This sentence describes perfectly what RIOT OS is, but it can be even more friendly if you can find more examples on the Internet aside from the official documentation.
That's my goal, give you some (I hope) useful code examples, to understand how the modules/libraries of this OS work.
The examples will regard mainly secure communications between devices.
- Public key exchange + encrypted msg exchange
All the example are developed and tested on FIT IOT-LAB. Their hosts works on the version 2019.01 of RIOT-OS (git clone 2019.01-branch, and on this verion of the GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain.
Obviously, I am working to provide more and more examples ;)
That's my first "open source" experiment, so leave me feedback (especially the bad ones), and if you want... contribute with lines of code.
(*) In each directory, you can find the description of the single example and how it works.