Live Link - (login using below credentials)
Backend URL - Deployed in Azure (Authenticate using below command to get JWT token)
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Origin:' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"username": "user",
"password": "dummy"
Here I designed an Angular + Spring Boot Fullstack application with JWT authentication for a Todo List application, where logged in user can Create, Update, Delete todos of their own.
Tech Stacks used : Angular, Spring Boot, Spring JPA, Spring Security, PostgreSQL DB, Lombok, Slf4j Logger.
- Logged In user can check all Todo saved by him earlier.
- User can Create / Update / Delete todo from the frontend page itself.
- If user created new Todo, it will dave into real time database. next-time user access the todo page, user can view previously saved todo also.
- Without logged in, user cannot view the Todos or Welcome page.
- Slf4j Logging has been added and logs automatically saving into external file for future purpose.
- Curently I am working for custom login for this project.
Operation | Request Method | URI | Returns |
Read all todos | GET | /users/{username}/todos | 200 OK with Todo List |
Read one todo | GET | /users/{username}/todos/{todo_id} | 200 OK with one Todo |
Create a todo | POST | /users/{username}/todos/ | 201 CREATED |
Update a todo | PUT | /users/{username}/todos/{todo_id} | 200 OK with updated Todo |
Delete a todo | DELETE | /users/{username}/todos/{todo_id} | 204 NO CONTENT => for Successful Deletion, 404 NOT FOUND => for Todo Not Found |
# Build
docker build -t swarnadeepghosh/todoify-fullstack:0.0.1-RELEASE .
# Run in local
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name=todoify-fullstack swarnadeepghosh/todoify-fullstack:0.0.1-RELEASE
# push to dockerhub
docker push swarnadeepghosh/todoify-fullstack:0.0.1-RELEASE