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Releases: TERNION-1121/Othello-Reversi-Game

Othello v1.2.2

07 Oct 08:20
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Improvements in the AI Player's find_best_move function

Added logic to check for the forfeit of turn in find_best_move;
Make the minimax faster; (previously -> 2-4 seconds per move, now-> 1-3 seconds per move) [Start to Mid game].
Fast in the end game as usual.

Refactor code in

Now, Discs on board and the Game Score update at each move (in single player mode as well).
Place the switch themes logic into a separate method.

Othello v1.2.1

06 Oct 17:22
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This patch solves Issues #8 and #9:

  • Fix by creating a deep-copy of the children board positions, calling set_dics() method, and passing that deep-copy to the minimax algorithm.

Similar fixes were implemented twice in the minimax function.

  • Fix the check_game_over() method in

With the above updates implemented. The minimax algorithm takes much longer (1-3 seconds per move) in the initial and middle stages of the game. However it manages to go fast for the endgame (a trait expected from almost all board games' AI Players).

Othello v1.2.0

01 Oct 11:09
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Highlights of the release of Othello/Reversi Game, v1.2.0:

  • Choose between Single Player and Two Player modes.
  • A Computer Player powered by the minimax algorithm with alpha-beta pruning.
  • Switch colour modes between Light and Dark modes.

Previous releases:

  • Othello release v1.0.0 featured the Two-Player mode.

  • Othello release v1.1.0 featured the recently added Single-Player mode.