wallgen poly 2000
Random Gradient
wallgen poly 2000 --use-nn --points 5000
NbyNGradient method
wallgen poly 1000 --colors "#ff0000" --colors "#00ddff"
Fixed color/gradient
wallgen poly 2000 -c "#ff0000" -c "#00ddff" --points 2000 --swirl
wallgen poly 2000 --points 2000 -un --swirl
NbyN and swirl
wallgen poly 2000 -c "#ff0000" -c "#000000" -c "#0000ff"
More than 2 colours
wallgen poly 1000 -c "#ff0000" -c "#00ddff" -o "#2c2c2c"
With outline
wallgen shape 2000 -t square -c "#ff0099" -c "#00ddff"
Square pattern
wallgen shape 2000 -t square -c "#ff0099" -c "#00ddff" -o "#2c2c2c"
Square pattern with Outline
wallgen shape 2000 -t square -c "#ff0099" -c "#00ddff" --swirl
Square with swirl
wallgen shape 2000 -t hex -c "#ff0099" -c "#00ddff"
Hexagon pattern
wallgen shape 2000 -t diamond -c "#ff0099" -c "#00ddff"
Diamond pattern
wallgen shape 2000 -t triangle -c "#ff0099" -c "#00ddff"
Triangle pattern
wallgen slants 2000
Slants pattern
wallgen slants 2000 --swirl
Slants with swirl
Polygonizing a picture
wallgen pic poly bonfire.jpg -p 50000
wallgen pic poly anime.png -p 50000
wallgen pic poly clouds.jpg -p 50000
Using a picture with Smart edges
wallgen pic poly art.jpg --smart