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scemama committed Jan 26, 2024
1 parent 4d3b10e commit 8ee28df
Showing 1 changed file with 97 additions and 0 deletions.
97 changes: 97 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
#+TITLE: Project: Quantum Monte Carlo
#+AUTHOR: C. Filippi, A. Scemama
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: /home/scemama/TREX-Admin/WP6/qmc-lttc-2023/Project.pdf

In the lab session, you have implemented a Variational Monte Carlo (VMC)
program to compute the ground state energy of the Hydrogen atom.
Then, I presented how you can modify it into a pure diffusion Monte
Carlo (PDMC) program

We recall the algorithm here:

0) Start with $W(\mathbf{r}_0)=1, \tau_0 = 0$
1) Evaluate the local energy at $\mathbf{r}_{n}$
2) Compute the contribution to the weight $w(\mathbf{r}_n) =
\exp(-\delta t(E_L(\mathbf{r}_n)-E_\text{ref}))$
3) Update $W(\mathbf{r}_{n}) = W(\mathbf{r}_{n-1}) \times w(\mathbf{r}_n)$
4) Accumulate the weighted energy $W(\mathbf{r}_n) \times
and the weight $W(\mathbf{r}_n)$ for the normalization
5) Update $\tau_n = \tau_{n-1} + \delta t$
6) If $\tau_{n} > \tau_\text{max}$ ($\tau_\text{max}$ is an input parameter), the long projection time has
been reached and we can start an new trajectory from the current
position: reset $W(r_n) = 1$ and $\tau_n
= 0$
7) Compute a new position $\mathbf{r'} = \mathbf{r}_n +
\delta t\, \frac{\nabla \Psi(\mathbf{r})}{\Psi(\mathbf{r})} + \chi$
8) Evaluate $\Psi(\mathbf{r}')$ and $\frac{\nabla \Psi(\mathbf{r'})}{\Psi(\mathbf{r'})}$ at the new position
9) Compute the ratio $A = \frac{T(\mathbf{r}' \rightarrow \mathbf{r}_{n}) P(\mathbf{r}')}{T(\mathbf{r}_{n} \rightarrow \mathbf{r}') P(\mathbf{r}_{n})}$
10) Draw a uniform random number $v \in [0,1]$
11) if $v \le A$, accept the move : set $\mathbf{r}_{n+1} = \mathbf{r'}$
12) else, reject the move : set $\mathbf{r}_{n+1} = \mathbf{r}_n$

In this project, you will generalize the QMC code so that you can run
calculations for more than one electron and more than one nucleus.
You code will allow to perform a VMC run or a PDMC, depending on a
keyword given as input.

The parameters of the wave function (nuclear coordinates, exponents,
etc), and the parameters of the simulation (time step, number of Monte
Carlo steps, VMC or PDMC, etc) will have to be read from an input
file, in such a way that the same program will be able to compute the
ground state energy of

- the Hydrogen atom
- the Helium atom
- the H_{2}^{+} ion at $R$ = 0.7 Angstrom
- the H_{2} molecule at $R$ = 0.7 Angstrom
- the H_{3}^{+} ion at the following geometry (Angstrom):

H -0.049222 0.000000 -0.085255
H -0.049222 0.000000 0.785255
H 0.704662 0.000000 0.350000

Hint: Don't forget to convert the coordinates from Angstrom to atomic units.

Hint: Remark that the only difference in the VMC and a PDMC algorithms is the
introduction of the weight at step 2.

The website is always accessible,
and the solutions to the all exercises are available.

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