- PHP 8.1.4
- Composer
- SGBDR (phpMyAdmin)
STK SMS is a school management system developed with version 9 of the Laravel framework. Its purpose is to computerize the management that is done manually in some schools, and to facilitate access to various resources that will be made available such as:
- Courses syllabi
- Assignments
- Routines
- Notices
- Exams schedule, and more
STK SMS is accessible, powerful and provides the necessary tools for the complete management of a school.
To be able to access the application it is necessary to follow the following steps:
- Clone the repository with the following command:
git clone https://github.com/StephaneKuma/sms.git
Make a copy of the .env.example file and rename it to .env
On Mac and linux
cp .env.example .env
On Windows
copy .env.example .env
Create a database and fill in the following information in the environment file
Please fill in these fields with information from your database
- Install the various application dependencies
composer install
- Generate an APP_KEY for the application to be functional
php artisan key:generate
Run migrations to prepare database tables
Simple migrations
php artisan migrate
Migrations with test data
php artisan migrate --seed
Run the app and enjoy
php artisan serve
STK SMS app is open-sourced software licensed under the BSD-3-Clause license.