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72 lines (60 loc) · 2.51 KB

File metadata and controls

72 lines (60 loc) · 2.51 KB

Release Benchmarks:


[X] Purpose of project clearly defined [X] Original code has been reviewed and reformatted [X] Repository confirmed to comply with Licenses [X] about is properly written [X] System for documenting changes


[X] World can be saved to JSON files [X] Check code for all BAIL_IF() and BAIL_IF_ACT()s [X] OLC is translated from Spanish to English [X] All "Low-hanging fruit" changes have been made (i.e, cleaning up obvious things that don't require big overhauls) [X] World can be loaded from JSON files [X] "dump world json" and "dump world raw" wiz commands. [X] JSON-format world is confirmed to save->load->save->load without changes [X] All "TO-DOs" have been transferred to Github issues [.] Code style documentation [.] All functions are named and placed according to their objects [.] OLC confirmed to behave as expected. [ ] Contribution guide [?] Code can be easily deployed [ ] Dockerfile is back [?] Mob progs behave as expected. [?] Mob progs are imported/exported using JSON format. [ ] All gameplay changes that aren't bugfixes, obvious oversights, or quality-of-life upgrades are disabled by default. [ ] Documentation has been organized in a way that makes sense for this project. [ ] Contribution patches are merged into main branch


[X] Extra features are highly customizable via basemud.h. [X] All files in "json/config/*" are read properly. [ ] All "TO-DOs" from 0.1.0 are accounted for [X] JSON code for database saving has been massively cleaned up... [ ] Tasks in GitHub organized into month-long sprints somehow [ ] JSON tools are extracted as standalone apps [X] Special tables are exported to JSON objects [ ] Simple JSON world editor [X] All Some bit flags can be replaced with more extendible system [ ] World state object that contains most global variables [ ] Code is testable, even if only some tests exist [ ] Affects refactored to use affect tables [ ] (more tbd)


[ ] Complete version in C [ ] All vanilla behavior are confirmed to behave as expected (minus bugfixes and patched oversights) [ ] All "TO-DOs" are accounted for [ ] All changes are well-documented [ ] Existing code has an acceptable testing suite [ ] Project has an appropriate web presence [ ] Project can be deployed easily [ ] Project is confirmed to be deployable for major platforms [ ] (more tbd)


[ ] All methods are contains in objects


[ ] Complete version in C++ [ ] All template macros have been replaced with C++ template classes [ ] (more tbd)