I recently studied Vue together with laravel. This project was laborious and exhausting, I spent hours together developing a web course I was studying. The result pleased me a lot, it still needs adjustments and the creation of more complex new functions, but it is still a very interesting project in which I was challenged.
The project is a social network, with the aim of linking friends, creating content, editing profile, authenticating user, listing only users in a row among others ... the project mainly contains Crud, authentication
Recentemente andei estudando Vue em conjunto com laravel. Esse projeto foi trabalhoso e exaustivo, passei horas desenvolvendo em conjunto a um curso web que estava estudando. O resultado me agradou bastante, ainda precisa de ajustes e criação de novas funções mais complexas, mas ainda é um projeto muito interessante no qual eu fui desafiado.
O projeto é uma rede social, com o objetivo de vincular amigos, criar conteudos, editar perfil, autenticar usuario, listar apenas usuarios seguidos entre outros... o projeto contem principalmente Crud, autenticação
##Tutorial - installation- Vue.js
- Laravel
- Materialize - CSS FRAMEWORK
- and more
a vue.js project
In directory SPA_VUE_JS/SOCIAL
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
a vue.js project
In directory WebService
# install dependencies
composer install || composer dump-autoload (default laravel installation or clone project)
you need create and config .env File.
# Run php artisan serve
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/s1lvn/
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/sylvn001
GitHub: https://github.com/Sylvn001