This repository illustrates the usage of github2pandas based on examplary notebooks. Feel free to test the implementation and evaluate your own repositories by adding corresponding repo names and your personal Github token.
- Example A: Apply github2pandas on its own repository and evaluate Github Action history.
- Example B: Use github2pandas for analysing the contributor activitities for an arbitrary larger repository.
A gitHub token is required for use, which is used for authentication. The website describes how you can generate your token. Customise the user and project name for exploring your public or private repositories!
Python is required first to install Jupyter Notebook. The installation can be done via Anaconda or with pip
(more information at jupyter documentation and install python and jupyter notebook to windows).
required installations:
- Python 3
- github2pandas
- Visual Studio Code extensions: Python and Jupyter from the VS Code Marketplace or command line
pip install jupyter # Windows
pip install ipykernel
pip install --user ipykernel
usage steps:
- in Command Palette: “Jupyter: Create New Blank Jupyter Notebook”
- Select Kernel
- execute python instructions
more information:
working with virtual environment:
- define location for virtual environment on Windows, otherwise is
default folder:
python -m venv .venv
- install
pipenv install github2pandas
pipenv install ipykernel
- Create Jupyter Notebook, select kernel and execute python instructions