Vivado/Vitis Design Suite installed into an lxc/lxd container for local developement on otherwise unsupported platforms. Currently configured for Vivado 2019.2 in an ubuntu 16.04 container.
Requires a working LXD installation and needs be executed as a user capable of running lxc
Note: if you're running lxd init
during setup, pay attention to the storage backend and use dir
if you don't explicitely use btrfs, zfs,...)
Clone this repository.
Then download the Vivado Design Suite Web installer and the separate hardware server.
Finally run the provided
script with
The script will ask for your Xilinx username and password to be passed to the webinstaller.
If you can't use the webinstaller and have downloaded the Vitis standalone .tar.gz file, you can install it by passing the --standalone
flag and provide the path to the .tar.gz file using the --vivado-installer
% ./ --standalone --vivado-installer <PATH_TO_VIVADO_TAR_GZ> -c <CONTAINER_NAME> --shared-host <SHARED_HOST_DIRECTORY> --shared-container <SHARED_HOST_DIRECTORY> -l <URL_LICENCING_SERVER>
To get shell access to the container run:
% lxc exec <CONTAINER_NAME> -- sudo --user ubuntu --login
To start vivado run:
% source /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/20xx.y/
% vivado &
To connect to a board run the hardware server provided by Xilinx as a separate download and connect to your host's IP address.
Further options are available
-c NAME NAME of the container to be created. Default: vivado
--shared-host PATH PATH on host to a shared work directory between container and host. Not mapped if omitted.
--shared-container PATH PATH to shared work directory between container and host. Default: /home/ubuntu/host
-l URL Vivado Licence server URL to be exported as environment variable.
-u USERNAME Xilinx USERNAME for authentication.
-p PASSWORD Xilinx PASSWORD for authentication.
--lxc-profile-file PATH PATH to lxc profile file with default container configuration.
--xsetup-config PATH PATH to the Vivado xsetup config file for batch installation.
--vivado-installer PATH PATH to the Xilinx Webinstaller or installer .tar.gz.
--standalone The supplied installer is a standalone installer, does not require authentication.
--help Display this help message.
To update this script to newer versions of Vivado/Vitis, or want to use for different editions of Vivado/Vitis it might be necessary to regenerate the *install_config.txt file. To do so either unpack the .tar.gz and run
% xsetup -b ConfigGen
or for the webinstaller run
% <WEBINSTALLER> -- -b ConfigGen
In any cases adjust the config file to only install devices and modules you require.
ERROR: Before being able to download and install you must generate an authentication token using the xsetup -b AuthTokenGen command.
If the script errors with this message while using the webinstaller, you were using the wrong username/password combination.