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Additional Learning Resources

Polly Sileo edited this page May 4, 2015 · 1 revision

One resource I've found extremely useful is Slack. I have joined 4 slack channels and they have all been useful but pertaining to the class the most useful has been rubynewbies. It is a whole community of people who are either learning Ruby/Rails or are interested in helping those who are learning. There are lots of people around to respond and they've helped me out of a couple of binds when I didn't quite know enough about what I was doing to create a useful google search. Sometimes they have been able to outright answer my question, other times they helped me form a good question for Google, and mostly they give me links to to fantastic resources to help me not just with my immediate problem but in taking the next step of my learning journey. I'm a huge fan. It's just so nice to be in a newbie friendly environment. And I'm looking forward to the day (hopefully soon) I'll be in a place where I can reciprocate and be a helpful part of the community. Link is below if you're interested.

Join rubynewbies