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Aris Martínez edited this page Oct 3, 2020 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the Risk wiki!

Here you will find a multitude of different examples that will guide you through your new teaching method with Simple Risk

Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I will learn. – Benjamin Franklin


What is gamification?

Gamification is adding game mechanics into non-game environments, like a classroom to increase participation. The goal of gamification, then, is to engage with students to inspire collaborate, share and interact.

Why should you use game based learning techniques?

The knowledge and skills acquired through game-based learning are retained longer than information from other learning methods. Effective learning process is one in which you are fully involved in what you are doing. In order to make learning effective, game-based learning requires games that are well designed and have well implemented learning tasks. A well-designed educational game could combine the learning objectives of the educational system with the fun, finished product of a commercial game and custom built games. Games designed specifically for the purpose of educating children can motivate self learning and problem-solving skills to a great extent.


The importance of game based learning

What is gamification?