This application is available as a Alma Cloud App.
It can be installed in your Alma instance.
For more information on Cloud Apps, see the Online Help.
Expand records data fields based on specified templates.
- Loading bib records from entities in MDE ✓
- Define templates with rules ✓
- Personal templates ✓
- Institution Zone templates ✓
- Apply templates to bib records in NZ ✓
In order to use this Alma Cloud App, the institution of the user must be
- a member of the SLSP network zone
- manually unlocked by SLSP to use this service.
Additionally, the current Alma user has to contain the following user role:
- Cataloger
To define templates that are available for the whole Institution Zone, the user has to contain the following user role:
- Cataloger Extended
- Add template definition json file in assets/templates
- Register the template definition file in assets/templates/_template-index.json
- Rules need a RuleCreator impl.
- Rules need a RulesArg definition
- RuleCreators must be registered in app.module.ts (for injection)
Run in Terminal: export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider
and then run eca start