NOT NULL Constraint --
Ensures that a column cannot have Null value
DEFAULT Constraint --
Provides a default value for a column where none is specified/ given or value not inserted
Eg: auto generate Pass@123 for all the user appering for assessment
UNIQUE Constraint --
Ensures that all the values in column are different
Eg: no repeatation of number, it could be your adhaar card, pan no, bank account no,skills, background, interests, problems, goals, vision
CHECK Constraint --
Makes sure that all values in column satisfy certain given criteria
Eg: no negative numbers, year must be greater then 2000, age greater then 18, age between 11 - 18
PRIMARY KEY Constraint --
Used to Uniquely Identify a row in a table, cannot be NULL and must have all UNIQUE/
different values
FOREIGN KEY Constraint --
Used to ensure referential integrity of the data
#------------------END OF CONSTRAINTS
#-----------------LOGICAL OPERATORS
SELECT col FROM table_name WHERE year-of-passing = 2022 AND stream ="Engineering";
SELECT col FROM table_name WHERE year-of-passing = 2022 OR experience >= "1 year";
SELECT col FROM table_name WHERE NOT age < 18
#-----------------END OF LOGICAL OPERATORS
CREATE TABLE table_name as SELECT * FROM old_table_name;
SELECT col FROM table_name WHERE name = "sukhbir" or name = "sukhi" or name = "ssk"
equivalent to
SELECT col FROM table_name WHERE name IN ("sukhbir","sukhi","ssk");
SELECT col FROM table_name WHERE salary >= 10000 AND salary <= 30000
equivalent to
SELECT col FROM table_name WHERE salary BETWEEN 10000 AND 30000
#LIKE OPERATOR --- % = any string of any length(including zero length), _ = single character
SELECT col FROM table_name WHERE name LIKE 'Sukh%' //starts with Sukh
SELECT col FROM table_name WHERE name LIKE '%bir' // ends with bir
SELECT col FROM table_name WHERE name LIKE 'uk%ir' // 2nd & 3rd char = uk, and 2nd last & last char = ir
SELECT col FROM table_name WHERE name LIKE '10%' // to check if % present use escape character '%'
#ORDER BY - default ASC, other option DESC
SELECT col FROM table_name [WHERE condition] ORDER BY age
SELECT col FROM table_name [WHERE condition] ORDER BY year ASC, score DESC
SELECT col FROM table_name [WHERE condition] ORDER BY 2 DESC // 2 is column number
#LIMIT -- limits result set upto desired number of row_count
SELECT col FROM table_name [WHERE condition] LIMIT 5 //here we get 5 rows in our result set