An event protocol and implementation over pub/sub for Laravel.
This package is a wrapper bridging php-event-pubsub into Laravel. It builds on top of the existing laravel-pubsub package adding support for publishing and subscribing to events over pub/sub.
If you aren't familiar with the laravel-pubsub
package, it's worth first taking a look at their documentation.
For Laravel 4 support, use the package
composer require superbalist/laravel-event-pubsub
The package has a default configuration which uses the following environment variables.
environment variable or pubsub_events.default
config value is left blank, the
default connection will be taken from the laravel-pubsub
package config.
Register the service provider in app.php
'providers' => [
// ...
Register the facade in app.php
'aliases' => [
// ...
'PubSubEvents' => Superbalist\LaravelEventPubSub\PubSubEventsFacade::class,
To customize the configuration file, publish the package configuration using Artisan.
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Superbalist\LaravelEventPubSub\PubSubEventsServiceProvider"
You can then edit the generated config at app/config/pubsub_events.php
A SimpleEvent
is an event which takes a name and optional attributes.
// the pubsub_events.translator config setting should be set to ''
// get the event manager
$manager = app('');
// dispatch an event
$event = new \Superbalist\EventPubSub\Events\SimpleEvent(
'user' => [
'id' => 1456,
'first_name' => 'Joe',
'last_name' => 'Soap',
'email' => '',
$manager->dispatch('events', $event);
// dispatch multiple events
$events = [
new \Superbalist\EventPubSub\Events\SimpleEvent(
'user' => [
// ...
new \Superbalist\EventPubSub\Events\SimpleEvent(
'user' => [
// ...
$manager->dispatchBatch('events', $events);
// listen for an event
$manager->listen('events', 'user.created', function (\Superbalist\EventPubSub\EventInterface $event) {
// listen for all events on the channel
$manager->listen('events', '*', function (\Superbalist\EventPubSub\EventInterface $event) {
// all the aboce commands can also be done using the facade
PubSubEvents::dispatch('events', $event);
A TopicEvent
is an event which takes a topic, name, version and optional attributes.
// the pubsub_events.translator config setting should be set to ''
// get the event manager
$manager = app('');
// dispatch an event
$event = new \Superbalist\EventPubSub\Events\TopicEvent(
'user' => [
'id' => 1456,
'first_name' => 'Joe',
'last_name' => 'Soap',
'email' => '',
$manager->dispatch('events', $event);
// listen for an event on a topic
$manager->listen('events', 'user/created', function (\Superbalist\EventPubSub\EventInterface $event) {
// ...
// listen for an event on a topic matching the given version
$manager->listen('events', 'user/created/1.0', function (\Superbalist\EventPubSub\EventInterface $event) {
// ...
// listen for all events on a topic
$manager->listen('events', 'user/*', function (\Superbalist\EventPubSub\EventInterface $event) {
// ...
// listen for all events on the channel
$manager->listen('events', '*', function (\Superbalist\EventPubSub\EventInterface $event) {
// ...
A SchemaEvent
is an extension of the TopicEvent
and takes a schema and optional attributes. The topic, name and
version are derived from the schema.
The schema must be in the format (protocol)://(......)?/events/(topic)/(channel)/(version).json
// the pubsub_events.translator config setting should be set to ''
// the pubsub_events.validator config setting can be set to '' to take advantage of
// JSON Schema validation on incoming events
// get the event manager
$manager = app('');
// dispatch an event
$event = new \Superbalist\EventPubSub\Events\SchemaEvent(
'user' => [
'id' => 1456,
'first_name' => 'Joe',
'last_name' => 'Soap',
'email' => '',
$manager->dispatch('events', $event);
// the listen expressions are the same as those used for TopicEvents.
The library supports error handlers for when event translation fails, listen expression fails and validation fails.
These are configurable as callables in the translate_fail_handler, listen_expr_fail_handler and validation_fail_handler config options.
The config contains default callables which will turn the callbacks into Laravel events.
You can register listeners in the EventServiceProvider for the following events:
\Superbalist\EventPubSub\EventInterface $event,
\Superbalist\EventPubSub\ValidationResult $result