Ansible Playbook for Configuring Kick start Boot server for OS install .
Background : The idea was to configure kickstart and if the same had to be done via Scripts it would have involved lot of greps/awk's/sed to achive this and Ansible playbooks demostrates how it can be archived quicker & with least effort.
- The CentOS/Redhat ISO/Image is Mounted on /ISO on a FileServer
- The Servers HTTP hosting the ISO image only hosts HTTP service for this purpose
Clone using : git clone
Edit the variables to meet your env requirements
- Inventory
- Ansible host inventory details which would be hosting DHCP/Kickstart Images
- pxe_vars.yml -DHCP Configuration IP/Subnet/Router info -KS Server info & Hostname of server which will be auto-installed using kickstart
- Inventory
Run Playbook: ansible-playbook -i inventory provisioning/playbookpxe.yml