You can create a roster schedule view using SfScheduler in WPF. A roster schedule is a schedule that provides information about a list of employees and associated information for a given time period.
Creating a roster scheduler
Step 1: Following the getting started UG documentation, create a WPF application and then add SfScheduler control in it.
Step 2: Make the following property changes in the add instance of SfScheduler:
- Set scheduler ViewType property as TimelineMonth.
- Add the resources data and bind it to scheduler using ResourceCollection property.
- Enable resource view by setting the ResourceGroupType property as Resource.
Step 3: Customize the appearance of the appointment using AppointmentTemplate, as explained in the following code example.
Step 4: Make the following property changes in TimelineViewSettings,
- By using the ViewHeaderDateFormat property, customize the view header date format as required.
- Default visible resource count is 3, you can customize it by using VisibleResourceCount property.
<Label Foreground="Black" FontWeight="Bold" Content="{Binding Subject}" Grid.Row="0" HorizontalContentAlignment="Center" VerticalContentAlignment="Top"/>
<Border Background="{Binding AppointmentBackground}" CornerRadius="5" Height="10" Width="10" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
scheduler.TimelineViewSettings.ViewHeaderDateFormat = "dd";
scheduler.TimelineViewSettings.VisibleResourceCount = 5;