For this workshop you will need to:
- Bring your own laptop
- Install all software required
- Download the project repository
- Download the datasets
Please install the following software in the give order
Anaconda: With anaconda you will install the standard python distribution for all kind scientific projects
Keras: will be the Deep Learning library we use during the workshop. The installation might require you to install a backend framework like Tensorflow or Theano.
librosa: you can simply install librosa by using
pip install librosa
Please download the workshop repository from There will be a green button on the left hand side
As we do not want to spend our time downloading the datasets for the workshop please download them ahead of time. In addition we do not own the datasets and have no right to distribute them.
Parkinsons-Dataset: Please follow the instructions on how to gain access to the data. This might take some time, but is really important, as we are not allowed to distribute the dataset our selfs during the workshop. You will need to state a reason why you want to gain access to this data.