This is simply a compiler for a simple language, built with Python 3.6+ and the LLVM framework using the llvmlite library.
- it's fast, because it should be so, together with LLVM's state of the art optimizations, but it won't ever oblige you to make an extra effort from your side just for the sake of performance
- it's compiled using llvmlite
- it's statically typed so you don't need to guess the type of the variable if your coworker didn't spend the time to use meaningful names and you can make use of compile-time checks, autocomplete and more
- it's simple and expressive because the code should be easily readable and it shouldn't make you guess what it does
Install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
These are all working perfectly
def fact(n:int):int{
if n <= 1{
return 1
return n * fact(n-1)
def main():int{
return fact(6)
def main():int{
age = 18
if age == 18{
printf('wow you are 18\n')
printf('i guess you are not 18\n')
return 0
def main():int{
printf('while loop\n')
x = 0
while x < 10{
printf('x = %i\n',x)
x = x+1
printf('Until loop\n')
x = 0
until x > 10{
printf('x = %i\n',x)
x = x+1
return 0
You can also run the mandelbrot set program in the test folder
python <filename>