Archipelago A Link to the Past tracker pack for PopTracker with Autotracking.
PopTracker v0.23.0 or higher is recommended.
First version of an Archipelago compatible alttp-Tracker pack
current working settings: - "open", "inverted" and "standard" starting-optoins are supported - tracking of Dungonbosses and if they are beatable - every check should get tracked - shop-sanity - basic logic and minor and overworld glitched logic - pot_shuffle works, enemy_keydrop_shuffle should work but (WIP)
not working: - any glitched setting beyond overworld glitches - "glitch-mode" as setting is not autotracked atm
in planning for future features: - "major glitches"-logic - entrance Randomizer logic - maybe even Doors as day far in the future - "no logic"-logic
only for AP below version 0.4.2: If you want to use Auto-Tracking for your Setttings add this to your alttp/ File within the "ALTTPWORLD"-class
def fill_slot_data(self):
slot_data = {}
for option_name in alttp_options:
option = getattr(self.multiworld, option_name)[self.player]
# if slot_data.get(option_name, None) is None and type(option.value) in {int}:
slot_data[option_name] = option.value
slot_data['mode'] = self.multiworld.mode[self.player]
slot_data['goal'] = self.multiworld.goal[self.player]
slot_data['dark_room_logic'] = self.multiworld.dark_room_logic[self.player]
slot_data['mm_medalion'] = self.multiworld.required_medallions[self.player][0]
slot_data['tr_medalion'] = self.multiworld.required_medallions[self.player][1]
slot_data['shop_shuffle'] = self.multiworld.shop_shuffle[self.player]
return slot_data