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Releases: Stephen-Hamilton-C/auto-rtf

1.1.1 | auto-rtf

28 Oct 00:54
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1.1.1 - 2023-10-27

  • .java files are now included in the rtf


You must have Python 3 or later installed on your system.



  1. Drop into your Android Studio project
  2. Double click on the file in File Explorer or Finder
  3. You should see an RTF file appear with the same name as the project folder
  4. Open this RTF file and print (CTRL+P or ⌘+P) to PDF
  5. Any time you make changes to the code, simply run the script again!


If you use Linux, or you prefer running this script from the command line,
this section is for you!

Running the script with no arguments will have the same effect as Windows/macOS.
However, you have more control over what the script does over the command line.
Here are some helpful options:

  • --help, -h: Shows a help message describing what each option does
  • --output-file, -o: Specifies a different file name or location for the resulting RTF file
  • --project-root, -p: Specifies a root directory for an Android Studio project
  • --version, -v: Displays the current version of auto-rtf
  • --report-bug, -b: Opens the default web browser to report a bug
  • --remove-watermark, -w: Removes the watermark placed at the top of the RTF file

To run this in the command line, use python --help
If that doesn't work, try python3 instead of python.

On Linux, if you want to run the script without adding python to the beginning,
add #!/bin/python3 to the top of the script.
I would do this myself, but then it won't run on Windows with a double-click.

1.1.0 | auto-rtf

03 Oct 21:38
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1.1.0 - 2023-10-03

  • Fixed some layout XML files not being included
  • Added watermark to the top of the file
    • This can be removed using the --remove-watermark or -w option
    • This is here mostly to help with bug reports
  • Added directory name to XML file headers
  • Changed automatic project discovery to use current working directory rather than script directory
    • This makes the script more command-line friendly


You must have Python 3 or later installed on your system.



  1. Drop into your Android Studio project
  2. Double click on the file in File Explorer or Finder
  3. You should see an RTF file appear with the same name as the project folder
  4. Open this RTF file and print (CTRL+P or ⌘+P) to PDF
  5. Any time you make changes to the code, simply run the script again!


If you use Linux, or you prefer running this script from the command line,
this section is for you!

Running the script with no arguments will have the same effect as Windows/macOS.
However, you have more control over what the script does over the command line.
Here are some helpful options:

  • --help, -h: Shows a help message describing what each option does
  • --output-file, -o: Specifies a different file name or location for the resulting RTF file
  • --project-root, -p: Specifies a root directory for an Android Studio project
  • --version, -v: Displays the current version of auto-rtf
  • --report-bug, -b: Opens the default web browser to report a bug
  • --remove-watermark, -w: Removes the watermark placed at the top of the RTF file

To run this in the command line, use python --help
If that doesn't work, try python3 instead of python.

On Linux, if you want to run the script without adding python to the beginning,
add #!/bin/python3 to the top of the script.
I would do this myself, but then it won't run on Windows with a double-click.

1.0.3 | auto-rtf

19 Sep 01:13
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1.0.3 - 2023-09-18

  • Fixed nav graphs not being included in the PDF
  • Fixed macOS TextEdit not being able to open generated RTF files (#1)


You must have Python 3 or later installed on your system.



  1. Drop into your Android Studio project
  2. Double click on the file in File Explorer or Finder
  3. You should see an RTF file appear with the same name as the project folder
  4. Open this RTF file and print (CTRL+P or ⌘+P) to PDF
  5. Any time you make changes to the code, simply run the script again!


If you use Linux, or you prefer running this script from the command line,
this section is for you!

Running the script with no arguments will have the same effect as Windows/macOS.
However, you have more control over what the script does over the command line.
Here are some helpful options:

  • --help, -h: Shows a help message describing what each option does
  • --output-file, -o: Specifies a different file name or location for the resulting RTF file
  • --project-root, -p: Specifies a root directory for an Android Studio project
  • --version, -v: Displays the current version of auto-rtf
  • --report-bug, -b: Opens the default web browser to report a bug

To run this in the command line, use python --help
If that doesn't work, try python3 instead of python.

1.0.2 | auto-rtf

10 Sep 20:03
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1.0.2 - 2023-09-10

  • Fixed braces not showing up in RTF file
  • Added --report-bug option


You must have Python 3 or later installed on your system.



  1. Drop into your Android Studio project
  2. Double click on the file in File Explorer or Finder
  3. You should see an RTF file appear with the same name as the project folder
  4. Open this RTF file and print to PDF
  5. Any time you make changes to the code, simply run the script again!


If you use Linux, or you prefer running this script from the command line,
this section is for you!

Running the script with no arguments will have the same effect as Windows/macOS.
However, you have more control over what the script does over the command line.
Here are some helpful options:

  • --help, -h: Shows a help message describing what each option does
  • --output-file, -o: Specifies a different file name or location for the resulting RTF file
  • --project-root, -p: Specifies a root directory for an Android Studio project
  • --version, -v: Displays the current version of auto-rtf
  • --report-bug, -b: Opens the default web browser to report a bug

To run this in the command line, use python --help
If that doesn't work, try python3 instead of python.

1.0.1 | auto-rtf

09 Sep 03:12
Choose a tag to compare


You must have Python 3 or later installed on your system.



  1. Drop into your Android Studio project
  2. Double click on the file in File Explorer or Finder
  3. You should see an RTF file appear with the same name as the project folder
  4. Open this RTF file and print to PDF
  5. Any time you make changes to the code, simply run the script again!


If you use Linux, or you prefer running this script from the command line,
this section is for you!

Running the script with no arguments will have the same effect as Windows/macOS.
However, you have more control over what the script does over the command line.
Here are some helpful options:

  • --help, -h: Shows a help message describing what each option does
  • --output-file, -o: Specifies a different file name or location for the resulting RTF file
  • --project-root, -p: Specifies a root directory for an Android Studio project
  • --version, -v: Displays the current version of auto-rtf

To run this in the command line, use python --help
If that doesn't work, try python3 instead of python.

On Linux, if you want to run the script without adding python to the beginning,
add #!/bin/python3 to the top of the script.
I would do this myself, but then it won't run on Windows with a double-click.

1.0.0 | auto-rtf

08 Sep 22:02
Choose a tag to compare



  1. Drop into your Android Studio project
  2. Double click on the file in File Explorer or Finder
  3. You should see an RTF file appear with the same name as the project folder
  4. Open this RTF file and print to PDF
  5. Any time you make changes to the code, simply run the script again!


If you use Linux, or you prefer running this script from the command line,
this section is for you!

Running the script with no arguments will have the same effect as Windows/macOS.
However, you have more control over what the script does over the command line.
Here are some helpful options:

  • --help, -h: Shows a help message describing what each option does
  • --output-file, -o: Specifies a different file name or location for the resulting RTF file
  • --project-root, -p: Specifies a root directory for an Android Studio project