WEC-Sim-Python is the Python version of the WEC-Sim (Wave Energy Converter SIMulator), which was originally developed in MATLAB/SIMULINK.
WEC-Sim-Python aims to help researchers, start-up companies, and enthusiasts without access to MATLAB in order to use the open-source code provided by NREL and Sandia lab. Also, with growing research in the field of machine learning, WEC-Sim-Python could be more convenient for those who develop machine learning projects utilizing Python.
Note: WEC-Sim-Python has not been completed. Estimated date of completion: August, 2022
- Simulation class: getWecSimPythonVer will be tested upon pre-release
- Wave class
- Body class
- Other source class and BEMIO
- Open AI Gym for simulation
- Do not support Simulink.
- A seperate Paraview class is incorporated in the objects directory.
- Modified some methods and file structures for faster computation, and the original method has been tested and incorporated in the comment.
To be updated upon the completion.
- Due to the difference in the significant digits or methods of the calculations, all variables have been tested up to 10^-7 decimal places.