This is a real-time chat application built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js). The app allows users to create accounts, join chat rooms, and send messages in real-time.
- User authentication (sign up, log in, log out)
- Real-time messaging using WebSockets
- Create and join chat rooms
- Responsive design for mobile and desktop
- User-friendly interface
- MongoDB: NoSQL database for storing user data and messages
- Express.js: Backend framework for building the API
- React.js: Frontend library for building user interfaces
- Node.js: JavaScript runtime for the server
- For real-time communication
- Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework for styling
- DaisyUI: Component library for Tailwind CSS, providing pre-designed UI components
Acknowledgments This project was inspired by various YouTube tutorials. Special thanks to the creators for their valuable content. Especially to As a Programmer youtube channel