for these gamblers, it’s a game worth playing.


With an appetite for warfare and gold, human adventurers are well represented in most mercenary bands. A human mercenary makes a stout ally… if you can afford their price.


Humans are connected to the natural world in a way that other species are not. As such, they have an uncanny knack for detecting when nearby creatures, objects, and phenomena are created by magic and psionics. This same sense allows them to resist supernatural abilities and effects.


Most humans have the following trait:

  • Supernatural Insight: A human has Magic immunity 2 and Psionic immunity 2. As a maneuver, a human can detect supernatural creatures within 5 squares of them.


Most humans speak Caelian and one Vaslorian human language.


At the start of any human’s turn, you can spend VP to activate one of the following features:

  • Alchemical Device (3 VP): A non-minion human acting this turn can use a maneuver to throw an alchemical device.

    Alchemical Device (Maneuver) ◆ INU RR Keywords: Area, Magic, Ranged, Resistance Distance: 3 cube within 10 Target: Each creature in the cube

    • ✸ ≤11: 5 corruption damage; restrained (EoT)
    • ★ 12–16: 3 corruption damage; slowed (EoT)
    • ✦ 17+: 1 corruption damage
  • Exploit Opening (5 VP): Each human making an attack this turn has an edge on ability rolls, or a double edge on abilities that target enemies affected by a condition.

  • Staying Power (7 VP): Each non-minion human in the encounter regains Stamina equal to 5 times their level.



Level 1 Artillery Minion Human, Humanoid EV 6 Stamina: 8 Immunity: Magic 2, Psionic 2 Speed: 5 Size: 1M / Stability 0 Free Strike: 2

  • Might +0
  • Agility +1
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +0

Crossbow (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Ranged, Weapon Distance: Ranged 10 Target: One creature or object per minion

  • ✦ ≤11: 2 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 5 damage
  • ✸ 17+: 6 damage


Level 1 Hexer Minion Human, Humanoid EV 5 Stamina: 8 Immunity: Magic 2, Psionic 2 Speed: 5 Size: 1M / Stability 0 Free Strike: 2

  • Might +0
  • Agility +1
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +1

Necrotic Bolt (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Magic, Ranged Distance: Ranged 10 Target: One creature or object per minion

  • ✦ ≤11: 2 corruption damage
  • ★ 12–16: 4 corruption damage
  • ✸ 17+: 5 corruption damage Effect: A creature within 5 squares of the death acolyte regains 1 Stamina.


Level 1 Brute Minion Human, Humanoid EV 6 Stamina: 12 Immunity: Magic 2, Psionic 2 Speed: 5 Size: 1M / Stability 0 Free Strike: 2

  • Might +1
  • Agility +0
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +0

Halberd (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 2 Target: One creature or object per minion

  • ✦ ≤11: 2 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 5 damage
  • ✸ 17+: 6 damage


Level 1 Harrier Minion Human, Humanoid EV 6 Stamina: 10 Immunity: Magic 2, Psionic 2 Speed: 7 Size: 1M / Stability 0 Free Strike: 2

  • Might +0
  • Agility +1
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +0

Handaxe (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Charge, Melee, Ranged, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 or Ranged 5 Target: One creature or object per minion

  • ✦ ≤11: 2 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 4 damage
  • ✸ 17+: 5 damage Effect: If this ability is used as part of the Charge action, the raider can make a ranged free strike with a distance of 5 before using the ability.


Level 2 Controller Minion Human, Humanoid EV 6 Stamina: 10 Immunity: Magic 2, Psionic 2 Speed: 5 Size: 1M / Stability 0 Free Strike: 2

  • Might +0
  • Agility +1
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +1

Lightning Strike (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Magic, Ranged Distance: Ranged 10 Target: One creature or object per minion

  • ✦ ≤11: 2 lightning damage
  • ★ 12–16: 4 lightning damage
  • ✸ 17+: 5 lightning damage Effect: If the apprentice mage doesn’t use a maneuver or a move action this turn, the target is slowed (EoT).


Level 1 Brute Human, Humanoid EV 16 Stamina: 40 Immunity: Magic 2, Psionic 2 Speed: 5 Size: 1M / Stability 0 Free Strike: 4

  • Might +1
  • Agility +0
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +0

Haymaker (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: One creature or object

  • ✦ ≤11: 4 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 7 damage; grabbed
  • ✸ 17+: 10 damage; grabbed Effect: The target takes a bane on attempts to escape the grab, and the brawler gains an edge on attacks against the grabbed target.

Throw (Maneuver) ◆ 1 VP Keywords: Melee Distance: Reach 1 Target: One creature grabbed by the brawler Effect: The brawler pushes the creature they have grabbed 5 squares. This breaks the grab.

Shoot the Hostage The brawler takes half damage from attacks if they have an enemy grabbed. They then apply the remaining damage to the grabbed enemy.


Level 1 Ambusher Human, Humanoid EV 14 Stamina: 30 Immunity: Magic 2, Psionic 2 Speed: 5 Size: 1M / Stability 0 Free Strike: 4

  • Might +0
  • Agility +1
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +0

Rapier & Dagger (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: One creature or object

  • ✦ ≤11: 4 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 7 damage
  • ✸ 17+: 10 damage Effect: If the scoundrel has an edge or a double edge on the power roll for this ability, the ability deals an extra 4 damage.

Dagger Storm (Action) ◆ 5 VP The scoundrel makes a Rapier & Dagger attack against three creatures or objects, and can shift 2 squares before or after each attack.


Level 1 Artillery Human, Humanoid EV 12 Stamina: 20 Immunity: Magic 2, Psionic 2 Speed: 5 Size: 1M / Stability 0 Free Strike: 4

  • Might +0
  • Agility +1
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +0

Crossbow (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Ranged, Weapon Distance: Ranged 15 Target: One creature or object

  • ✦ ≤11: 4 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 7 damage
  • ✸ 17+: 10 damage Effect: The trickshot doesn’t take a bane when using this ability in melee or against a target with cover or concealment.
  • 3 VP: The trickshot can target two creatures or objects with this ability.


Level 2 Support Human, Humanoid EV 16 Stamina: 40 Immunity: Magic 2, Psionic 2 Speed: 5 Size: 1M / Stability 0 Free Strike: 4

  • Might +0
  • Agility +1
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +1

Death Scythe (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Magic, Melee, Ranged, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 or Ranged 10 Target: One creature or object

  • ✦ ≤11: 4 corruption damage
  • ★ 12–16: 7 corruption damage; weakened (EoT)
  • ✸ 17+: 10 corruption damage; weakened (INU ends)
  • 2 VP: The death cultist regains Stamina equal to half the damage dealt by this ability.

Rise, My Minions (Maneuver) ◆ 1 VP per minion Keywords: Area Distance: 5 burst Target: One or more dead minions Special: Each target must have died during this encounter Effect: Each target returns to life with their full Stamina, but they die at the end of the encounter or if the death cultist is killed. If the target dies a second time, they can be brought back to life by this ability again.


Level 2 Defender Human, Humanoid EV 18 Stamina: 50 Immunity: Magic 2, Psionic 2 Speed: 5 Size: 1M / Stability 0 Free Strike: 4

  • Might +1
  • Agility +0
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +0

Morningstar & Javelin (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Melee, Ranged, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 or Ranged 5 Target: One creature or object

  • ✦ ≤11: 4 damage; taunted (EoT)
  • ★ 12–16: 7 damage; taunted (EoT)
  • ✸ 17+: 10 damage; taunted (EoT) Effect: If an adjacent target taunted by this ability harms a creature other than the knave, the knave can make a free strike against the taunted creature as a free triggered action.

Overwhelm A creature who starts their turn adjacent to the knave can’t shift.


Level 3 Controller Human, Humanoid EV 17 Stamina: 40 Immunity: Magic 2, Psionic 2 Speed: 5 Size: 1M / Stability 0 Free Strike: 5

  • Might +0
  • Agility +0
  • Reason +2
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +0

Lightning Bolt (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 2 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Magic, Ranged Distance: Ranged 10 Target: One creature or object

  • ✦ ≤11: 5 lightning damage
  • ★ 12–16: 8 lightning damage
  • ✸ 17+: 11 lightning damage
  • 5 VP: The ability takes the Area keyword and becomes a 10 × 1 line that targets each creature in the area.

Gust of Wind (Maneuver) ◆ MGT RR ◆ 3 VP Keywords: Area, Magic, Resistance Distance: 5 cube within 1 Target: Each creature and object

  • ✸ ≤11: Slide 5; slowed (MGT ends)
  • ★ 12–16: Slide 3; slowed (EoT)
  • ✦ 17+: Slide 1 Effect: The gust of wind disperses gas or vapor and extinguishes any flames, including persistent effects.

Arcane Shield Whenever the mage takes damage from an enemy adjacent to them, the damage is reduced by 3 (minimum 0), and the enemy takes 3 thunder damage and is pushed 2 squares.


Level 1 Boss Human, Humanoid EV 38 Stamina: 80 Immunity: Magic 2, Psionic 2 Speed: 5 Size: 1M / Stability 2 Free Strike: 4

  • Might +2
  • Agility +2
  • Reason +2
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +2

Zweihander (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 2 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: Each adjacent enemy

  • ✦ ≤11: 4 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 7 damage; slowed (EoT)
  • ✸ 17+: 10 damage; slowed (MGT ends) Effect: An ally within 10 squares of the blackguard can make a free strike.
  • 1 VP: The ally can use their signature action instead.

You! (Maneuver) Keywords: Ranged Distance: Ranged 10 Target: One enemy Effect: The target is marked until the start of the blackguard’s next turn. The blackguard and each of their allies gain an edge on attacks against any target marked by the blackguard, and such attacks deal an extra 2 damage.

End Effect At the end of their turn, the blackguard can take 5 damage to end one EoE effect affecting them. This damage can’t be reduced in any way.

Parry! (Triggered Action) Keywords: Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: Self or one ally Trigger: A creature targets the blackguard or an ally adjacent to the blackguard with an attack. Effect: The triggering attack’s damage is halved.

Advance! (Villain Action 1) Keywords: Weapon Distance: Self Target: Self Effect: The blackguard shifts up to their speed. During or after this movement, they can make two Zweihander attacks.

Back! (Villain Action 2) Keywords: Area, Magic Distance: 5 burst Target: Each enemy Effect: The blackguard slides each target 5 squares.

I Can Throw My Blade and So Should You! (Villain Action 3) Keywords: Area, Magic, Ranged, Weapon Distance: 3 cube within 5 Target: Each enemy in the cube Effect: The blackguard makes a Zweihander attack against each enemy in the area, making one power roll against all targets. Additionally, each ally within 5 squares of the area can make a free strike against any enemy in the area.


Level 3 Boss Human, Humanoid EV 54 Stamina: 120 Immunity: Magic 2, Psionic 2 Speed: 5 Size: 1M / Stability 2 Free Strike: 5

  • Might +2
  • Agility +2
  • Reason +2
  • Intuition +2
  • Presence +2

Whip & Magic Longsword (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 2 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Magic, Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: Two enemies or objects

  • ✦ ≤11: 5 damage; pull 1
  • ★ 12–16: 9 damage; pull 2
  • ✸ 17+: 12 damage; pull 3 Effect: A target who is adjacent to the bandit chief after the attack is resolved takes 9 corruption damage.
  • 2 VP: This ability targets three enemies or objects.

Kneel, Peasant! (Maneuver) Keywords: Attack, Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: One enemy or object

  • ✦ ≤11: Push 1
  • ★ 12–16: Push 2; prone
  • ✸ 17+: Push 3; prone
  • 2 VP: This ability targets each enemy adjacent to the bandit chief.

Bloodstones (Triggered Action) Keywords: Magic Distance: Self Target: Self Trigger: The bandit chief makes a power roll for an attack. Effect: The bandit chief takes 4 corruption damage and increases the result of the power roll by one tier.

End Effect At the end of their turn, the bandit chief can take 5 damage to end one EoE effect affecting them. This damage can’t be reduced in any way.

Shoot! (Villain Action 1) Keywords: Area Distance: 10 burst Target: Each ally Effect: Each target can make a ranged free strike.

Form Up! (Villain Action 2) Keywords: Area Distance: 10 burst Target: Each ally Effect: Each target shifts up to their speed. Until the end of the encounter, any enemy takes a bane on attacks against the bandit chief or any of the bandit chief’s allies if they are adjacent to that target.

Lead From the Front (Villain Action 3) Keywords: Attack, Weapon Distance: Self Target: Self Effect: The bandit chief shifts twice their speed. During or after this movement, they can attack up to four targets with Whip & Magic Longsword. Any ally of the bandit chief adjacent to a target can make a free strike against that target.


Level 1 Mount Animal EV 13 Stamina: 20 Speed: 7 (flying) Size: 2 / Stability 0 Free Strike: 3

  • Might +1
  • Agility +1
  • Reason −3
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence −2

Talons (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: One creature or object

  • ✦ ≤11: 3 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 5 damage
  • ✸ 17+: 7 damage Effect: The target is grabbed by the [[Giant Hawk|giant hawk]].

Dive (Maneuver) The hawk moves up to their speed.

Mounted Platform Any creature riding the hawk can make a free strike during or after the hawk’s movement.


Level 1 Mount Animal EV 28 Stamina: 60 Speed: 7 (flying) Size: 3 / Stability 0 Free Strike: 4

  • Might +1
  • Agility +1
  • Reason −3
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence −2

Talons (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: Two creatures or objects

  • ✦ ≤11: 4 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 7 damage
  • ✸ 17+: 10 damage Effect: The target is grabbed by the [[Siege Hawk|siege hawk]]. The [[Siege Hawk|siege hawk]] can have two targets grabbed at a time.

Bombs Away! (Action) ◆ AGL RR ◆ 7 VP Keywords: Area, Magic, Ranged, Resistance Distance: 5 cube within 10 Target: Each creature and object

  • ✸ ≤11: 7 fire damage; restrained (EoT)
  • ★ 12–16: 6 fire damage; slowed (EoT)
  • ✦ 17+: 3 fire damage Special: The [[Siege Hawk|siege hawk]] must be flying to use this ability.

Dive (Maneuver) The hawk moves up to their speed.

Mounted Platform Any creature riding the hawk can make a free strike during or after the hawk’s movement.


Small, agile, and hardy, radenwights have the appearance of humanoid rodents. They’re often referred to as “ratfolk,” a name they don’t particularly mind but also don’t embrace. Should anyone ask, many radenwights speak of being a ratfolk when they’re alone, but always a radenwight when part of a group. Radenwight groups proudly call themselves a “meddle,” and have a knack for appearing where others hoped they wouldn’t or whenever they are least expected. Radenwight meddles can be found in the wilderness as easily as in any city, so long as there’s suitable work and excitement to keep the members of the meddle occupied.

If radenwights’ enemies expect them to scurry away like rats, they will be painfully surprised to see the combined arrows, bodies, and blades of a meddle thrown against them all at once. Whatever radenwights do, they do it fearlessly, with deeply cherished values of bravery and fair play shining through in even the most rakish and roguish of them. Radenwights aren’t above banditry if it will support the meddle, but they greatly prefer to overwhelm, knock down, and knock out their targets rather than engage in deadly violence. They prefer weapons of precision, and look for opportunities to strike as they and their comrades create openings for one another.


It’s a big world out there for a bunch of small ratfolk, and radenwights learned long ago that trying to survive by running away or climbing to safety only gets you so far. Radenwights learn boldness from birth and are taught to hurl themselves fearlessly against any challenge that stands in their way. The key to this bravery is the intense bond of trust that exists between every radenwight, their comrades, and their community, and the knowledge that every other radenwight will act just as decisively as they do. In a scrap, it’s not one radenwight’s blade or arrow that brings down the foe, but the instant and instinctual follow-up from their fellows.


The pursuit of arcane studies is unusual among radenwights, though the community throws their support behind any child who happens to show that talent. Somewhat more common is the spontaneous discovery of magical aptitude through music, as the culture of radenwight meddles strongly emphasizes both music and dance. Radenwights are particularly drawn to flutes and panpipes, inspired by the legend of a flutist who enraptured an evil dragon while her meddle lined up a suitably sized boulder to be dropped from the cliff above.


Most radenwights speak Caelian and Szetch.


At the start of any radenwight’s turn, you can spend VP to activate one of the following features.

Trouser Cut (3 VP) A non-minion radenwight can use the following ability.

Trouser Cut (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 2 Keywords: Attack, Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: One creature

  • ✦ ≤11: 5 damage; push 3
  • ★ 12–16: 10 damage; push 3; taunted (EoT)
  • ✸ 17+: 12 damage; push 3; taunted (REA ends) Effect: If a target is wearing clothing covering the lower half of their body, they must use a maneuver to pull that clothing up before they can move.

Rat Race (5 VP) Each radenwight shifts up to their speed. Wherever a radenwight ends this movement adjacent to at least one other radenwight, they can make a melee free strike against a target.

Wall of Rats (7 VP) A 10-foot wall of living rats scurrying atop one another in a coordinated manner appears in unoccupied spaces anywhere on the encounter map and lasts until the end of the encounter. The wall doesn’t block line of effect for radenwights and their allies, but it does for other creatures, as the rats coordinate their movements with the radenwights. Each square of the wall has 10 Stamina. If the last radenwight in the encounter dies and the wall is still standing, the rats let out a hideous screech as they disperse. Each enemy on the encounter map must then make an Intuition resistance roll.

  • ✸ ≤11: 10 sonic damage
  • ★ 12–16: 5 sonic damage
  • ✦ 17+: No effect



Level 1 Ambusher Minion Humanoid, Radenwight EV 7 Stamina: 10 Speed: 7 (climb) Size: 1S / Stability 0 Free Strike: 2

  • Might −1
  • Agility +1
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +1
  • Presence +0

Dagger Dance (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 or Ranged 5 Target: One creature per minion

  • ✦ ≤11: 2 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 5 damage
  • ✸ 17+: 6 damage Effect: If the mischiever is hidden when they use this ability, they can target two creatures.

Ready Rodent (Triggered Action) Keywords: Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: One creature Trigger: An ally deals damage to the target. Effect: The mischiever makes a free strike against the target.


Level 1 Defender Minion Humanoid, Radenwight EV 7 Stamina: 12 Speed: 6 (climb) Size: 1S / Stability 0 Free Strike: 2

  • Might −1
  • Agility +1
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +1

Stinky Glissando (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Magic, Melee Distance: Reach 1 Target: One creature or object per minion

  • ✦ ≤11: 2 poison damage
  • ★ 12–16: 4 poison damage; taunted (EoT)
  • ✸ 17+: 5 poison damage; taunted (EoT)

Ready Rodent (Triggered Action) Keywords: Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: One creature Trigger: An ally deals damage to the target. Effect: The ratagast makes a free strike against the target.


Level 1 Harrier Minion Humanoid, Radenwight EV 6 Stamina: 10 Speed: 7 (climb) Size: 1S / Stability 0 Free Strike: 2

  • Might +0
  • Agility +1
  • Reason +1
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence −1

Rapier Flunge (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: One creature or object per minion

  • ✦ ≤11: 2 damage; slide 1; the swiftpaw can shift 1 square
  • ★ 12–16: 4 damage; slide 2; the swiftpaw can shift 2 squares
  • ✸ 17+: 5 damage; slide 3; the swiftpaw can shift 3 squares

Ready Rodent (Triggered Action) Keywords: Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: One creature Trigger: An ally deals damage to the target. Effect: The swiftpaw makes a free strike against the target.


Level 1 Artillery Minion Humanoid, Radenwight EV 6 Stamina: 8 Speed: 5 (climb) Size: 1S / Stability 0 Free Strike: 2

  • Might +1
  • Agility +1
  • Reason −1
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +0

Eyes-On-Me Shot (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Ranged, Weapon Distance: Ranged 10 Target: One creature or object per minion

  • ✦ ≤11: 2 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 5 damage
  • ✸ 17+: 6 damage Effect: An ally of the redeye within 2 squares of the target can shift up to 2 squares.

Ready Rodent (Triggered Action) Keywords: Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: One creature Trigger: An ally deals damage to the target. Effect: The redeye makes a free strike against the target.


Level 1 Brute Humanoid, Radenwight EV 16 Stamina: 40 Speed: 5 (climb) Size: 1M / Stability 2 Free Strike: 5

  • Might +1
  • Agility +1
  • Reason −1
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +0

Lockjaw (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: One creature or object

  • ✦ ≤11: 5 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 9 damage; grabbed
  • ✸ 17+: 12 damage; grabbed Effect: While the target is grabbed, they take 2 damage at the start of each of the bruxer’s turns.

Flurry of Bites (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ 3 VP Keywords: Area, Weapon Distance: 1 burst Target: Each enemy

  • ✦ ≤11: 4 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 8 damage
  • ✸ 17+: 10 damage; bleeding (EoT)

Ready Rodent (Triggered Action) Keywords: Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: One creature Trigger: An ally deals damage to the target. Effect: The bruxer makes a free strike against the target.


Level 1 Support Humanoid, Radenwight EV 13 Stamina: 30 Speed: 5 (climb) Size: 1S / Stability 0 Free Strike: 2

  • Might +0
  • Agility +0
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +1
  • Presence +1

Piercing Trill (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Magic, Melee, Ranged Distance: Reach 1 or Ranged 10 Target: One creature or object

  • ✦ ≤11: 3 sonic damage; push 1
  • ★ 12–16: 5 sonic damage; push 3
  • ✸ 17+: 7 sonic damage; push 4 Effect: The piper or an ally within distance regains stamina equal to half the damage dealt.

Vivace Vivace! (Maneuver) ◆ 3 VP Keywords: Area, Magic Distance: 5 burst Target: Each ally Effect: Each target who has used their Ready Rodent ability since their last turn regains the use of their triggered action.

Ready Rodent (Triggered Action) Keywords: Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: One creature Trigger: An ally deals damage to the target. Effect: The piper makes a free strike against the target.


Level 1 Harrier Humanoid, Radenwight EV 13 Stamina: 30 Speed: 7 (climb) Size: 1S / Stability 0 Free Strike: 5

  • Might −1
  • Agility +1
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +1

En Garde! (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: Two creatures or objects

  • ✦ ≤11: 2 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 5 damage
  • ✸ 17+: 6 damage Effect: The ratcrobat can shift up to 2 squares after attacking the first target, then can shift 1 square after attacking the second target.

Over Here, Thanks (Maneuver) Keywords: Melee Distance: Reach 1 Target: One enemy Effect: Slide 1; the ratcrobat can then shift into the square the target left.

Ready Rodent (Triggered Action) Keywords: Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: One creature Trigger: An ally deals damage to the target. Effect: The ratcrobat makes a free strike against the target.

Gymratstics The ratcrobat gains an edge on attacks against larger creatures.


Level 1 Boss Humanoid, Radenwight EV 38 Stamina: 80 Speed: 5 (climb) Size: 1S / Stability 1 Free Strike: 5

  • Might −2
  • Agility +2
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +2

Cacophony (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 2 ◆ Signature Keywords: Area, Magic Distance: 5 burst Target: Each enemy

  • ✦ ≤11: 3 sonic damage; slide 1; the maestro can shift 1 square
  • ★ 12–16: 5 sonic damage; slide 3; the maestro can shift 3 squares
  • ✸ 17+: 7 sonic damage; slide 5; the maestro can shift 5 squares Effect: Each of the maestro's allies can use Ready Rodent as a free triggered action once before the end of the round.

Tempo Change (Maneuver) ◆ PRS RR Keywords: Magic, Ranged, Resistance Distance: Ranged 10 Target: Two enemies

  • ✸ ≤11: Slowed (MGT ends)
  • ★ 12–16: Slowed (EoT)
  • ✦ 17+: No effect

5 VP: Each ally of the maestro within distance has their speed increased by 2 until the end of their next turn.

Ranged Ready Rodent (Triggered Action) Keywords: Magic, Ranged Distance: Ranged 10 Target: One creature Trigger: An ally deals damage to the target. Effect: The maestro makes a free strike against the target.

End Effect At the end of their turn, the maestro can take 5 damage to end one EoE effect affecting them. This damage can't be reduced in any way.

Overture (Villain Action 1) Keywords: Area Distance: 10 burst Target: Each ally Effect: Each target shifts up to their speed or takes the Defend action.

Solo Act (Villain Action 2) Keywords: Ranged Distance: Ranged 15 Target: One creature Effect: Until the end of their next turn, the target's stamina can't be reduced below 1, their speed is doubled, and their next power roll is automatically a tier 3 result.

Rondo of Rat (Villain Action 3) Keywords: Area Distance: 10 burst Target: Each dead ally Effect: Each target stands, makes a free strike, then collapses again. Allies of the targets can use Ready Rodent as a free triggered action once in conjunction with these free strikes.


The kuran’zoi (coor-AN-zoy), also called time raiders, are humanoids who make the astral realm of the Sea of Stars their home. Many kuran’zoi make their living as guides for travelers from other planes, while others survive on the Sea of Stars through piracy against interplanar vessels.


Thousands of years ago, the synlirii—a powerful species of evil psionic aberrations—created the kuran’zoi as soldiers. But as the synlirii experimented with and enhanced these warriors’ psionic potential, the kuran’zoi came to understand the true nature of their progenitors. They rebelled against the synlirii and fled to the Sea of Stars, becoming nomads of the timescape.


Kuran’zoi possess resilient ocular sensors that allow them to see in the dark. Knowing these sensors would also defend them against the hardlight storms of the astral realm, the escaping kuran’zoi chose the Sea of Stars as their home. They thrive where the winds of limbo roar. Time raiders also have two sets of arms, allowing them to wield melee weapons at the same time as ranged weapons. A single well-trained kuran’zoi is like a squad unto themself.


Like their synlirii foes, time raiders travel on mindships and wield psionic weapons and tools that only their people can activate. Many kuran’zoi specialize in melee weapons that psionically devastate enemies, but [[Time Raider Vertex|time raider vertexes]] also learn to pilot enormous suits of psionic armor that empower their allies.


The moniker “time raider” is imprecise. Rather, when kuran’zoi raid a world of the timescape that relies on sorcery instead of kuran’zoi technology—including Orden—it seems to those worlds’ people as though the time raiders have come from the future, wielding marvelous weapons of light that hit as hard as steel.


Time raider pirates plunder the vessels they target, but allow just enough of the crew to survive so the ship can make it back home. Kuran’zoi pirate captains often remind their crews: “Leave the sheep alive. Next year, they’ll return with a new coat of wool for us to shear.”


While in the Sea of Stars, time raiders and other creatures don’t age. As a result, many living kuran’zoi recall the Psychic Wars. They carry the lessons learned from millennia of conflict with the synlirii into new battles with devastating effect, using mindships to launch attacks on other planes and appearing exactly where they want to. However, this knowledge serves them far beyond war. Time raiders raise their young in ruined citadels and similar strongholds on obscure worlds, keeping their creches secret and protected.


Most time raiders speak Caelian and Voll.


At the start of any time raider’s turn, you can spend VP to activate one of the following features:

  • Gravity Well (3 VP): A time raider acting this turn can activate gravity well on a square they move through while using a move action. The gravity well lasts until the end of the encounter or until a creature who can reach the well uses a maneuver to disable it. Each square within 4 squares of the gravity well is difficult terrain for non-time raiders, and any non-time raider who ends their turn in such a square is pulled 4 squares toward the well.
  • Recall Module (5 VP): Until the end of the round, whenever a time raider ends their turn with movement remaining, they can teleport back to the space where they started their turn (or the closest unoccupied space of their choice), and make a free strike as a free triggered action.
  • Psi-Cage (7 VP): All time raiders in the encounter create a psionic field over the encounter map, which lasts until the time raider with the highest Stamina maximum drops to Stamina 0 or chooses to end the field. While the field is up, each non-time raider on the map must make a Reason resistance roll against this psionic effect at the start of each round. ✸ ≤11: 8 psychic damage; slowed (EoT) ★ 12–16: 5 psychic damage; slowed (EoT) ✦ 17+: No effect



Level 3 Harrier Minion Humanoid, Time Raider EV 8 Stamina: 15 Immunity: Psychic 3 Speed: 7 Size: 1M / Stability 0 Free Strike: 2

  • Might +2
  • Agility +2
  • Reason +2
  • Intuition +1
  • Presence −1

Brutal Flail (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 2 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Melee, Psionic, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: One creature or object per minion

  • ✦ ≤11: 2 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 4 damage
  • ✸ 17+: 5 damage; dazed (EoT)

Foresight The archon doesn’t take a bane on attacks against concealed creatures.


Level 3 Brute Minion Humanoid, Time Raider EV 10 Stamina: 20 Immunity: Psychic 3 Speed: 5 Size: 1M / Stability 0 Free Strike: 2

  • Might +2
  • Agility +1
  • Reason +2
  • Presence +1

Fifth Fist (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 2 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Melee, Psionic, Weapon Distance: Reach 2 Target: One creature or object per minion

  • ✦ ≤11: 2 damage; slide 1
  • ★ 12–16: 5 damage; slide 2
  • ✸ 17+: 6 damage; slide 3; prone

Foresight The myriad doesn’t take a bane on attacks against concealed creatures.


Level 3 Defender Humanoid, Time Raider EV 21 Stamina: 60 Immunity: Psychic 5 Speed: 5 Size: 1M / Stability 0 Free Strike: 5

  • Might +0
  • Agility +2
  • Reason +2
  • Presence +0

Serrated Saber (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 2 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Melee, Psionic, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: One creature or object

  • ✦ ≤11: 5 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 8 damage; weakened (EoT)
  • ✸ 17+: 11 damage; weakened (REA ends) Effect: The target takes a bane on the next attack they make before the start of the armiger’s next turn.

Shared Sickness (Triggered Action) ◆ REA RR Keywords: Psionic, Ranged, Resistance Distance: Ranged 20 Target: Triggering creature Trigger: A creature deals damage to any ally of the armiger to whom the armiger has line of effect.

  • ✸ ≤11: 11 poison damage
  • ★ 12–16: 8 poison damage
  • ✦ 17+: 5 poison damage

Foresight The armiger doesn’t take a bane on attacks against concealed creatures.

Kuran’zoi Heraldry While any time raider starts their turn with line of effect to the armiger, that time raider can end one condition affecting them.


Level 3 Artillery Humanoid, Time Raider EV 18 Stamina: 40 Immunity: Psychic 4 Speed: 5 Size: 1L / Stability 3 Free Strike: 5

  • Might +0
  • Agility +2
  • Reason +2
  • Presence +0

Sunderbuss (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 2 ◆ Signature Keywords: Area, Psionic, Ranged, Weapon Distance: 3 cube within 10 Target: Each enemy

  • ✦ ≤11: 4 sonic damage
  • ★ 12–16: 8 sonic damage; slowed (EoT)
  • ✸ 17+: 10 sonic damage; slowed (EoT); prone Effect: A layer of ground or floor beneath the area that is 1 square deep is destroyed.

Buss Buffer (Triggered Action) Keywords: Area, Psionic Distance: 5 burst Target: Each ally Trigger: A creature damages the cannonfall with a ranged ability. Effect: The damage is reduced by half for the cannonfall and each target also affected by the triggering ability.

Foresight The cannonfall doesn’t take a bane on attacks against concealed creatures.


Level 3 Controller Humanoid, Time Raider EV 17 Stamina: 40 Immunity: Psychic 4 Speed: 5 (fly) Size: 1M / Stability 0 Free Strike: 5

  • Might +0
  • Agility +2
  • Reason +2
  • Intuition +2
  • Presence +2

Blaster Volley (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 2 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Ranged, Psionic, Weapon Distance: Ranged 10 Target: Three creatures

  • ✦ ≤11: 4 corruption damage; push 2
  • ★ 12–16: 7 corruption damage; push 4
  • ✸ 17+: 10 corruption damage; push 6; prone

Kinetic Lane (Maneuver) Keywords: Area, Psionic, Ranged Distance: 4 × 2 line within 10 Target: Special Effect: Until the start of the helix’s next turn, the area becomes a psionically charged treadmill that pushes creatures and objects at high speed in one direction of the helix’s choice. Any creature that moves into the area or starts their turn there is immediately slid 3 squares toward the square at the end of the area in the appropriate direction, starting with creatures closest to the helix. Any non-time raider standing in the area when it first appears takes 3 damage before they are moved. 5 VP: The helix creates a second kinetic lane.

Foresight The helix doesn’t take a bane on attacks against concealed creatures.


Level 3 Ambusher Humanoid, Time Raider EV 20 Stamina: 50 Immunity: Psychic 5 Speed: 6 Size: 1M / Stability 0 Free Strike: 5

  • Might +0
  • Agility +2
  • Reason +2
  • Intuition +2
  • Presence +1

Golden Sickles (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 2 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Melee, Psionic, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: One creature

  • ✦ ≤11: 5 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 9 damage; bleeding (EoT)
  • ✸ 17+: 12 damage; bleeding (REA ends) Effect: If the target is bleeding from this ability, the hijack is hidden from the target until that bleeding ends.

Psi-Sickle (Maneuver) Keywords: Psionic, Ranged, Weapon Distance: Ranged 5 Target: One creature or object Effect: The hijack psychically latches their sickle onto the target and closes the distance between them. If the target has a weight of 4 or higher, the hijack moves adjacent to the target. Otherwise, the target is pulled 4 squares toward the hijack.

Foresight The hijack doesn’t take a bane on attacks against concealed creatures.


Level 3 Hexer Humanoid, Time Raider EV 17 Stamina: 40 Immunity: Psychic 4 Speed: 5 Size: 2 / Stability 2 Free Strike: 5

  • Might +2
  • Agility +0
  • Reason +2
  • Intuition +2
  • Presence +1

Repelling Psihander (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 2 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Melee, Psionic, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: Two creatures adjacent to each other

  • ✦ ≤11: 4 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 6 damage
  • ✸ 17+: 9 damage; dazed (EoT) Effect: A target who ends their next turn adjacent to the other target falls prone.

Mindpunk (Action) ◆ REA RR Keywords: Area, Psionic, Resistance Distance: 2 Burst Target: All enemies

  • ✸ ≤11: 7 psychic damage; push 2; prone and can’t stand (EoT)
  • ★ 12–16: 5 psychic damage; push 1
  • ✦ 17+: 2 psychic damage 3 VP: The size of the burst increases by 1.

Foresight The mind punk doesn’t take a bane on attacks against concealed creatures.


Level 3 Harrier Humanoid, Time Raider EV 19 Stamina: 50 Immunity: Psychic 5 Speed: 7 Size: 1M / Stability 0 Free Strike: 5

  • Might +1
  • Agility +2
  • Reason +2
  • Intuition +1
  • Presence +0

Golden Scythe (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 2 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Melee, Psionic, Weapon Distance: Reach 2 Target: One creature or object

  • ✦ ≤11: 5 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 8 damage; pull 1
  • ✸ 17+: 11 damage; pull 2; restrained (EoT) Effect: This ability can affect creatures on parallel planes of existence and pull them onto the nemesis’s plane.

Kinetic Crush (Action) ◆ MGT RR ◆ 2 VP Keywords: Psionic, Ranged, Resistance Distance: Ranged 10 Target: One creature

  • ✸ ≤11: 11 psychic damage; restrained (MGT ends)
  • ★ 12–16: 8 psychic damage; slowed (EoT)
  • ✦ 17+: 5 psychic damage

Foresight The nemesis doesn’t take a bane on attacks against concealed creatures.


Level 3 Support Humanoid, Time Raider EV 19 Stamina: 50 Immunity: Psychic 5 Speed: 5 (fly) Size: 2 / Stability 3 Free Strike: 5

  • Might +1
  • Agility +1
  • Reason +2
  • Intuition +1
  • Presence +0

Psionic Slam (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 2 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Melee, Psionic Distance: Reach 2 Target: One creature

  • ✦ ≤11: 3 damage; 2 psychic damage
  • ★ 12–16: 5 damage; 3 psychic damage
  • ✸ 17+: 7 damage; 4 psychic damage Effect: Any ability used against the target gains an edge until the start of the vertex’s next turn.

Split Space (Action) ◆ 5 VP Keywords: Area, Psionic, Ranged Distance: 2 cube within 10 Target: Special Effect: A portal fills the area, leading to a location the vertex has seen (in person or otherwise) on any plane of existence. Each creature who touches the portal is instantly teleported to the nearest unoccupied square at the chosen location. The portal lasts until the vertex dies, uses this ability again, dismisses the portal (no action required), or is transported by the portal.

Invigorated March (Maneuver) Keywords: Area, Psionic Distance: 4 burst Target: Each ally Effect: Each target can shift half their speed.

Foresight The vertex doesn’t take a bane on attacks against concealed creatures.


Level 3 Boss Humanoid, Time Raider EV 54 Stamina: 120 Immunity: Psychic 7 Speed: 10 (fly, teleport) Size: 2 / Stability 0 Free Strike: 5

  • Might +0
  • Agility +3
  • Reason +3
  • Intuition +1
  • Presence +0

Gatling Blaster (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 3 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Melee, Ranged, Psionic, Weapon Distance: Reach 2 or Ranged 10 Target: Three creatures or objects

  • ✦ ≤11: 5 corruption damage
  • ★ 12–16: 9 corruption damage
  • ✸ 17+: 12 corruption damage Effect: Each target’s speed is reduced by 2 (EoT).

Air Raid! (Maneuver) ◆ 3 VP Keywords: Psionic, Ranged Distance: Ranged 10 Target: Three time raiders Effect: Each target is psionically lifted into the air and can fly up to their speed. If a target doesn’t land in an unoccupied space, they fall.

Precog Reflexes (Triggered Action) Keywords: Psionic, Ranged Distance: Ranged 10 Target: One creature Trigger: The target attacks the tyrannis. Effect: The power roll for the attack takes a bane and the tyrannis makes a free strike against the target.

End Effect At the end of their turn, the tyrannis can take 5 damage to end one EoE effect affecting them. This damage can’t be reduced in any way.

Foresight The tyrannis doesn’t take a bane on attacks against concealed creatures.

We Will Won! (Villain Action 1) Keywords: Psionic, Ranged Distance: Ranged 10 Target: Three allies Effect: Each target gains 15 temporary Stamina and has their speed doubled until the end of their turn.

Stick To The Plan! (Villain Action 2)

Keywords: Area Distance: 10 burst Target: Each ally Effect: Each target can end one effect or condition affecting them or can move up to their speed.

Armageddon (Villain Action 3)

Keywords: Area Distance: 5 burst Target: Special Effect: The tyrannis fires a sensor mine into each unoccupied square in the burst and a gravity well into one of their own squares. Whenever an enemy moves into a square with a sensor mine, the mine explodes, dealing 3 damage to the enemy.



War dogs are explicitly evil soldiers built from the body parts of various humans. They are created brainwashed and indoctrinated to carry out the vile orders of Ajax, a tyrant who wants to rule the world. Check in with your players before running war dogs to make sure that they’re okay with battling these brainwashed soldiers with an appearance akin to Frankenstein’s monster if he were built to be a shock troop. If anyone is uncomfortable, modify the appearance and lore of the war dogs as you see fit.

Ajax’s War Dogs—brutal patchwork soldiers—owe their new lives to the Iron Saint, and fight for him fanatically. War Dog minions are the freshest recruits, possessing minimal patchwork qualities and generally treated as disposable. Those who survive a battle are rewarded with gifts from the Body Banks. Those who don’t survive become material for those Body Banks.


Most war dogs speak Caelian and one Vaslorian human language.


At the start of any war dog’s turn, you can spend VP to activate one of the following features:

  • Reconstitut (3 VP): One war dog acting this turn tears apart a nearby corpse of a humanoid and incorporates its body parts into their own. The war dog regains Stamina equal to 5 times their level.

  • Fire for Effect (5 VP): A war dog acting this turn can use the following maneuver.

Fire for Effect (Maneuver) ◆ AGL RR ◆ 12 VP Keywords: Area, Magic, Ranged, Resistance Distance: 5 cube within 10 Target: Each creature

  • ✸ ≤11: 7 fire damage; slowed (MGT ends)

  • ★ 12–16: 6 fire damage; slowed (EoT)

  • ✦ 17+: 3 fire damage

  • Fodder Run (7 VP): Each war dog minion in the battle can shift their speed, make a free strike, and then die.



Level 1 Ambusher Minion Humanoid, War Dog EV 5 Stamina: 8 Speed: 5 Size: 1M / Stability 0 Free Strike: 2

  • Might +0
  • Agility +1
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +0

Daggers (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Melee, Ranged, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 or Ranged 5 Target: One creature per minion

  • ✦ ≤11: 2 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 4 damage
  • ✸ 17+: 5 damage Effect: The commando can use the Hide maneuver, even if observed.

Loyalty Collar When the commando dies, they explode, dealing 1d6 damage to each adjacent enemy.


Level 1 Harrier Minion Humanoid, War Dog EV 4 Stamina: 8 Speed: 7 Size: 1M / Stability 0 Free Strike: 2

  • Might +1
  • Agility +0
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +0

Blade (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Charge, Melee, Ranged, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 or Ranged 5 Target: One creature per minion

  • ✦ ≤11: 2 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 3 damage
  • ✸ 17+: 4 damage Effect: If this ability is used as part of the Charge action, the conscript gains an edge on the power roll.

Loyalty Collar When the conscript dies, they explode, dealing 1d6 damage to each adjacent enemy.


Level 1 Artillery Minion Humanoid, War Dog EV 4 Stamina: 8 Speed: 7 Size: 1M / Stability 0 Free Strike: 2

  • Might +0
  • Agility +1
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +0

Bolt Launcher (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Ranged, Weapon Distance: Ranged 5 Target: One creature or object per minion

  • ✦ ≤11: 2 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 3 damage
  • ✸ 17+: 4 damage Effect: This ability ignores cover and concealment.

Loyalty Collar When the sharpshooter dies, they explode, dealing 1d6 damage to each adjacent enemy.


Level 1 Brute Minion Humanoid, War Dog EV 6 Stamina: 8 Speed: 5 Size: 1M / Stability 0 Free Strike: 2

  • Might +1
  • Agility +0
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +0

Daggers (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 2 Target: One creature or object per minion

  • ✦ ≤11: 2 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 4 damage
  • ✸ 17+: 5 damage

Tether A captain attached to a tetherite squad has their Stability increased by the number of tetherites within 2 squares of them.

Loyalty Collar When the tetherite dies, they explode, dealing 1d6 damage to each adjacent enemy.


Level 1 Defender Humanoid, War Dog EV 11 Stamina: 25 Speed: 5 (fly) Size: 1M / Stability 0 Free Strike: 2

  • Might +0
  • Agility +1
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +1

Synlirii Grafts (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Area, Psionic Distance: 1 burst Target: Each enemy

  • ✦ ≤11: 2 psychic damage; vertical slide 1
  • ★ 12–16: 4 psychic damage; vertical slide 2
  • ✸ 17+: 5 psychic damage; vertical slide 3

Posthumous Promotion (Maneuver) Keywords: Magic, Ranged Distance: Ranged 10 Target: One war dog with a loyalty collar Effect: The target’s loyalty collar detonates, killing them instantly.

The Voice (Maneuver) ◆ 1 VP Keywords: Psionic, Ranged Distance: Ranged 10 Target: Each enemy Effect: The cognivite chooses an ally within 10 squares, then chooses whether each target is taunted by the ally (EoT) or has a double bane on attacks against the ally (EoT). The same choice must be made for all targets.

Loyalty Collar When the cognivite dies, they explode, dealing 1d6 damage to each adjacent enemy.


Level 1 Artillery Humanoid, War Dog EV 10 Stamina: 15 Immunity: Psychic 3 Speed: 5 Size: 1M / Stability 0 Free Strike: 2

  • Might +0
  • Agility +1
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +0

Flamebelcher (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Area, Weapon Distance: 5 × 1 line Target: Each creature and object

  • ✦ ≤11: 2 fire damage
  • ★ 12–16: 5 fire damage
  • ✸ 17+: 6 fire damage Effect: The area is covered in sticky fire until the start of the crucibite’s next turn. Whenever a creature enters the area for the first time in a round or starts their turn there, they take 2 fire damage. 2 VP: The area increases to a 10 × 1 line, and if any ally of the crucibite is in the area when it is created, the crucibite gains an edge on the power roll.

Posthumous Promotion (Maneuver) Keywords: Magic, Ranged Distance: Ranged 10 Target: One war dog with a loyalty collar Effect: The target’s loyalty collar detonates, killing them instantly.

Loyalty Collar When the crucibite dies, they explode, dealing 1d6 damage to each adjacent enemy.


Level 1 Harrier Humanoid, War Dog EV 10 Stamina: 20 Speed: 7 Size: 1M / Stability 0 Free Strike: 3

  • Might +1
  • Agility +1
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +0

Chainsaw Whip (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 3 Target: One creature or object

  • ✦ ≤11: 3 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 5 damage; pull 1
  • ✸ 17+: 7 damage; pull 2 Effect: The eviscerite can grab a target pulled adjacent to them by this ability.

Posthumous Promotion (Maneuver) Keywords: Magic, Ranged Distance: Ranged 10 Target: One war dog with a loyalty collar Effect: The target’s loyalty collar detonates, killing them instantly.

Loyalty Collar When the eviscerite dies, they explode, dealing 1d6 damage to each adjacent enemy.


Level 1 Ambusher Humanoid, War Dog EV 11 Stamina: 20 Speed: 5 (teleport) Size: 1M / Stability 0 Free Strike: 3

  • Might +0
  • Agility +1
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +0

Corrupted Ash Daggers (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Melee, Ranged, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 or Ranged 5 Target: One creature or object

  • ✦ ≤11: 3 damage; slide 1
  • ★ 12–16: 5 damage; slide 2
  • ✸ 17+: 7 damage; slide 3 Effect: The power roll gains an edge if any of the portalite’s allies are adjacent to the target. 1 VP: The portalite teleports the target up to 3 squares before sliding them.

Posthumous Promotion (Maneuver) Keywords: Magic, Ranged Distance: Ranged 10 Target: One war dog with a loyalty collar Effect: The target’s loyalty collar detonates, killing them instantly.

Corrupted Ash Teleport (Maneuver) ◆ 1 VP Keywords: Magic Distance: Self Target: Self Effect: The portalite teleports up to 5 squares and gains an edge on attacks this turn.

Loyalty Collar When the portalite dies, they explode, dealing 1d6 damage to each adjacent enemy.


Level 2 Brute Humanoid, War Dog EV 15 Stamina: 35 Speed: 5 Size: 1M / Stability 0 Free Strike: 4

  • Might +2
  • Agility +0
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +0

Several Arms (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 2 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 2 Target: One creature or object

  • ✦ ≤11: 4 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 7 damage; grabbed
  • ✸ 17+: 10 damage; grabbed Special: The amalgamite can grab up to four creatures. 5 VP: The amalgamite deals 4 damage to each creature they have grabbed, and regains Stamina equal to the damage dealt.

Posthumous Promotion (Maneuver) Keywords: Magic, Ranged Distance: Ranged 10 Target: One war dog with a loyalty collar Effect: The target’s loyalty collar detonates, killing them instantly.

Loyalty Collar When the amalgamite dies, they explode, dealing 1d6 damage to each adjacent enemy.


Level 2 Hexer Humanoid, War Dog EV 10 Stamina: 20 Immunity: Acid 3 Speed: 5 Size: 1M / Stability 0 Free Strike: 2

  • Might +0
  • Agility +1
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +0

Caustic Detonator (Action) ◆ MGT RR ◆ Signature Keywords: Magic, Ranged, Resistance Distance: Ranged 10 Target: One creature or object Effect: A detonator attaches to the target. At the end of each round, roll a die. On an odd result, the detonator explodes, triggering the resistance roll.

  • ✸ ≤11: 7 acid damage; bleeding (MGT ends)
  • ★ 12–16: 5 acid damage; bleeding (EoT)
  • ✦ 17+: 3 acid damage Special: An adjacent creature can attempt an easy Agility test to remove the detonator as a maneuver. A failure does nothing, a success disarms and destroys the detonator, and a success with a reward allows the disarming creature to throw the detonator onto another target within 5 squares.

Posthumous Promotion (Maneuver) Keywords: Magic, Ranged Distance: Ranged 10 Target: One war dog with a loyalty collar Effect: The target’s loyalty collar detonates, killing them instantly.

Loyalty Collar When the phosphorite dies, they explode, dealing 1d6 damage to each adjacent enemy.


Level 2 Support Humanoid, War Dog EV 12 Stamina: 25 Speed: 5 Size: 1M / Stability 0 Free Strike: 3

  • Might +1
  • Agility +0
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +0

Command Saber (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 1 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Melee, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 Target: One creature or object

  • ✦ ≤11: 3 damage
  • ★ 12–16: 5 damage
  • ✸ 17+: 7 damage Effect: One ally of the subcommander within 5 squares of them can make a free strike against the target.

Posthumous Promotion (Maneuver) Keywords: Magic, Ranged Distance: Ranged 10 Target: One war dog with a loyalty collar Effect: The target’s loyalty collar detonates, killing them instantly.

The Iron Saint Does Not Recognize Retreat Each ally within 5 squares of the subcommander adds 3 to their stability.

Loyalty Collar When the subcommander dies, they explode, dealing 1d6 damage to each adjacent enemy.


Level 3 Controller Humanoid, War Dog EV 13 Stamina: 25 Immunity: Poison 3 Speed: 5 Size: 1M / Stability 0 Free Strike: 2

  • Might +0
  • Agility +1
  • Reason +0
  • Intuition +0
  • Presence +1

Plaguecaster (Action) ◆ INU RR ◆ Signature Keywords: Area, Magic, Ranged, Resistance Distance: 3 cube within 10 Target: Each creature

  • ✸ ≤11: 8 poison damage; frightened (INU ends)
  • ★ 12–16: 5 poison damage; frightened (EoT)
  • ✦ 17+: 2 poison damage Effect: The area is covered in a cloud of pestilence that lasts until the start of the pestilite’s next turn. Any creature who enters the area for the first time in a round or starts their turn there takes 2 poison damage.

Posthumous Promotion (Maneuver) Keywords: Magic, Ranged Distance: Ranged 10 Target: One war dog with a loyalty collar Effect: The target’s loyalty collar detonates, killing them instantly.

Loyalty Collar When the pestilite dies, they explode, dealing 1d6 damage to each adjacent enemy.


Level 3 Boss Humanoid, War Dog EV 36 Stamina: 90 Speed: 5 Size: 1M / Stability 2 Free Strike: 5

  • Might +2
  • Agility +2
  • Reason +2
  • Intuition +2
  • Presence +2

Conditioning Spear (Action) ◆ 2d10 + 2 ◆ Signature Keywords: Attack, Melee, Ranged, Weapon Distance: Reach 1 or Ranged 5 Target: Two creatures or objects

  • ✦ ≤11: 5 damage; pull 1
  • ★ 12–16: 8 damage; pull 2
  • ✸ 17+: 11 damage; pull 3 Effect: One ally within 10 squares of the commander can make a free strike. 1 VP: A target who is adjacent to the ground commander after this ability is resolved is grabbed (INU ends). This grab can’t be escaped using the Escape Grab maneuver. The ground commander can grab up to two creatures at a time.

Highest Posthumous Promotion (Maneuver) Keywords: Area, Magic Distance: 10 burst Target: Each war dog with a loyalty collar Effect: The target’s loyalty collar detonates, killing them instantly.

Final Orders (Triggered Action) Keywords: Magic, Ranged Distance: Ranged 10 Target: One ally Trigger: The target has a condition imposed on them, is force moved, or is killed. Effect: The target can move up to their speed and make a free strike before the triggering effect happens.

End Effect At the end of their turn, the ground commander can take 5 damage to end one EoE effect affecting them. This damage can’t be reduced in any way.

Loyalty Collar When the ground commander dies, they explode, dealing 2d6 damage to each adjacent enemy.

Combined Arms (Villain Action 1) Keywords: Area Distance: 10 burst Target: Each ally Effect: Each target can make a ranged free strike, then immediately use the Charge action.

Make an Example of Them (Villain Action 2) Keywords: Magic, Ranged Distance: Ranged 10 Target: One enemy Effect: Each ally within 5 squares of the target can move up to their speed and make a free strike against the target. The target is then frightened of the ground commander (INU ends).

Claim Them for the Body Banks (Villain Action 3) Keywords: Area, Magic Distance: 10 burst Target: Each ally Effect: Each target can shift up to 2 squares and use the Grab maneuver. For the rest of the encounter, any enemy takes a bane on the Escape Grab maneuver.