My program in python to solve mastermind game.
Using a matrix, a position is selected with (x,y) where x stands for straights and y for columns.
X corresponds to the position in the sequence
Y corresponds to the selected colour
In this way we could update the value of probability for all couple (position, colour).
At the start of the game all the value are set to 1/6 = 0.167 so the probabilities are equal.
--> Download or clone the repository and run the file
Think about a sequence of 4 colours choosen between the six colours: red, yellow, black, white, orange, purple.
Correct sequece for example are: R R R R or W R Y B or B W R O
The computer output at video a first solutions. Input the number of correct couple (position, solution).
The computer output at video a second solutions. Input the number of correct couple (position, solution).
And so go on...
If in ten iterations the computer guess your sequence ==> computer wins the game
else ==> you won the game! :)