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155 lines (93 loc) · 6.88 KB

File metadata and controls

155 lines (93 loc) · 6.88 KB


Version Shell

This script generates a random quotation and displays it using the cowsay command. The selected quotation is sourced from a file named quotation.txt located in the specified directory. The script also selects a random ASCII art cow (or other creature) to display the quotation alongside.

New Version of the Scripts

Please note that an updated version of these scripts is available at the following address:

Feel free to check out the new version for any enhancements or changes that may have been made.


  • Generates random quotations from a customizable quotation.txt file.
  • Displays quotes in a charming and eye-catching ASCII art format.
  • Offers a variety of ASCII art animals to choose from, adding a playful touch to your terminal.
  • Easily customizable for personalized quotes and creatures.


Before using this script, make sure you have the following:

  1. cowsay: Ensure that the cowsay command-line tool is installed on your system. If it's not installed, you can typically install it using package managers like apt, yum, or brew. For example:

    # On Debian-based systems (Ubuntu):
    sudo apt-get install cowsay
    # On Red Hat-based systems (Fedora):
    sudo yum install cowsay
    # On macOS (using Homebrew):
    brew install cowsay

Getting Started

To use this script, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository: Clone this repository to your local machine.

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the Script Directory: Move into the directory containing the script.

    cd path/to/your-repo/Cowsay-Quotation/
  3. Modify the quotation.txt File: Replace the contents of quotation.txt with your desired collection of quotations. Each quotation should be on a new line.

  4. Make the Script Executable: Ensure the script has executable permissions.

    chmod +x
  5. Run the Script: Execute the script using the following command:


Customizing Quotations

To modify the script to use your own quotation.txt file, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Script File: Open the file in a text editor of your choice, such as nano, vim, or even a graphical text editor like Visual Studio Code.

  2. Find the File Path Definition Line: Locate the line where the path to the quotation.txt file is defined. This line looks like this:


    Replace ~/Folder/quotation.txt with the absolute path to your own quotation.txt file. For example, if your quotation.txt file is located in the directory /path/to/my/folder, you should have:

  3. Save the File: After making the modifications, save the file.

  4. Run the Script: Now, when you run the script, it will use the quotation.txt file you specified.

Make sure that the quotation.txt file contains a list of quotes, with each quote on a new line. Here's an example of content for your quotation.txt file:

Life is beautiful.
Learning is an endless journey.
Happiness is found in the little things.
Nothing is impossible, will makes everything.

Once you've followed these steps and modified the script according to your needs, you can run the script to generate random quotes from your own quotation.txt file.

Script Explanation

The script ( performs the following steps:

  1. It defines the path to the quotation.txt file using the puff variable.

  2. It generates a random number between 0 and 9 using /dev/urandom and stores it in the random variable.

  3. It selects a random line from quotation.txt using shuf and saves it to a temporary file named .quotation.txt in the /tmp directory.

  4. It reads the content of .quotation.txt into the var variable.

  5. Based on the value of random, it assigns a creature name (like "tux," "moose," "moofasa," etc.) to the tmp variable.

  6. It uses the cowsay command with the selected creature and quotation to generate the ASCII art output.


  • You can customize the creature names and their corresponding values in the script to add your own creative ASCII art animals.
  • Remember to keep your quotation.txt file updated with meaningful and interesting quotes.
  • The script assumes that the cowsay command is available in your system's PATH.
  • This script is provided as-is and may require adjustments based on your system's configuration.


This software is provided to you free of charge, with the hope that if you find it valuable, you'll consider making a donation to a charitable organization of your choice :

  • SPA (Society for the Protection of Animals): The SPA is one of the oldest and most recognized organizations in France for the protection of domestic animals. It provides shelters, veterinary care, and works towards responsible adoption.


  • French Popular Aid: This organization aims to fight against poverty and exclusion by providing food aid, clothing, and organizing recreational activities for disadvantaged individuals.


  • Doctors Without Borders (MSF): MSF provides emergency medical assistance to populations in danger around the world, particularly in conflict zones and humanitarian crises.


  • Restaurants of the Heart : Restaurants of the Heart provides meals, emergency accommodation, and social services to the underprivileged.


  • French Red Cross: The Red Cross offers humanitarian aid, emergency relief, first aid training, as well as social and medical activities for vulnerable individuals.


Every small gesture matters and contributes to making a real difference.


For support email :

Gmail: superjulien Tutanota: superjulien
