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Sysmon For Linux Developer Details


Sysmon For Linux is a port of the Windows Sysmon tool, with the driver replaced by eBPF programs. This document describes developer details to assist people who wish to modify or extend it.

Build environment

The build directory, created as part of the initial compilation, contains all the Makefiles needed to recompile Sysmon For Linux.

If you are refactoring between the main program and the library, refactoring eBPF programs, or modifying the CMakeLists.txt files, then you will probably benefit from removing the build directory and recreating it, to ensure that cmake properly updates its cache.

rm -rf build
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..


Both the main program and the libary can be set to build with symbols by setting the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to Debug in the CMakeLists.txt files. You may need to remove the build directory and rebuild from scratch to be sure that everything is rebuilt with symbols (or without).


The eBPF programs can be configured to enable BPF_PRINTK() by setting the DEBUG_K option on in the CMakeLists.txt files. Messages outputted with BPF_PRINTK() are sent to /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_pipe. Cat this pseduo-file to monitor the output. When DEBUG_K is set to Off, BPF_PRINTK() becomes a NOP. As before, you may need to remove the build directory and rebuild from scratch.

option(DEBUG_K "Enter debug mode" On)

Having built with symbols, use gdb to debug the program. Easiest is to attach to a running instance:

ps -ef | grep sysmon
sudo gdb ./sysmon -pid <Sysmon PID>

If, instead, you want to debug program start-up issues, such as BPF loading, offsets loading, searching or discovering, or configuration setting, then you will need to make gdb launch Sysmon For Linux and coach it through to the place you want to break and/or step.

sudo gdb ./sysmon

Set a breakpoint on the line in main() that is "pid = fork()". This line sets it up to be a daemon so we need to follow the child process here (as the parent will quit once the child has signalled that it has finished starting up. For reasons unknown, gdb either fails to follow the child, or fails to trigger the breakpoint, when continuing through the fork. Instead break on the fork itself and 'next' through it (which correctly follows the child).

b sysmonforlinux.c:1329
    (or whatever line is "pid = fork()")
set follow-fork-mode child
r -i /opt/sysmon/config.xml -service
    (will run sysmon with the current config file, but will not trigger
     systemd to restart sysmon)
    (will step to next source code line)

Repeat the 'n' command until gdb reaches the startEBPF line, then set the follow mode back to parent - otherwise if it goes into offsets discovery, it will launch a temporary child and gdb will follow it instead of staying with the main program.

set follow-fork-mode parent

Now you can set a breakpoint where you need, and 'continue' ('c') until it hits it.

Debugging eBPF Programs

The easiest way to debug eBPF programs is 'printf debugging', except as the programs run in the kernel, we actually need 'printk debugging' instead. First make sure the environment is set to enable DEBUG_K (see above), then simply insert BPF_PRINTK() calls where necessary.

{BPF_PRINTK(format, args [,args ...]);}

Note that these calls are inside {} curly braces as BPF_PRINTK is a macro that converts the format string into a local character array, supplying that and its size to the underlying bpf_trace_printk() helper, along with the arguments. As BPF helpers are limited to 5 arguments total, you can therefore only supply 3 optional arguments after the format string. Note the limitations on conversion specifiers in the bpf_helpers man page; additionally note that %p only prints 32 bits on older kernels, so use %lx instead.

Be aware that you can grep the output of

cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_pipe

to limit the volume of information if your program gets triggered by multiple processes.

Additionally, it is possible to debug eBPF programs with gdb by running the kernel inside a VM, and attaching gdb to it.

See: for an overview.

Project Layout

Sysmon For Linux

Sysmon For Linux relies on the shared library. Its main function parses the command line with Sysmon functions ported from, and shared with, the Windows version. Starting it up with the '-c' switch causes it to store its command line in /opt/sysmon/arg{c,v} and trigger the running Sysmon For Linux to cause it to drop its current config, load this new command line, and parse it to build the new config.

Starting it with the '-i' switch causes it to stop any running copies, parse the command line for validity and then start up depending on whether the '-service' switch is present or not. A user would not typically supply this switch (unless they are debugging, see above), the absence of which indicates that Sysmon For Linux was started from the command line.

In this situation, the program will store the command line in /opt/sysmon as for configuration changes, and copy the configuration file (if supplied) to /opt/sysmon/config.xml. It will then exec the shell command 'systemctl start sysmon', essentially quitting as it does so. This causes systemd to start it up as a system daemon, with the '-service' switch.

The command line arguments will be reloaded from /opt/sysmon, with the config filename replaced with /opt/sysmon/config.xml, and the original returned separately for reporting in a config change event. This allows Sysmon For Linux to be launched from the command line with '-i' and for the whole config to be stored, and reloaded, when the command line version instructs systemd to start it up again as a standard system daemon.

The main function then creates a sysinternalsEBPF configuration that specifies the eBPF programs to be used for the different kernels, and for the different types of attachment (syscall tracepoints, syscall raw tracepoints, non-syscall tracepoints). It also specifies which syscalls should be active based on the loaded Sysmon config (with pseudo-syscalls specifying non-syscall activity), and which programs should be active based on those syscalls.

Together this configuration informs sysinternalsEBPF what to load for the different kernel versions it could be running on, which programs to attach, and which events to make active. The configuration also specifies a callback function that will handle generated events, and a callback that signifies that the start up has completed.

SysinternalsEBPF calls the event callback every time an event is received from the eBPF programs. Sysmon For Linux processes the event (if necessary, e.g. adding extra information, userland additional checks, etc) and then sends it to DispatchEvent() ported from the Windows version. Here it is processed and filtered, and eventually reported to Syslog via FormatSyslogString() in outputxml.c.

  • installer.{c,h} - functions for installing Sysmon, and related to start up.
  • linuxHelpers.{cpp,h} - functions to replicate missing Windows functions.
  • linuxTypes.h - types/defines to repliate missing Windows types/defines.
  • linuxWideChar.{c,h} - functions to handle UTF16 strings (Windows WCHAR).
  • networkTracker.{cpp,h} - correlation engine for network events.
  • outputxml.{c,h} - output message formatter.

Sysmon For Linux ebpfKern

There are a number (currently 6) eBPF source files, made up from programs and inline functions in 30+ source files. The main source files are:

  • sysmonEBPFkern4.15.c
  • sysmonEBPFkern4.16.c
  • sysmonEBPFkern4.17-5.1.c
  • sysmonEBPFkern5.2.c
  • sysmonEBPFkern5.3-5.5.c
  • sysmonEBPFkern5.6-.c

The numbers in the filenames specify the kernel versions that they support. They set specific defines and include specific source files. Notable source files are:

  • sysmonEBPF_common.h - includes, defines, and map definitions.
  • sysmonHelpers.c - inline functions that do useful things.
  • sysmonGenericEntry_rawtp.c - program to attach to raw_syscalls/sys_enter that stores arguments.
  • sysmonGenericEntry_tp.c - programs to attach to syscalls/sys_enter tracepoints that stores arguments.

Typically, userland memory can't be guaranteed to be paged in at the entry of a syscall; as such, generic entry programs are attached to the entry points of syscalls (a single entry point for raw syscalls, and each entry point for traditional syscalls). These generic entry programs simply store the arguments provided to the syscalls so that they can be retrieved by programs attached to the exit points, by which time the userland memory will have been paged in.

(Side note: eBPF programs aren't permitted to 'sleep' on most kernels except the very recent. Usually, when code attempts to access a memory location that is not paged in, a BRK happens and the memory pager takes control, pages it in and returns control to the point where the BRK happened so that the memory access can be reattempted. By not being allowed to 'sleep', eBPF programs don't benefit from this technology and all that happens is that the memory read fails.)

The programs attached to the syscall and raw syscall exit points are made up of three files:

  • sysmonEVENT.c - the inline function that processes the associated syscall, and generates the Sysmon event.
  • sysmonEVENT_rawtp.c - the eBPF program that attaches to the raw syscalls exit tracepoint, and calls the inline function.
  • sysmonEVENT_tp.c - the eBPF program that attaches to the specific traditional tracepoint exit, and calls the inline function.

This approach reduces code duplication. These files can be created from the sysmonTEMPLATE.c, sysmonTEMPLATE_rawtp.c and sysmonTEMPLATE_tp.c files by running the script with the event name as parameter. Minimal edits should be required for the rawtp and tp files, with the majority of the work going into the sysmonEVENT.c file. Ensure to include the rawtp and tp files in the main source files mentioned above.

In addition to syscall tracepoints, Sysmon also attaches to non-syscall tracepoints, such as sched/sched_process_exit. These don't have an entry and exit, but a tracepoint that happens immediately before the relevant code in the kernel (akin to entry in reality). In these cases there is just the relevant program, which can be constructed by combining the sysmonEVENT.c and sysmonEVENT_rawtp.c files. Current sources for non-syscall tracepoints are:

  • sysmonProcTerminated.c - sched/sched_process_exit.
  • sysmonTCPconnection_4_15.c - tcp/tcp_set_state (v4.15 only).
  • sysmonTCPconnection_4_15_5_5.c - inet/inet_sock_set_state (<= v5.6).
  • sysmonTCPconnection_5_6_.c - inet/inet_sock_set_state (>= v5.6).
  • sysmonUDPsend.c - skb/consume_skb.

So You Want To Implement An Existing Event?

If you want to implement an event that already exists in the Windows version of Sysmon, then the process is relatively straight forward. Note that it depends entirely on the layout specified above so maybe give that some attention if things get complicated. If you want to implement an entirely new event then see the next section instead.

The process is broadly:

  • Identify the event you wish to add from the schema - run sysmon -s to see the event schema.
  • Identify the associated event struct in sysmonCommon/ioctlcmd.h.
  • Identify the syscall(s) or tracepoint(s) that will provide information needed to complete the event struct. Check /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events for the event classes and the actual events within them. Cat the format file to see the parameters available to the tracepoints.
  • Identify whether one or more pseudo-event types are needed or whether the existing event struct is suitable. Psuedo-event structs and EventTypes should be added to linuxTypes.h.
  • Make the eBPF program(s) that generate the telemetry in ebpfKern. Use the format file from the event in /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events to create a suitable input parameter struct.
  • Add the eBPF program(s) to the main eBPF source files.
  • Add the eBPF program(s) to the config in sysmonforlinux.c.
  • Add a case to the switch in SetActiveSyscalls() in sysmonforlinux.c to specify which syscalls and pseudo-syscalls are required. New pseudo- syscalls should be added to linuxTypes.h.
  • If necessary, add a corrolation engine to combine multiple tracepoint data - see networkTracker as an example.
  • If necessary, add a case to the switch in handle_event() in sysmonforlinux.c to post-process or correlate the new event. Ultimately, this new case should (usually) eventually pass the event to DispatchEvent().

This process can be best understood by analysing the following examples.

Simple Example

SysmonFileDelete is a good example of an existing event that only required a simple solution; it attaches to the unlink() syscall and fills in a SYSMON_FILE_DELETE struct. No pseudo-events or pseudo-syscalls are necessary. In the eBPF config in sysmonforlinux.c the programs are added to the unlink() syscall, and the File Delete event is set in SetActiveSyscalls() in sysmonforlinux.c to require this syscall. No correlation engine in required, nor any post processing. In handle_event() in sysmonforlinux.c, the event simply hits the Default case and is dispatched directly to DispatchEvent().

Slightly More Complex Example

A slightly more complex example would be ProcessAccessed. Like File Delete, it only relies on real syscalls - ptrace() in this case - so the mechcanics match mostly to the previous case. Where it differs, however, is in needing some post-processing to add the image file of the target process (which couldn't be captured in the syscall).

The event struct received from eBPF (provided to handle_event()) should be treated as read-only. In order to add information to it, a new one should be created on the stack and the data copied in. (Stack is used as it is faster than malloc() and avoids potential memory leaks.)

Much More Complex Example

More complex examples are the network events. These require multiple tracepoints and/or information arriving split over multiple reports, and hence a correlation engine (networkTracker). Because the information sent from eBPF doesn't match a Sysmon struct, a new pseudo-event struct, pseudo-event type, and pseudo-syscall were created. These are connected up in the config and SetActiveSyscalls() in sysmonforlinux.c.

The handle_event() function processes the pseudo-events by adding or retrieving information from the networkTracker correlation engine. When sufficient information has been gathered, an event is generated by calling CreateNetworkEvent() instead of DispatchEvent() as network events are handled differently in Sysmon.

So You Want To Implement An Entirely New Event?

To implement an entirely new event that doesn't already exist in the Windows version would involve modifying the schema to document the new event. This process requires a planned enhancement where the schema will contain an additional switch to indicate whether an event is for Windows, Linux, or both.

The process outlined for implementing an existing event can then be followed, making the assumption that a pseudo-event struct and pseudo-event type will certainly be required as suitable ones will not already exist. In addition, extra code will be required in DispatchEvent() in order to handle it appropriately. This process will be documented in an updated version of this file when the planned enhancement to the schema has been implemented.

Writing Good eBPF Programs

All new eBPF programs should follow the format and approach found in the existing ones - these are written in a consistent manner that meets the requirements of the eBPF verifier. The following tips are offered to help write eBPF programs.

Coding Tips

  • eBPF code is heavily optimised during compilation so write simpler, more understandable code and let the compiler make it optimal.
  • Use the helpers in ebpfKern and in sysinternalsEBPF/ebpfKern. These have been tested fairly well and are believed to work correctly.
  • If you need functions to make your code more readable, inline them all. (See existing code for examples.)
  • Bound all loops with an upper bound. e.g. Use 'for' loops with simple exit conditions ("i < N" where N is a compile-time static value). To accommodate kernels <=5.2 were loops are not permitted, add the following construction directly above each loop:
#ifdef NOLOOPS
    #pragma unroll
  • Bound all array access with an upper bound. There are many ways to achieve this, notably with 'if' statements preceding the access, but the simplest and most reliable method is to make array sizes equal to a power of 2, and then bound the index with "& (SIZE - 1)". e.g. "x = a[i & (SIZE - 1)];" so that the index is always constrained between 0 and SIZE-1, even if the index variable (i in this case) could take arbitrary values. Expanding an array to a size that is a power of 2 wastes memory at the expense of easier and more reliable compiled code (across clang verions and kernel versions).
  • For syscalls, store arguments on entry and retrieve them on exit, using a hash based on PID/TID. Exit programs should be able to access userland memory buffers referenced by arguments (as memory has been recently accessed), but the same guarantee cannot be made for entry programs.
  • memset all structs you intend to store in maps to 0 before use to ensure that every memory location in the struct (including any padding gaps) has been initialised prior to attempting to store it.
  • eBPF maps can be accessed from userland - move all heavy data structure management to userland, especially where it requires loops.

Debugging Tips

  • If programs fail to load due to a verifier error, it can be helpful to compare the assembler of the eBPF object against the C source. Dump the assembler using:
% llvm-objdump -source <EBPF OBJECT>
  • eBPF helpers are called by number in eBPF assember - "call #4" would be the assembler for "bpf_probe_read()" in C. Find bpf helper call numbers in bpf_helper_defs.h. It's possible to make a reference list with:
cat bpf_helper_defs.h | grep -e '^static' | sed -e 's/^[^(]*(\*\([^)]*\)).*)\([^();]*\);$/\2 \1/'
  • Match eBPF assembler to C source by aligning on bpf helper calls ("call #n") and constant values, e.g. PATH_MAX or an array size.
  • eBPF verfifier errors can be difficult to understand but most errors have already been posted to online forums and the answers or help may provide good clues.

Inline Assembler

If clang optimises away the array bound "& (SIZE - 1)" or some other code required to satisfy the veriifer, or innocently stores the bounded value on the stack and then 'forgets' it was bounded after retrieval, then it may be possible to replace the C code with inline assembler, swapping C statements 1-for-1 with assembler statements.

First break the C statement into a series of very simple C statements, e.g.

x = a[i & (SIZE - 1)]

could become:

uint32_t index = i;
index &= (SIZE - 1);
x = a[index];

Next, replace the bounding statement with inline assembler so:

index &= (SIZE - 1);


asm volatile("%[index] &= " XSTR(SIZE - 1) "\n"

The 'volatile' keyword prevents the compiler from optimising the assembler instructions to a different location. The XSTR macro permits the use of defined values and expressions in asm statements - it is defined in sysinternalsEBPF_helpers.c.