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Joe Biellik edited this page Jan 2, 2018 · 2 revisions


Development is done with Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 in C# using .NET v4.0.

We also recommend using ReSharper although it is not required.


If you want to help by adding features or fixing bugs we are happy to give you some hints on where to start. Make a post on the forums or add a comment to the relevant issue and we will get you started.

Please submit all pull requests to the master branch as per the contribution guidelines.


TV Rename uses the following dependencies which will be automatically downloaded by Visual Studio from NuGet:


Overview - Quick overview of how TV Rename checks your media library, identifies missing episodes, and then finds those which are missing.


This code was originally written in C++ .NET and was the first .NET program I had worked on. As a result, some things aren't as well written as they could be, and don't take advantage of some of the clever .NET language features I have subsequently learnt about (or were only available in C#). There aren't many source code comments either, as it was never originally planned to be open-sourced. The C++ code was then converted to C#, once the bulk of the code had been written. - @sstteevvee

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