Add this repository (
) as a lib_deps
in platformio.ini
. Eg:
# platformio.ini
platform = atmelavr
board = uno
framework = arduino
lib_deps =
Download the Arduino library as a ZIP file HERE.
In Arduino IDE, under Sketch
-> Include Library
-> Add .ZIP Library...
select the downloaded file.
- Include the library
// Begining of the file
#include <tacticom.h>
- Initialisation
// Before setup function
void commands_handler(const String &name, const String &answer_code, const String &ask_code, const String *args, uint8_t args_count);
TactiCom tc("R1", commands_handler);
// In setup function
void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200); // Start the serial communication
// In loop function
void loop() {
tc.tick(); // Periodicaly check for new received commands
- Sending commands to USB Device/Raspberry:
tc.send_request("pong", "unique_identifier_for_this_request); // a request, without arguments
tc.send_event("led", &s, 1); // an event, with one argument (s being a String "on", 1 being the number of arguments)
tc.send_reply("divide_result", new String[2]{s1, s2}, 2); // a reply, with multiple arguments (s1 & s2 being String, 2 being the number of arguments)
- Receiving commands
void commands_handler(const String &name, const String &answer_code, const String &ask_code, const String *args,
const uint8_t args_count) {
if (name == "led") { // Handle an event
if (args_count != 1) {
// assert correct number of arguments
const String error = "missing_args";
tc.send_reply("led_error", ask_code, &error, 1);
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, args[0] == "on" ? HIGH : LOW);
} else if (name == "ping") { // Handle a request without arguments
tc.send_reply("pong", ask_code); // reply pong
} else if (name == "add") { // Handle a request with arguments
if (args_count != 2) {
// assert correct number of arguments
const String error = "missing_args";
tc.send_reply("add_error", ask_code, &error, 1);
const long a = args[0].toInt(); // convert the first parameter to a number
const long b = args[1].toInt(); // convert the second parameter to a number
const long result = a + b; // Calculate the sum
const auto result_str = String(result); // Convert the result to a string
tc.send_reply("add_result", ask_code, &result_str, 1); // reply with the result