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TSGut edited this page Jan 17, 2018 · 9 revisions

ProbeGetPoints returns the List of already calculated points. A point is represented by a List consisting of d numbers.

If for example ProbeScan was not called before, the returned list simply consists of one point (the starting point).

This method admits no arguments nor options.


Fuzzy 2-sphere

<< BProbeM`

(* Initialization *)
t = PauliMatrix[{1,2,3}];

(* Activate the scanning procedure *)

(* You can store all the calculated points as follows. *)
pointlist = ProbeGetPoints[];

(* Create a 3D Plot consisting of the calculated points *)
ListPointPlot3D[pointlist , BoxRatios -> Automatic]

Live-updating Fuzzy 2-sphere

The following neat example plots the generated points "on the fly", so that you can watch the calculation. It is not generally recommended to do this unless the matrices in question are relatively small and the computation is thus sufficiently fast, since Mathematica's Dynamic environment comes at a relatively large computational cost.

<< BProbeM`

(* Initialization *)
t = PauliMatrix[{1,2,3}];

(* Create a 3D Plot consisting of the calculated points *)
Dynamic[ListPointPlot3D[ProbeGetPoints[], BoxRatios -> Automatic]]

(* At this point you will just see one point in the plot, the starting point. *)

(* Now activate the scanning procedure and watch the plot. *)

If your computer is not too fast, you should see the 2-sphere building up over time.