Releases: SuperNETorg/Agama
Iguana Desktop beta release
Iguana Desktop beta release
NOTE: This is experimental release.
This version brings:
- 16 Assetchains with both Basilisk and Native Mode support enabled!
- 32 PAX Fiatchains with both Basilisk and Native Mode support enabled!
- Fix for Basilisk Send Transactions, which was known in the previous experimental release.
It is easy to install and run.
- Extract archive after downloading.
- Open extracted archive.
- Execute
application to start Wallet.
NOTE for Linux Users
You can use Native Mode for Komodo, Assetchains and PAXchain.
But you might have to compile komodod
daemon for your Linux flavor yourself.
This release includes komodod
daemon compiled on Ubuntu 16.04. It may or may not work for you.
If doesn't work, then head over to Komodo Github repo to compile it from source.
If any issues compiling please contact Komodo Team.
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Iguana Desktop beta Experimental release
Iguana Desktop beta release
NOTE: This is experimental release.
This release version starts a series of quick experimental ninja releases. You'll get updated releases with new updates very quite often. You can skip them if you wish. or wait for the Non-Experimental release version and install them when available.
This version of wallet includes many performance improvement features for GUI and Iguana Core.
The GUI for Full Mode and Basilisk Mode from the last release to this release is an almost 7th iteration of itself, improving on its previous dev builds.
This build took a lot of dev time solving Basilisk Mode issues and improving its performance.
NOTE: There are still known issues with Basilisk Mode. Please read Known Issues for workarounds to them.
Native Komodo Support
Komodo Native Mode works out of the box for OS X. (You must have zcashparams installed)
For Linux users, it is recommended to compile komodo binaries from source code and replace it in Iguana App.
Komodo Github repository:
This Iguana release includes Native Komodo binaries for Windows as well, but the GUI is not linked to it yet. The GUI need some upgrade to support Native Mode for Komodo. Its support will be pushed in next release.
Assetchains and PAX
This is a quick experimental release. Only a few Assetchains and PAX USD chain are available for testing in this version.
Next version will support all supported Assetchains and PAX chains.
Support for REVS added along with multiple addresses support for Full and Basilisk Wallets
- You can now check your REVS balances and transactions in your wallet by activating it in Basilisk Mode.
- Can also importprivkey of your BTCD address via
settings > Import Keys
and then logout, and login back again to check your REVS balance. - If it doesn't show your balance, can try refreshing latest data for wallet from REVS coins
dashboard > Basilisk Actions > Fetch Wallet Data
BTC Basilisk support disabled for this version
Due to backend core API changes, BTC Basilisk Mode support is disabled for this version for all platforms.
It'll also be enabled back in next version.
New feature: Jumblr
This version includes Jumblr DAPP GUI.
You can read more about its usage and instructions here:
Known Issues
- Basilisk Mode transactions may fail to send or error. The workaround is to push "Refresh Funds" button before sending the transaction.
- Wait for a minute while Refresh Funds is updating the data cache for Basilisk Wallet.
- Or just use Full Mode wallet.
- Or Native Mode Wallet for available coin/KMD, if available for your platform.
Installation Instructions
Installers for this release version are not pushed. Installer builds need some troubleshooting pending. Will have the installers builds out soon. If not for this release then expect them for next release version.
For this version, extract/unzip the files and run the Iguana binary to start.
OS X users can replace the existing file in /Applications.
Linux users can just run from the extracted files/directory or just replace the files inside /opt/ with the extracted one to upgrade.
Windows build of this experimental release is a bit delayed.
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Iguana Desktop beta release - For Linux Users
Iguana Desktop beta release
This update is exactly same as the previous 0.1.4 beta, with just updated native komodod
In case you are using Native Mode for Komodo in Linux Iguana Desktop wallet, then please uninstall the existing wallet, and reinstall this new update.
It is MUST update for Only Native Mode Komodo users.
If you are using Full Mode or Basilisk Mode, you can ignore this update.
For Uninstallation and Installation instructions of wallet on Linux, please see the previous update. It has all the necessary information.
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Iguana Desktop 0.1.4 beta release
Iguana Desktop 0.1.4 beta release
It is a better version than previous betas, but as always still be cautious, as this still might have unknown bugs. The SuperNET Team is YET testing this beta. Once we get the signal, this may go as the main release. But, until then, please be cautious using your funds with this pre-beta wallet.
Always make sure to backup your wallet seed and privkeys
This build comes with some bugs fixes and minor GUI improvements
- Windows installer will not show any error unlike before and skip showing any error in case the MS packages are already installed.
- Full Mode now shows a notification banner explaining what is Full Mode GUI doing and when to expect it to be usable in complete sync.
- Send Transaction Form for EasyDEX Wallets fixed for errors like "wrong address or amount."
- GUI structure of Send transaction is a bit changed in bundled EasyDEX-GUI
- Auto refresh for Full mode wallet is fixed to update transaction history and balance. Earlier it wasn't updating transaction history automatically due to this bug.
Please uninstall your Windows and Linux wallet from your system before installing this beta.
Linux users can follow these instructions to uninstall:
#Open terminal
cd /opt/IguanaApp/
#Login as super user or with root previlages
sudo su
#Execute Uninstall command
#And follow the uninstallation wizard.
Windows users can find uninstaller from start menu or just go to add/remove programms of your windows version and remove Iguana software.
Once you have uninstalled existing Iguana Wallet, then install this new beta as usual.
NOTE for Linux Users:
Linux Installer is bundled with komodod
daemon which is tested to work with ONLY Ubuntu 16.04 64bit.
If you are using any other flavor of Linux, you will have to compile and copy the compiled komodod
to /opt/IguanaApp/resources/app/linux64/
and then start Iguana Desktop to use Komodo in Native Mode.
Linux Install Instructions
- Download Linux .run file
- Make sure it has executable permissions with
chmod +x
to file - To start install wizard execute .run file with
sudo ./
- Follow installation wizard and finish the installation.
- Can double-click Desktop shortcut to start wallet.
- To Uninstall Iguana Desktop login as super user in terminal and go to
- and execute uninstall script from there with
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Iguana Desktop 0.1.3 beta release
Iguana Desktop 0.1.3 beta release
It is much better version than the previous beta versions. But still be cautious, as this still might have unknown bugs. The SuperNET Team is YET testing this beta. Once we get the signal, this may go as main release. But, until then, please be cautious using your funds with this pre-beta wallet.
Always make sure to backup your wallet seed and privkeys
Mac Installer is delayed. We'll add Mac Wallet later today to this release.
1. add notification of transaction details output in EasyDEX wallet’s Full and Basilisk Mode - DONE
2. Update ALL Wallets to prompt 'Confirmation' dialog box before Sending a transaction. (I noticed I did not implement confirmation before triggering Send Transaction.) - DONE
3. Move iguana Full mode progress bar at top of screen instead of bottom. - DONE
4. Basilisk Mode shows wrong balance. It only shows balance from latest transaction seen in listunspent. use listunspent for generating balance for coin. - DONE
5. Fix progress bar display issue. move to top of wallet. - (duplicate of task 3) DONE
6. Publisher Name in Installers at Uninstall time shouldn't be unknown.
7. Disable Generate new Address in EDEX Wallets. - DONE
8. Delete Add Coin option from EDEX Wallets menus. - DONE
9. Move Add Coin drop down options on top of Mode select buttons. - DONE
10. Add More coin select options in login add coin dialog. - DONE
11. Instead of showing some random text, show Coming soon in EasyDEX Menu page. - DONE
12. Default options for BTC and KMD to be Basilisk instead of Full Mode in Add coin dialog box. - DONE
13. Please DON'T subtract the fee from the amount. Just add it - DONE
15. Maybe remove the search option as there is no need for now and maybe a background colour to the menu bar. - DONE
16. At the top "My KMD address (maybe should be changed to Komodo as that is the name of the coin) but have a copy to clip board option. - DONE
17. have a copy to clip board option for main address of wallet. - DONE
Other Features added:
- Basilisk Mode is special, and it has it’s own needs to register and validate address over the network before the wallet could talk to Notary Nodes and get required data. For troubleshooting, these buttons were needed. So spent a bit of time and added these for Basilisk Mode wallet screens only.
- Clicking on ‘Get Notary Nodes List’ takes the user directly to Atomic Explorer and auto selects the required options and submits the query to display the result.
- Validate button make sure the address of wallet is added to Notary Nodes network. In technical terms, it is imported as watch only address in notary nodes.
- Register does importaddress as watch only on notary nodes.
- Atomic Explorer Integration activated:
Full Mode and Basilisk Mode Wallet coins, both now seamlessly point to Atomic Explorer inside EasyDEX-GUI.
Clicking on Transaction history’s blue button at the right-hand side will take you to the Atomic Explorer page and will show you that particular transactions’s Full detail in your local Atomic Explorer.
No need to go to third-party online Explorers.
As we move to further releases, I’ll make this Atomic Explorer beautified, and it will feel as good as online explorers. For now, it’s more like JSON data displayed in the page. Useful for developers for troubleshooting purposes.
- Sending transaction also now shows executed transactions' details on the same page. The transaction ID generated is linked to Atomic Explorer and takes you straight to Atomic Explorer when clicked.
Please uninstall your Windows and Linux wallet from your system before installing this beta.
Linux users can follow these instructions to uninstall:
#Open terminal
cd /opt/IguanaApp/
#Login as super user or with root previlages
sudo su
#Execute Uninstall command
#And follow the uninstallation wizard.
Windows users can find uninstaller from start menu or just go to add/remove programms of your windows version and remove Iguana software.
Once you have uninstalled existing Iguana Wallet, then install this new beta as usual.
NOTE for Linux Users:
Linux Installer is bundled with komodod
daemon which is tested to work with ONLY Ubuntu 16.04 64bit.
If you are using any other flavor of Linux, you will have to compile and copy the compiled komodod
to /opt/IguanaApp/resources/app/linux64/
and then start Iguana Desktop to use Komodo in Native Mode.
Linux Install Instructions
- Download Linux .run file
- Make sure it has executable permissions with
chmod +x
to file - To start install wizard execute .run file with
sudo ./
- Follow installation wizard and finish the installation.
- Can double-click Desktop shortcut to start wallet.
- To Uninstall Iguana Desktop login as super user in terminal and go to
- and execute uninstall script from there with
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Virus Total result of IguanaApp-0.1.3-beta-windows-installer.exe
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Iguana Desktop 0.1.2 beta release
Iguana Desktop 0.1.2 beta release
It is a beta pre-release. Please be cautious, and DON'T use it with high amounts of funds. Always make sure to backup your wallet seed and privkeys
- Windows installer fixed with yet another bug found related to installing MS libs.
- Windows and Linux installer will now ask for an option to start the app upon finishing the wizard.
- This release comes with Linux Installer!
- EasyDEX-GUI includes all of these following bug fixes and improvements:
1. If KMD is running in Full Mode show info in KMD Native mode GUI, it's already running. And actions needed to switch. - DONE
2. Make condition to show GUI when the status of Native coin is 'Activating beset chain...' - DONE
3. Check Create New Wallet errors - DONE
4. Update All Pages APIs to use user authentications - DONE
5. Show progressing wheel in Add Coin button on login when a Native coin is added. - DONE
6. Hide Progress Bar for next Native Coin if it's not running. Like if KMD Native is running and Zcash Native is not running, don't show the progress bar in Zcash Native. - DONE
7. Conditionally disable or hide Native Mode option button for Windows OS in Add coin dialog box. - DONE
8. Make All Add coins to start by default in Basilisk Mode. Hide the other options until user selects to be Advanced user or click some advanced options to show etc. - Conflicts with Task 7. - DONE
9. Add conditions to disable Basilisk mode for coins which are not on Notary Nodes. - DONE
Other EasyDEX-GUI Tasks done:
1. Fix balance amount to show in wallet for a coin in Basilisk Mode using DEX* API - DONE
2. Remove user's session and log out the user from wallet if iguana daemon crashes in a backend. - DONE
3. Side Menu removed. Moved Menu items to Top Menu. - DONE
4. Tiny bug fix applied to Komodo Native mode progress bar. - DONE
5. Added screen to show 'Activating Best chain...' for Komodo Native GUI - DONE
- EasyDEX-GUI is fixed to do work in Basilisk Mode and tested on all three platforms for BTC and KMD.
NOTE for Linux Users:
Linux Installer is bundled with komodod
daemon which is tested to work with ONLY Ubuntu 16.04 64bit.
If you are using any other flavor of Linux, you will have to compile and copy the compiled komodod
to /opt/IguanaApp/resources/app/linux64/
and then start Iguana Desktop to use Komodo in Native Mode.
Linux Install Instructions
- Download Linux .run file
- Make sure it has executable permissions with
chmod +x
to file - To start install wizard execute .run file with
sudo ./
- Follow installation wizard and finish the installation.
- Can double-click Desktop shortcut to start wallet.
- To Uninstall Iguana Desktop login as super user in terminal and go to
- and execute uninstall script from there with
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Virus Total result of IguanaApp-0.1.2-beta-test-windows-installer.exe
Iguana Desktop 0.1.1 beta release
Iguana Desktop 0.1.1 beta release
It is a beta pre-release. Please be cautious, and DON'T use it with high amounts of funds. Always make sure to backup your wallet seed and privkeys
- Windows Installer is fixed to manage error when installing MS VC++ Redist 2015
- OS X Installer is improved to download Zcash Params via installer which is needed to run Native Mode Komodo, Assetchains, and PAX Fiatchains.
- This update Includes latest Iguana-GUI files in all three packages.
Virus Total result of IguanaApp-0.1.1-beta-test-linux-archive.tar.bz2
Virus Total result of IguanaApp-0.1.1-beta-test-windows-installer.exe
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