Production ready boilerplate for building APIs in Typescript(3.4) with koa2, and using SQL database and http/2 as the communication protocol.
- Object oriented
- Typescript
- Authentication (JWT)
- http/2 support
- Sequelize ORM
- Doc generation with Swagger
- TS linting
- Dockerized Version
Please note, This boilerplate is for the API only application.
Visit https://localhost:3000/
to access the root page.
- Node v10.16.0
- SQL Database (anyone MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, PostgreSQL, MSSQL)
- Docker
To simulate environment variables
- src/resources/config/env.development.ts
- .env file
- /etc/environment file
The environment variables are as follows -
NODE_ENV=production // Environment development/production
SERVER_PORT=3000 // Server's Port
SESSION=secret_key // secret-boilerplate-token
JWT_SECRET=token // Jwt secret key
DB_HOST=host // DB Host address
DB_PORT=3306 // DB Port number
DB_DIALECT=db // DB (mysql, PostgreSQL, MySQL, etc)
DB_NAME=name // DB name
DB_USER=user // DB user name
DB_PASSWORD=password // DB password
git clone
- koa2
- koa-router
- koa-bodyparser
- koa-generic-session
- koa-logger
- koa-helmet
- koa-convert
- http/2
- Swagger
- grunt
- typescript
- dotenv
- winston
- sequelize
- sequelize-cli-typescript
│ .gitignore // Standard git ignore file
| .env // dotenv configuration file for environment variable
│ docker-compose.yml // Standard docker compose file
│ Dockerfile // Standard docker file
│ gruntfile.js // Standard gruntfile.js file
│ package.json // Standard package.json file
│ tslint.json // Standard tslint.json file
├───log // logs directory
└───src // source code
│ .sequelizerc // Standarded sequlize config file
│ ├───constant // constants
│ │ httpConstants.ts // http status code constant file
│ │
│ ├───controller // controller
│ │ BookController.ts
│ │
│ ├───core
│ │ │ RouterGenerator.ts // Generating all routes
│ │ │ RouterManager.ts // Route depedency
│ │ │
│ │ └───middleware // middlewares
│ │ ErrorMiddleware.ts
│ │ RequestValidator.ts // request body validator
│ │
│ ├───db
│ │ │ config.json
│ │ │ DatabaseConfigurationManager.ts
│ │ │
│ │ ├───entity // entities
│ │ | ├───library
│ │ | │ book.ts // book entity
│ │ | │ index.ts
│ │ | │
│ │ | └───migrations // Migrations
│ │ | │ 20190703135002-create-book.ts
│ │ | │
│ │ | └───compiled // compiled migrations
│ │ | 20190703135002-create-book.js
│ │ |
│ │ |
│ │ └───repository // repository
│ │ Book.ts
│ │
│ ├───model
│ │ Book.ts // book model
│ │
│ ├───routes // router
│ │ BookRouter.ts
│ │ index.ts
│ │
│ ├───service // Service file for database
│ │ BookService.ts
│ │
│ └───validation // validations
│ BookValidator.ts
├───logger // logger file.
│ index.ts
│ LogManager.ts
├───resources // resources
│ ├───config // configuration setting
│ │ ConfigurationManager.ts
│ │ env.common.ts
│ │ env.development.ts
│ │ index.ts
│ │
│ ├───cert // SSL certificates
│ │ localhost.crt
│ │ localhost.key
│ │
│ └───swagger // Swagger
└───server // server
npm run build
compile the typescripts in src foldernpm start
Starts the server on development mode in Typescriptnpm run dev
Starts the server on development mode in Javascriptnpm run grunt
Starts server using grunt filedocker-compose up -d
Starts the server for production
Prerequisite For Docker Configuration: Docker and docker compose must be installed on the system.
Steps to run the app in a docker container :
- CD to project dir
- Create build using cmd: $ docker-compose build
- Start the server in daemon thread using cmd: $ docker-compose up -d
- Stop the server using cmd: $ docker-compose down
The API documentation is written in Swagger (
To view swagger API documentation
Visit https://localhost:3000/swagger to view Swagger UI.