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Live R demos

More information on the HealthyR: R for Health Data Science courses, upcoming live demos, clinics, and free resources can be found at

Internal note: the demo bank lives in healthyr_admin.

library(finalfit) - quickly create elegant final results tables and plots

This video covers:

  • demographics table
  • variable labels
  • odds ratio plots

melanoma dataset and R Markdown document (2022-04 folder in this repository)

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Presented by Riinu Pius and Ewen Harrison, recorded in April 2022.

bar plots - geom_bar() or geom_col()?

This video covers:

  • How to approach a brand new dataset: viewing data, variable names, and counts
  • Plotting uncounted, case-level data with geom_bar()
  • Summarising data and then plotting aggregated data with geom_col()
  • Reordering factors in geom_col()

R Script, including dataset loading (2022-05 folder in this repository)

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Presented by Riinu Pius and Ewen Harrison, recorded in May 2022.

Reproducible example - reprex

This video covers:

  • Generating dummy/example datasets with tibble()
  • Reproducing real dataset issues in an example dataset
  • Sharing minimal reproducible examples

R Markdown document including dataset loading (2022-06 folder in this repository)

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Presented by Riinu Pius and Mathew Thorpe, Recorded in June 2022.

Create a global map

This video covers:

  • Exploring a brand new dataset
  • Creating a global map, customised based on your data
  • Troubleshooting issues based on mismatched countries

R Script including dataset loading (2022-08 folder in this repository)

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Presented by Riinu Pius and Ewen Harrison, Recorded in August 2022.

Reshape Data

This video covers:

  • Prepare your data in a format suitable for analysis
  • Pivot longer and Pivot wider

R Script including dataset loading (2022-08 folder in this repository)

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Presented by Riinu Pius, Ewen Harrison and Sarah Elliot, Recorded in August 2022.

Plot Improvements

This video covers:

  • Exploring a new data set
  • How to create plots using ggplot()
  • Edit plot to create high quality visualisations

R Script including dataset loading (2022-09 folder in this repository)

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Presented by Ewen Harrison and Sarah Elliot, Recorded in September 2022.


This video covers:

  • Using stringr
  • Free text manipulation
  • Regular Expressions

R Script including dataset loading (2022-10 folder in this repository)

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Presented by Ewen Harrison and Sarah Elliot, Recorded in October 2022.

Joining datasets

This video covers:

  • *_join() from the tidyverse
  • Mutational joins, such as left, right, inner, full
  • Anti_join() and semi_join()

R Script including dataset loading (2022-11 folder in this repository)

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Presented by Ewen Harrison and Sarah Elliot, Recorded in November 2022.

Table One - finalfit

This video covers:

  • Explore a new dataset
  • Create a summary table with variables of interest to investigate confounding
  • Edit this output to create a publishable table

R Script including dataset loading (2023-03 folder in this repository)

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Presented by Ewen Harrison and Sarah Elliot, Recorded in March 2023.

Cleaning Data

This video covers:

  • Formatting variables in R
  • Working with dates
  • Out of range values - summarising, visuals, plotly
  • Filter or remove variables

R Script including dataset loading (2023-08 folder in this repository)

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Presented by Ewen Harrison, Riinu Pius and Sarah Elliot, Recorded in August 2023.

Automatic Parameterised Reports

This video covers:

  • Producing multiple PDFs automatically
  • Utilising 'Knit with parameters' within the Posit interface
  • Purrr for iteration - using map() and pwalk()

R Script including dataset loading (2023-08 folder in this repository)

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Presented by Riinu Pius and Sarah Elliot, Recorded in August 2023.

Data Cleaning 2

This video covers:

  • Cleaning column names
  • Consistency of NAs
  • Duplicate entries

R Script including dataset loading (2023-10 folder in this repository)

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Presented by Riinu Pius and Sarah Elliot, Recorded in October 2023.

Reading Multiple Spreadsheets

This video covers:

  • Reading in CSV and XML files into R
  • Working with multiple sheets in one file
  • The difference between binding rows and joining dataframes

R Script including dataset loading (2023-10 folder in this repository)

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Presented by Riinu Pius and Sarah Elliot, Recorded in October 2023.

Quarto 1

This video covers:

  • What is Quarto?
  • Quarto Projects and Documents
  • Executable Options
  • COnditional Content

R Script including dataset loading (2023-11 folder in this repository)

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Presented by Riinu Pius and Sarah Elliot, Recorded in November 2023.

Quarto 2

This video covers:

  • Creating a website
  • Publishing a website
  • Quarto tips

R Script including dataset loading (2023-11 folder in this repository)

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Presented by Riinu Pius and Sarah Elliot, Recorded in November 2023.

Venn Diagrams and Upset Plot

This video covers:

  • Venn diagrams
  • Upset plots
  • Editing diagrams

R Script including dataset loading (2024-02 folder in this repository)

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Presented by Neil Clark and Sarah Elliot, Recorded in February 2024.

Consort/Flow diagrams

This video covers:

  • Data cleaning
  • Consort diagrams with library(consort)
  • PDFs and word documents

R Script including dataset loading (2024-02 folder in this repository)

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Presented by Riinu Pius and Sarah Elliot, Recorded in February 2024.


This video covers:

  • Forcats - a tidyverse package
  • Factor manipulation
  • Finalfit

R Script including dataset loading (2024-03 folder in this repository)

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Presented by Riinu Pius and Sarah Elliot, Recorded in February 2024.

What is Shiny?

This video covers:

  • How to make an interactive web app
  • UI and server
  • Advanced Examples

R Script including dataset loading (2024-03 folder in this repository)

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Presented by Ewen Harrison and Sarah Elliot, Recorded in March 2024.

Efficient Plotting

This video covers:

  • Custom plot themes
  • How to create a function using your theme
  • ggplot

R Script including dataset loading (2024-03 folder in this repository)

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Presented by Riinu Pius and Stella Rhode, Recorded in March 2024.

GT and dashboards

This video covers:

  • library(gt)
  • emojis
  • interactive quarto dashboards

R Script including dataset loading (2024-04 folder in this repository)

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Presented by Riinu Pius and Stella Rhode, Recorded in April 2024.

Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs)

This video covers:

  • Dagitty
  • ggdag
  • confounders, mediators, exposures, outcomes etc.

R Script including dataset loading (2024-04 folder in this repository)

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Presented by Sarah Elliot and Neil Clark, Recorded in April 2024.

Fuzzy Matching

This video covers:

  • regular Expressions
  • Joining data sets
  • Joining datasets on imperfect matches

R Script including dataset loading (2024-05 folder in this repository)

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Presented by Sarah Elliot and Ewen Harrison, Recorded in May 2024.


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