In Guess Who, you’ll be building a text version of the classic board game. Dictionaries will be the key to this project. Play a Sample Game.
- The game should store information on at least 5 different characters.
- Each character should have a name, gender, age, height, and hair color.
- When the game begins, a character should be randomly selected by the computer.
- The player can ask for 2 pieces of information about the random character, and then has to make a guess as to who was picked.
- list: list out all the character's names
- gender/age/height/hair: asks for a piece of information
- guess name: guess a character
- help: displays all commands
- quit: exits the game
To store and access the information you’ll need to use dictionaries, which will allow for quick and direct access.
What would you like to do? list
['Male', '15', "6'1", 'Blonde']
['Female', '25', "5'11", 'Blonde']
['Female', '15', "5'10", 'Red']
['Female', '25', "5'7", 'Brown']
['Male', '20', "5'5", 'Brown']
What would you like to do? age
What would you like to do? hair
What would you like to do? guess liv
You lost...
The correct character was 'bill'.
What would you like to do? gender
What would you like to do? height
What would you like to do? guess linda
You guessed right!
The correct character was 'linda'.