* to construct a multilayer signaling network, infer LR signling activate, and predicte LR-target gene regulation
* to leverage spatial information in the ST data to quantify intercellular signaling activity and connect extracellular signals to intracellular gene expression
* to visualize inter- and intra-cellular signaling networks and functions associated with cellular communications and molecular regulations
We also provide the R code used for collection and integration of prior databases, detailed in stMLnet-AnalysisCode
The repository is centered around the R
contains the scripts to create mulitlayer signling networkcalculate_signal_activity
contains the scripts to obtain the upstream paired signaling activity and downstream target gene expression based on the mulitlayer signling networkcalculate_signal_importance
contains the scripts to calculate the upstream signal pairs or signals importance in the multilay signal network of cell communicationvisualize_cell_communication
contains the scripts to visualize cell-cell interationscheck_feedback_loop
contains the scripts to select multicellular feedback circuits
(1) Install related dependencies:
(1.1) Manual installation
pkgs <- c("R.utils",
'reshape2','stringr','dplyr', # for data preprocessing
'caret','doParallel','snow','foreach',"doSNOW","ranger", # for quantitative model
'ggplot2','ggsci', 'plotrix','ggalluvial','ggraph','igraph' # for visualization
for (pkg in pkgs) {
if (!requireNamespace(pkg)) {
install.packages(pkg, repos = 'https://cloud.r-project.org')
pkgs <- c('Seurat','org.Hs.eg.db')
for (pkg in pkgs) {
if (!requireNamespace(pkg)) {
(1.2) Dock image environment
Alternatively, if you have problems installing the environment manually, you can also choose to install the dependent environment via dockfile:
# Bash
# built a docker image
# ensure that dockerfile and postInstall are in the same path
docker build -f Dockerfile -t stMLnetEnv:0.1 .
# Run docker image
docker run -it stMLnetEnv:0.1 /bin/bash
(2) Install stMLnet package
After building dependent environment, you can
(2.1) download stMLnet from github:
git clone https://github.com/SunXQlab/stMLnet.git
and then install stMLnet from local:
install.packages("path/to/stMLnet/stMLnet_0.1.2.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type = "source")
(2.2) you can directly install stMLnet from github:
To learn how to use this tool, check Tutorial of stMLnet.Rmd. This tutorial shows the installation and application of stMLnet in the demo dataset, which can be download from here. It will take about 15 mins to run this demo (excluding environment installation) mainly depending on the parameter setting in the quantitative analysis step.
All the examples and the reproducibility codes for the plots in the paper could be found in the stMLnet-AnalysisCode
repository which includes:
contains the code used for collection and integration of prior databasesapply_in_simu
contains the code to reproduce the simulation study of stMLnetapply_in_scST
contains the code to reproduce the plot and detailed analysis of the three single-cell resolution ST datasetsapply_in_COVID19
contains the code to reproduce plots and detailed analysis of the COVID-19 ST datasetbenchmark
contains the code to reproduce plots and benchmarkingcode
contains all functions of stMLnet to analysis cell-cell interactions
See detials therein.
We also provide a web-based application to demonstrate the functionality and visualization of stMLnet, available at http://net.stmlnet.top.
If you have questions or suggestions for imrpoving stMLnet, please contact Xiaoqiang Sun via sunxq6@mail.sysu.edu.cn.