Repository where I am planning to upload content (code, projects, ...) from the Udemy course "The Web Developer Bootcamp 2020", which I got on 2nd of December 2020.
NOTE! If anyone gets across this repository, please remember that I am still an undergraduate student (3rd year of Bachelors's Degree in Computer Science) and I will upload things here when I find some free time to explore more and to do given excercises on this course, besides my normal faculty tasks.
Even tho I am already familiar with most of the stuff mentioned and uploaded here (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), I want to cover this course completely from the first section to the last. Reason for this decision is that I want to check if there are some things that I am maybe missing related to the things I already know. Also I want to make sure I have learned everything correctly.
Finished HTML&CSS sections (except Bootstrap) and started JavaScript. Since I am already familiar with most things, will not type any code until I get to Async JS.
Exams finished! Still managed to complete almost all of the JavaScript sections, got to the Async JS.
Finished sections about Express/Node/REST...
Starting to work with database.
Started working on main project of this course, Yelp Camp. Link to repository :