The Doubtlab library modified to work with PyTorch models
At the moment, the four reasons below are available:
- ProbaReason: assign doubt when a models' confidence-values are low for any label
- WrongPredictionReason: assign doubt when a model cannot predict the listed label
- ShortConfidenceReason: assign doubt when the correct label gains too little confidence
- LongConfidenceReason: assign doubt when a wrong label gains too much confidence
The scripts expect the data to be arranged in the following structure:
├ train
| ├ class 1
| | ├ image_1.png
| | └ image_2.png
| ├ class 2
| └ class 3
├ valid
| ├ class 1
| ├ class 2
| └ class 3
└ test
| ├ class 1
| ├ class 2
| └ class 3
To generate potentially mislabeled images, you will need to:
- Train a torchvision model on your data
- Use your model with doubtlab to identify mislabels
Training: Run the Torch_Image_Classification_Training script, following the dataset structure above. Modify the number of classes before loading the model.
Doubtlab: Follow the example doubtlab usage in Torch_Doubtlab_Example