Free 1.8 Spigot
SpaceDeltaSpigot is a 1.8 based spigot that offers a massive performance boost from alternatives like Paper and Taco. Updated with modern methods of optimizations and thinking this spigot is sure to offer new server owners stable gameplay as they start their journey in server ownership.
Our Mission:
StellarDev hopes that this spigot will open the doors for more new server owners. We hope this allows you guys to focus on creating new exciting gameplay and not worry about paying for it all right out the gates. We started this spigot out with community and charity in mind, and we never want to lose sight of that. If any fellow developers want to make contributions please reach out in PMs, if any of you in the community have a suggestion for improvements please reach out, if any of you would like to donate feel free to PM me or donate directly and we will honor you on our thread and our discord.
- TNT Optimizations
- Fixed Triangles/East to west cannoning
- Option to disable left-shooting
- Option for efficient wall damage
- Ability to set server knockback /setkb Ability to set server tps /settps
- Ability to toggle grace period /graceperiod
- Built-in live tps graph /tps /tnttoggle and /sandtoggle commands
- View config recommendations using /recommend command
- Global spawner values
- Chunk Mob Limit
- Toggle TNT Effects
- Fast Pots
- Ability to pearl through specific blocks
- Toggle whether hitting disables player sprint
- Hopper optimizations
- Spawner optimizations
- Toggle no weather/rain
- New Events For Plugins:
- ArmorEquipEvent
- ArmorRemoveEvent
- CactusGrowEvent
- CactusBreakEvent
- TNTDispenseEvent
- PotionEffectAddEvent
- PotionEffectRemoveEvent
- PotionEffectExpireEvent
- PotionEffectExtendEvent
- Ability to disable cactus damage
- Enhanced printer
- Ability to toggle leaf decay
- Ability to toggle footsteps
- Toggle whether lava and water can form blocks
- Toggle sand drops
- Toggle whether iron golems drop poppys
- Toggle whether iron golems take fall damage
- HashTreeSet crash fix
Redistribution of SpaceDeltaSpigot is allowed as long as the following are upheld. StellarDev will enforce these with a strict no-tolerance policy. You will receive one warning if you violate any of the requirements, after that, you will no longer be allowed to redistribute the spigot.
To redistribute SpaceDeltaSpigot you will need to follow all of these requirements.
- There must be a clear section dedicated to giving credit to StellarDev for making SpaceDeltaSpigot, and you cannot claim it as your own in any way.
- You must have a link to StellarDev main discord, and state that is where users can get support for the spigot itself if they have issues.
- You must show me that you have done the above, pm on mcm or Discord. Diz or Diz#2456
- You cannot decompile or modify the jar in any way.
Honorable Mentions: @StellarDev $100 @Lotus $250