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Releases: SvenTiigi/WhatsNewKit

Version 1.1.6

02 Feb 14:37
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Layout Insets

If you wish you can modify the layout insets of the WhatsNewViewController components.

// Set TitleView Insets (Default values)
configuration.titleView.insets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 50, left: 20, bottom: 15, right: 20)

// Increase the CompletionButton Bottom Inset 
configuration.completionButton.insets.bottom += 10

iPad Adjustments

If you wish to modify the WhatsNewViewController.Configuration when presenting it on an iPad you can set the padAdjustment closure.

// Set PadAdjustment closure
configuration.padAdjustment = { configuration in
     // Adjust TitleView FontSize
     configuration.titleView.titleFont = .systemFont(ofSize: 45, weight: .bold)
     // Invoke default PadAdjustments (Adjusts Insets for iPad)

☝️ In default the WhatsNewViewController.Configuration.defaultPadAdjustment will be invoked.

Version 1.1.5

14 Dec 23:19
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Bug Fix

This release fixes a bug which cause a problem when saving or retrieving the presented Version via a WhatsNewVersionStore (Issue #14)

Version 1.1.4

14 Dec 17:13
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In order to define the size of your images for each of your feature you can set an ImageSize on the ItemsView configuration.

// Use the original image size as it is
configuration.itemsView.imageSize = .original

// Use the preferred image size which fits perfectly :)
configuration.itemsView.imageSize = .preferred

// Use a custom height for each image
configuration.itemsView.imageSize = .fixed(height: 25)

☝️ By default the ItemsView ImageSize is set to preferred.

Secondary Title Color

By setting a SecondaryColor on the TitleView you can change the color of certain characters.


// Set secondary color on TitleView Configuration
configuration.titleView.secondaryColor = .init(
    // The start index
    startIndex: 0,
    // The length of characters
    length: 5,
    // The secondary color to apply 
    color: .whatsNewKitLightBlue

☝️ By default the secondaryColor is set to nil.

Apply TextColor

From now on you can apply a text color globally on a configuration instead of change the TitleView and ItemsView text color manually.

// Before:
configuration.titleView.titleColor = .black
configuration.itemsView.titleColor = .black
configuration.itemsView.subtitleColor = .black

// Now:
configuration.apply(textColor: .black)

Version 1.1.3

20 Oct 17:02
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In this Version WhatsNewKit has the ability to change the layout from default to centered (#6).

Default Centered
The default layout shows an image on the left side and the text on the right side. The centered layout aligns the image as well as the text in center.
/// Default Layout
configuration.itemsView.layout = .default

// Centered Layout
configuration.itemsView.layout = .centered

☝️ By default the ItemsView layout is set to default.

New Example Application

The WhatsNewKit Example Application has been completely refactored and comes with a beautiful new UI.

Version 1.1.2

18 Sep 08:21
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Swift 4.2 compatibility

Added Xcode 10 and Swift 4.2 compatibility

KeyValueWhatsNewVersionStore Default Argument

The KeyValueable initializer parameter of the KeyValueWhatsNewVersionStore is now set with UserDefaults.standard

LightBlue Theme

A light blue theme like in the Apple Stocks App is now available.

let whiteLightBlueConfiguration = WhatsNewViewController.Configuration(theme: .whiteLightBlue)
let darkLightBlueConfiguration = WhatsNewViewController.Configuration(theme: .darkLightBlue)

Version 1.1.1

11 Jun 21:34
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From now on you can specify the UIImpactFeedbackStyle when using HapticFeedback.impact

button.hapticFeedback = .impact(.light)
button.hapticFeedback = .impact(.medium)
button.hapticFeedback = .impact(.heavy)

Fixed KeyValueWhatsNewVersionStore issue

Fixed an issue when using KeyValueWhatsNewVersionStore with UserDefaults or NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore.

Version 1.1.0

07 Jun 09:49
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Merged Configuration and Theme

Version 1.1.0 simplifies the customization by merging the Theme properties in the corresponding configuration properties.

// Initialize default Configuration
var configuration = WhatsNewViewController.Configuration()

// Customize Configuration to your needs
configuration.backgroundColor = .white
configuration.titleView.titleColor = .orange
configuration.itemsView.titleFont = .systemFont(ofSize: 17)
configuration.detailButton.titleColor = .orange
configuration.completionButton.backgroundColor = .orange
// And many more configuration properties...

The predefined Themes can also be applied globally to the Configuration

// Configuration with predefined Dark Red Theme
let darkRed = WhatsNewViewController.Configuration(
    theme: .darkRed

// Apply predefined White Red Theme to Configuration
var configuration = WhatsNewViewController.Configuration()
configuration.apply(theme: .whiteRed)

// Or create your own Theme and initialize a Configuration with your Theme
let myTheme = WhatsNewViewController.Theme { configuration in
    // Apply customizations ...
let configuration = WhatsNewViewController.Configuration(
    theme: myTheme

Animation on all Components

In this release you can now apply an Animation to all components of the WhatsNewViewController.

// Set SlideUp Animation to TitleView
configuration.titleView.animation = .slideUp

// Set SlideRight Animation to ItemsView
configuration.itemsView.animation = .slideRight

// Set SlideLeft Animation to DetailButton
configuration.detailButton.animation = .slideLeft

// Set SlideDown Animation to CompletionButton
configuration.completionButton.animation = .slideDown

If you wish to animate all views with the same type you can do so by simply applying it to the configuration.

// Global Animation-Type for all WhatsNewViewController components
configuration.apply(animation: .fade)

If you wish to define your custom animation, simply set the custom enum and pass an animator closure.

// Custom Animation for DetailButton
configuration.detailButton.animation = .custom(animator: { [weak self] (view: UIView, settings: AnimatorSettings) in
    // view: The View to perform animation on
    // settings: Preferred duration and delay

Version 1.0.2

02 Jun 10:45
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You can enable on both DetailButton and CompletionButton haptic feedback when the user pressed one of these buttons. Either by setting the property or passing it to the initializer.

// Impact Feedback
button.hapticFeedback = .impact

// Selection Feedback
button.hapticFeedback = .selection

// Notification Feedback with type
let completionButton = WhatsNewViewController.CompletionButton(
    title: "Continue", 
    action: .dismiss,
    hapticFeedback: .notification(.success)

☝️ In default the HapticFeedback is nil indicating no haptic feedback should be executed.

Version 1.0.1

27 May 14:25
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This release removed the predefined implementation UserDefaultsWhatsNewVersionStore of WhatsNewVersionStore and introduces a KeyValueWhatsNewVersionStore. You can initialize a KeyValueWhatsNewVersionStore by passing a KeyValueable conform object. WhatsNewKit implemented the KeyValueable protocol already for UserDefaults and NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore.

// Local KeyValueStore
let keyValueVersionStore = KeyValueWhatsNewVersionStore(
    keyValueable: UserDefaults.standard

// iCloud KeyValueStore
let keyValueVersionStore = KeyValueWhatsNewVersionStore(
    keyValueable: NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore.default

// Initialize WhatsNewViewController with KeyValueWhatsNewVersionStore
let whatsNewViewController: WhatsNewViewController? = WhatsNewViewController(
    whatsNew: whatsNew, 
    versionStore: keyValueVersionStore

Theme and Configuration structure

The WhatsNewViewController.Theme and WhatsNewViewController.Configuration structure has been improved via one level nesting instead of two and three level extension nesting which causes problems during a pod lib lint (Swift Bug: SR-631)

Initial Release πŸ™Œ

26 May 13:52
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This is the initial release of WhatsNewKit