This document covers a couple scenarios:
While there is overlap in the above scenarios, treating them separately seems the most clear at the moment. Before you get started, setup a local variable pointing to your local Reverb GitHub repo.
$ export REVERB_DIR=/path/to/reverb/github/repo
There are two steps for building the Reverb package.
- Build the Docker container with the version of TensorFlow to build Reverb against.
- Execute the build and declare any specific TensorFlow dependency for the
pip install. The dependency is only enforced if the user uses
pip install reverb[tensorflow]
Execute from the root of the git repository. The end result will end up in
# Creates the Docker container.
# Builds the container with Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10. Set the
# `build-arg tensorflow_pip` to the version of TensorFlow to build against.
$ docker build --pull --no-cache \
--tag tensorflow:reverb_release \
--build-arg tensorflow_pip=tensorflow~=2.8.0 \
--build-arg python_version="python3.7 python3.8 python3.9 python3.10" \
- < "$REVERB_DIR/docker/release.dockerfile"
# Builds Reverb against TensorFlow stable or rc.
# Builds Reverb against most recent stable release of TensorFlow and
# requires `tensorflow~=2.8.0` if using `pip install reverb[tensorflow]`.
# Packages for Python 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9 are created.
$ docker run --rm --mount "type=bind,src=$REVERB_DIR,dst=/tmp/reverb" \
tensorflow:reverb_release bash --clean true \
--tf_dep_override "tensorflow~=2.8.0" --release --python "3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10"
# Builds Reverb against an RC of TensorFlow. `>=` and `~=` are not effective
# because pip does not recognize 2.4.0rc0 as greater than 2.3.0. RC builds need
# to have a strict dependency on the RC of TensorFlow used.
$ docker run --rm --mount "type=bind,src=$REVERB_DIR,dst=/tmp/reverb" \
tensorflow:reverb_release bash --clean true \
--tf_dep_override "tensorflow==2.8.0rc0" --release --python "3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10"
# Builds a debug version of Reverb. The debug version is not labeled as debug
# as that can result in a user installing both the debug and regular packages
# making it unclear which is installed as they both have the same package
# namespace. The command below puts the .whl files in ./dist/debug/**.
# Debug builds are ~90M compared to normal builds that are closer to 7M.
$ docker run --rm --mount "type=bind,src=$REVERB_DIR,dst=/tmp/reverb" \
tensorflow:reverb_release bash --clean true --debug_build true \
--output_dir /tmp/reverb/dist/debug/ --tf_dep_override "tensorflow~=2.8.0" \
--release --python "3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10"
- Build the Docker container. By default the container is setup for python 3.7.
Use the
arg to configure the container with 3.7 or 3.8.
$ docker build --tag tensorflow:reverb - < "$REVERB_DIR/docker/dev.dockerfile"
# Alternatively you can build the container with Python 3.8 support.
$ docker build --tag tensorflow:reverb \
--build-arg python_version=python3.8 \
- < "$REVERB_DIR/docker/dev.dockerfile"
- Run and enter the Docker container.
$ docker run --rm -it \
--mount "type=bind,src=$REVERB_DIR,dst=/tmp/reverb" \
--mount "type=bind,src=$HOME/.gitconfig,dst=/etc/gitconfig,ro" \
--name reverb tensorflow:reverb bash
- Compile Reverb.
$ python3.7
$ bazel build -c opt //reverb/pip_package:build_pip_package
- Build the .whl file and output it to
$ ./bazel-bin/reverb/pip_package/build_pip_package \
--dst /tmp/reverb_build/dist/
- Install the .whl file.
# If multiple versions were built, pass the exact wheel to install rather than
# *.whl.
$ $PYTHON_BIN_PATH -mpip install --upgrade /tmp/reverb_build/dist/*.whl