released this
11 Feb 19:17
Merge pull request #77 from Synthetixio/dev (9bee7d6 )
regenerate package-lock.json (38771ad )
Merge pull request #74 from Synthetixio/dependabot-npm_and_yarn-dev-synthetix-js-2.39.0 (2d5516b )
Merge pull request #75 from Synthetixio/dependabot-npm_and_yarn-dev-synthetixio-js-2.39.0 (6f78fee )
Merge pull request #76 from Synthetixio/fix-selectors (2a2bde2 )
fix: gas value on testnet networks (2030c01 )
fix: metamask css selector for network change (3b803d3 )
chore(deps): bump synthetix-js from 2.35.0-ovm-no-old-deposit to 2.39.0 (902c95a )
Merge pull request #68 from Synthetixio/dependabot-npm_and_yarn-dev-cypress-6.4.0 (8fd065b )
chore(deps): bump @synthetixio/js from 2.35.0-ovm to 2.39.0 (fc938e8 )
chore(deps): bump cypress from 6.3.0 to 6.4.0 (fdaed13 )
Merge pull request #65 from Synthetixio/dependabot-npm_and_yarn-dev-cypress-6.3.0 (10d5b58 )
chore(deps): bump cypress from 6.1.0 to 6.3.0 (5f0f776 )
Merge pull request #66 from Synthetixio/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/axios-0.21.1 (1e4cd35 )
chore(deps): bump axios from 0.21.0 to 0.21.1 (06a55a7 )
Merge pull request #47 from Synthetixio/dev (6b17d14 )
ci: don't publish to gh packages (052a983 )
chore: add LICENSE (77d52a6 )
chore: readme reorganization (f432f82 )
chore: readme updates (a211847 )
Merge pull request #46 from Synthetixio/master (dc7ebeb )
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