Running a Tello simulation in Gazebo
consists of several components:
simulates a drone, handling takeoff, landing and very simple flight dynamicsmarkers
contains Gazebo models for fiducial
is a simple world with a bunch of fiducial
is a script that will read an URDF (ROS) or SDF (Gazebo) file and spawn a model in a running instance of Gazebo- the built-in camera plugin is used to emulate the Gazebo forward-facing camera with the `ros-galactic-desktop` option.
sudo apt install gazebo11 libgazebo11 libgazebo11-dev
sudo apt install libasio-dev
sudo apt install ros-galactic-cv-bridge ros-galactic-camera-calibration-parsers
sudo apt install libignition-rendering3
pip3 install transformations
mkdir -p ~/drone_racing_ros2_ws/src
cd ~/drone_racing_ros2_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
source /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash
colcon build
cd ~/drone_racing_ros2_ws
source install/setup.bash
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=${PWD}/install/tello_gazebo/share/tello_gazebo/models
source /usr/share/gazebo/
ros2 launch tello_gazebo
You will see a single drone in a blank world. You can control the drone using the joystick.
If you run into the No namespace found error re-set GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=${PWD}/install/tello_gazebo/share/tello_gazebo/models
source /usr/share/gazebo/
ros2 service call /drone1/tello_action tello_msgs/TelloAction "{cmd: 'takeoff'}"
ros2 service call /drone1/tello_action tello_msgs/TelloAction "{cmd: 'land'}"
ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard --ros-args -r __ns:=/drone1