Parser and encoder for envfile file format, following simple definition provided by Docker.
import Dict
import Envfile
import Parser
[ "linesInThisFile=7"
, "numberOfDefinitions=5"
, "containsBlankLines=TRUE"
, ""
, "# Commented line"
, "ENV=development"
, "Thing="
|> String.join "\n"
|> Envfile.parser
--> Ok <| Dict.fromList
--> [ ("linesInThisFile", "7")
--> , ("numberOfDefinitions", "5")
--> , ("containsBlankLines", "TRUE")
--> , ("ENV", "development")
--> , ("Thing", "")
--> ]
import Envfile
import Parser
[ "containsInvalidLine=TRUE"
, ""
, "here"
, ""
, "# Commented line"
, "ENV=development"
|> String.join "\n"
|> Envfile.parser
--> Err [ { col = 5, row = 4, problem = Parser.ExpectingSymbol "=" } ]
-- (No idea why row = 4, not 3!)
import Dict
import Envfile
[ ("this is not a valid variable name!", "so it won’t be included")
, ("thisIsThough", "So it will, and the newline will be escaped too\n!")
|> Dict.fromList
|> Envfile.encode
--> "thisIsThough=So it will, and the newline will be escaped too\\n!"
import Dict
import Envfile
[ ("MAGIC_NUMBER", "346")
, ("GREETING", "Hello world")
, ("API_KEY", "239847dflkjw34o87fjsdfkuy3dj")
|> Dict.fromList
|> Envfile.encode
|> String.lines
|> List.sort
--> [ "API_KEY=239847dflkjw34o87fjsdfkuy3dj"
--> , "GREETING=Hello world"
--> , "MAGIC_NUMBER=346"
--> ]