This short guide aims to get you started with the Symbiotic EDA Formal Verification tools.
You will have been sent the license and a link to download the tools. For this example we will assume the tool package has been downloaded to ~/Downloads/symbiotic-20190924B-symbiotic.tar.gz and the license has been downloaded to ~/Downloads/symbiotic-eval.lic
Make sure you change the text below to match your package and license names.
Typically you will install the tools like this:
cd /opt
sudo tar -xzf ~/Downloads/symbiotic-20190924B-symbiotic.tar.gz
Then include this new directory in your PATH environment variable:
export PATH=/opt/symbiotic-20190924B-symbiotic/bin:$PATH
If you want to make this change permanent, add it to your .bashrc file:
echo 'export PATH=/opt/symbiotic-20190924B-symbiotic/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
Save the license file to a safe place:
cp ~/Downloads/symbiotic-eval.lic ~/
And create a new environment variable so the tools can find it:
export SYMBIOTIC_LICENSE="$HOME/symbiotic-eval.lic"
If you want to make this permament, add it to your .bashrc file:
echo 'export SYMBIOTIC_LICENSE="$HOME/symbiotic-eval.lic"' >> ~/.bashrc
run this command:
which yosys
This should return the path where yosys is installed in /opt/symbiotic
This will start yosys in shell mode and you should see that your license is verified:
[license] Signature verified.
If not, please contact us to help you resolve the issue.
Then press ctrl+D or type 'exit' to exit yosys.
Take a look at the example: counter.v. We have one formal property, an assertion that the counter will always be less than MAX_AMOUNT
counter.sby is the configuration file.
Run this command to Formally Verify the counter example:
sby -f counter.sby
The -f
switch removes previous test results. You will see some log output from the tool and the last line shows the result: FAIL.
When the tools find a way to break an assertion they generate a trace file.
- If the test failed bounded model checking (BMC), the trace will be written to counter/engine_0/trace.vcd.
- If the test failed induction, the trace will be written to counter/engine_0/trace_induct.vcd.
The BMC failed because the solver was able to set the initial value of the count register to a value greater than MAX_AMOUNT
Fix this by setting a default value for the register and then run the verification again.
To learn more about Formal Verification, see the resources section below
The tools currently don't support VHDL formal properties. The work-around is to write the formal properties with System Verilog Assertions and then bind that to the module under test.
Take a look at the example: counter.vhd.
To define the a formal properties, we created In this file we make an assertion that the counter will always be less than MAX_AMOUNT
counter_vhd.sby is the configuration file.
Run this command to Formally Verify the counter example:
sby -f counter_vhd.sby
The -f
switch removes previous test results. You will see some log output from the tool and the last line shows the result: FAIL.
When the tools find a way to break an assertion they generate a trace file.
- If the test failed bounded model checking (BMC), the trace will be written to counter_vhd/engine_0/trace.vcd.
- If the test failed induction, the trace will be written to counter_vhd/engine_0/trace_induct.vcd.
The BMC failed because the solver was able to set the initial value of the count register to a value greater than MAX_AMOUNT
Fix this by setting a default value for the register and then run the verification again.
To learn more about Formal Verification, see the resources section below
- Symbiyosys docs
- Some examples to try:
- Videos and Presentations on Formal Verification:
- Dan Gisslequist's blog contains a lot of posts about FV:
- You can also request a demo or book a training course by contacting us at